
building innate physique

Ty long then robbed Chu Yuan of his belongings and snatched the money and all before throwing his ring away, he took the money and goes to buy demon blood and powerful poisons which are relatively cheap. He is going to use every single advantage he can get in this life.

Ty long bought all things he needed and made preparations for building innate physiques. That's right, innate physiques can be built before you can reach waht appears to he black gold rank and the age shouldn't cross 18.

Ty long took a deep breath and started taking the low grade fire poison first before drinking dragon species blood. Then low grade drank ice poison and drank a Phoenix clan blood along with other species related to those elements.

He then felt his body is dizzy and then immediately started guiding the poison to his dantian where he made the two collide and smirked as he coughed up blood. The ice and fire furnace needed to acquire heavenly poison physique and the energies for elemental physique.

He started using the energies of fire and ice and combined them to form a small cluster of energy and then started devouring every single poison he bought. He almost emptied all poison shops. His mouth became dry due to all poisons and his face turned pale.

Yet his body started fighting poison while Ty long ate other elemental energies too, he started using them to refine those poisons and his body. Ty long felt his body is changing and recosntructing itself. Yet ye knows this isn't the end.

He then started using the demin blood to draw an elemental array to gather all elemental energy around him then passes it directly into his body. Ty long gritted his teeth at the intense pain. He then also started eating all the poisonous sacks, and other poison ingredients.

His breath turned green with poison on it. While his body turned purple and his hair has dyed green due to it. Yet he didn't stop and continued to refine poisons inside his body. Finally after a couple of hours he smiled.

Heavenly poison physique, Elemental physique, heavenly marrow, primary stage has been awakened. He also needs the martial physique and war God's body. But for that he needs to add the War God cultivation path as a sub technique to his heavenly demon blood sutra and cultivate it until it reaches gold rank at least times achieve primmaary stages.

So he did that and added the war God path for his sub-cultivation. Ty long then started his next plan. He immediately think about his situation and money problem. So he plans to go to the alchemy and inscription association for solving his problem.

Ty long first goes to the market looking for any kinds of treasures that can help him at this moment. Sadly he only got some of them that only help him in bronze stage. Sighing he goes to his house with the yin-yang blood poison and added it to the physique.

He then started writing pill formulas on the paper and even thought about the excuses he needs to give them. Ty long looked at the pill formulas he wrote from cultivation pills, poison pills and resistance pills along with temporary boost pills that have no side effects.

Ty long then sorted them to low level pills like soul nurturing pill, soul concentrating pill, soul tempering pull, nine transformation pill, and the cold resistance pill then other pills followed. He then goes to take the alchemy exam.

He is going to join the holy orchid academy in a few months it seems. Quite useless but he felt the aura of temporal demon spirit book in this city before arriving, he needs to get it no matter what. His treasure has been stolen and broken by those traitors.

Ty long then goes to take the alchemy exam. Others laughed at the audacity of kid but Ty long didn't care as long as he can get support until he can reach the draconic ruins realm it's nothing for him. Ty long grabbed the papers out of it and started writing, it's too easy for him as they're all low alchemy methods.