
helping ziyun & Ninger

Ziyun didn't hesitate to take the invitation and join them while Ninger and ziyun chat together. Ziyun and Ninger reconciled now and discussing about girl's things until they sensed Fan looking at them with amused expression as they forgot him.

Both girls are embarrassed and back to their cultivation and martial arts discussions when ziyun took her scrolls saying she can't find a fault in these scrolls yet the scrolls aren't activating after passing soup force into them.

Fan took the scrolls and told her about the snow larva blood that isn't mature enough and these scrolls can't be used properly. Ziyun looked at him and asked about teh second scroll while he said it's not a complete inscription and draw a new one using another scroll and the beast blood he has then told her to activate it.

Ziyun is baffled but she still activated the scroll and hurricane of snow blades appeared damaging everything around while ziyun looked at Fan dumbfounded. Fan then discussed about martial arts and other things with them and cleared their doubts.

Ninger then asked Fan about her doubts in changing soul force into lightning attacks which he answered giving her an explanation," soul force is like a clay, it can be molded into anything you want like tye elements. If you think you want fire you have to understanr what fire is, then change try to manipulate soul force into it by the process. For example".

He stretched his hand and circulated some soul force before changing it into fire that coated around his hand while both the girls yelled thinking he might be burned but Fan shaked it in front of them and said," it can also used like this with practice. My first now has two layers, down layer is full of pure soul force without any property but the upper layer has the soul force with the property of fire. I practiced this many tikes until I mastered it. But you shouldn't do it without proper lractice otherwise you may burn yourselves".

Both girls looked surprised as the fire is given the hand is still there unscathed. Ninger then asked him," Fan where did you get that cultivation technique? It's a very powerful one and smooth compared to the best techniques in my family treasury".

Ziyun looked curious while Fan said," read more books and you'll come across them, by the way ziyun do you have an unused soul crystal. If you have passed your soul force into it".

Ziyun looked confused but compiled the request and passed her soul force into an unused soul crystal while Fan said," soul attributes snow wind, soul form Ice phoenix. Hmm, ninger and you have very rare soul forms".

Ziyin looked confused while ninger explained to her about soul forms and soul attributes. As ziyun is astonished Fan gave her a cultivation technique and told it's best suited for her soul realm.

Though ziyun is skeptical with ninger's encouragement she started cultivating and shocked by how smooth her soul force is passing along with the speed of her soul realm increasing. She looked at Fan with an astonished expression and said," this cultivation technique is superior to any technique I practiced before. Fan I thank you for this, if you want anything just tell me".

Fan smiled and said," well I have translated a few books on alchemy and inscriptions from ancient times. If possible can you give them to city lord on behalf of me", ziyun looked at him with a still doubtful expression while Fan took out more than 50 books from his storage ring and placed them there.

Ziyun and Ninger looked at the pile of books surprised and read one of them which made their eyes widen. Ziyun took the books and said," don't worry, I'll take these books to my father and will tell him everything".

Fan nodded with a smile and went back to his home while ninger and ziyun goes together for some girl time. Fan is back to his home and looked at his mother and father who are cultivating with a smile.

He gave the cultivation techniques to them first before anyone immediately after he received the knowledge. Even divine family patriach his uncle and his cousin also received one.