
TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory)

On a morning that was meant to be like any other but destined to be extraordinary, Rajesh Koothrappali awakens in a world that is both familiar and uncannily new to him. To the sound of an unfamiliar alarm and under the soft light of dawn, he finds himself disoriented, not just by the space surrounding him but also by the unusual sensation of an internal presence that does not belong to him. Rajesh, a talented but socially inhibited astrophysicist, is thrust into a surreal experience where the memories of David, a confident and charismatic American, begin to merge with his own, triggering an unexpected transformation. This introspective journey leads Rajesh to a crossroads between his old identity and the new persona emerging from this peculiar synthesis of souls. With the predominance of his original essence, Raj discovers confidence and charm he never knew he possessed, accompanied by newfound abilities and desires. As he struggles to adapt to this rebirth, he finds himself in front of the mirror, not just confronting the image of a changed man but also the reflection of his fading insecurities. Determined to redefine his life, Rajesh embarks on a quest not just for self-discovery but also for a complete overhaul of his existence. From updating his wardrobe to embody his newfound confidence to exploring relationships and opportunities that were once beyond his wildest dreams, Rajesh sets out to live a life that is a vibrant tapestry of experiences, emboldened by the memories and skills of David. “Rajesh’s Rebirth” is a story of metamorphosis, chronicling the extraordinary transformation of a man who, awakened by the fusion of two souls, endeavors to live beyond the confines of his previous self, embracing the vast array of possibilities that life has to offer. . . . A/N: THE MC DOES NOT KNOW THE PLOT First of all, Rajesh will have a turnaround in his personality, perhaps the first episodes will be more focused on group dynamics, but later I want to delve more into Rajesh’s personal life. I aim to present him in a different light; I’ve always liked taking characters who were labeled as “bad” and turning them into something more, so I plan to do the same here. Remember, this fanfic is purely a slice of life, no action or anything else you might be thinking of. It’s about comedy, following the parameters of the original series. I’ll try to create new dynamics among the characters, aiming to keep them as close as possible to their original personalities. I created this Fanfic because I never liked how Rajesh was portrayed in the series. He was a person who always struggled with everything. As a good author, I wanted to bring a different perspective. What if Rajesh was a Bad Boy?

Worldofimagination · TV
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18 Chs

Heading back home

After a night filled with explorations through Geneva's vibrant nightlife, Raj and Eva agreed to meet for breakfast, deciding to end their adventure on a light and pleasant note.

The chosen place was a charming café, known for its impeccably flaky croissants and strong coffee.

Raj arrived first, choosing an outdoor table that offered a stunning view of the sunrise. Eva soon arrived.

When Eva reached the café, she found Raj with a subtle smile and two coffees on the table. "I hope one of those is for me," she joked, sitting at the table.

"Of course," Raj replied, passing one of the cups to her. "Coffee fit for royalty. If it's too strong, blame me."

Eva laughed, accepting the coffee. "If I start seeing through time, I'll know who to blame."

"See," Raj began, leaning his elbows on the table and looking at Eva with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I have a theory that coffee is the real love potion. It makes people open up, share secrets…"

"Oh, so it's a strategy," Eva said, pretending to discover a great secret. "Make me vulnerable with caffeine so that I reveal all my mysteries."

"Exactly," Raj agreed, with a laugh. "But, I promise to use this power only for good. Besides, I think you have secrets far more interesting than anything I could extract with a simple coffee."

Eva smiled at the wordplay. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. The beauty is in the mystery, isn't it?"

"Definitely," Raj nodded, and then changed the subject to keep the conversation going. "But tell me, what's the craziest thing you've ever done driven by caffeine?"

Eva thought for a moment before answering. "Once, after five espressos, I decided it was a good idea to climb a mountain. No guide. In the middle of the night."

Raj's eyes widened, impressed and amused. "And you lived to tell the tale! That is impressive. The craziest thing I did was try to finish my thesis in one night. Spoiler: it wasn't a good idea."

They continued to exchange stories and laughs. Eventually, the croissants arrived, and Raj made sure to dramatize the moment.

"Now, the moment you've been waiting for. The ultimate test," he announced, with a comical expression. "The hangover-curing croissant."

Eva laughed, biting into the croissant and making an approving face. "I think you might be right. I feel my hangover disappearing."

"See, I should be a scientist," Raj joked.

After finishing breakfast, Raj and Eva decided to extend the morning with a casual stroll along the shores of Lake Geneva.

"So," Raj started, as they walked, "after climbing mountains and surviving a doctoral thesis with coffee, what else is on your list of impulsive adventures?"

Eva thought for a moment before answering with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, I've always wanted to try stand-up comedy. Imagine, telling funny stories and making people laugh… seems terrifying and amazing at the same time."

Raj laughed, delighted by the idea. "I would pay to see that. You know, I always thought I had a good sense of humor. Maybe we could form a duo."

"A duo of a physicist and… what exactly would you say I am?" Eva asked, with a smile.

"An everyday adventurer with a penchant for strong coffee and a natural ability for climbing mountains," Raj replied without hesitation, eliciting a laugh from Eva.

As the walk continued, the conversation flowed freely between laughs, jokes, and stories of their lives. Raj found himself sharing details about his work. Eva, in turn, revealed dreams, frustrations.

Eventually, they found themselves sitting on a bench facing the lake, observing the scenery. The silence between them was comfortable.

"You know," Raj said, pointing at a group of ducks, "I read somewhere that ducks have mates for life. Interesting, isn't it?"

Eva laughed, watching the ducks. "Very romantic for such small creatures. But, speaking of company…" She hesitated, then, almost imperceptibly, moved a bit closer to Raj on the bench where they sat. "I was thinking… maybe we could explore more of the city together? There's a music festival happening tonight."

Raj, noticing the subtly decreased distance between them. "That sounds amazing," he responded, his smile widening.

Eva laughed, the light tension and pleasant anticipation between them growing with the shared expectation of the festival. As they rose from the bench, their shoulders briefly touched, a contact neither of them rushed to break. As they walked back along the lake's shore, Raj "accidentally" bumped into Eva's hand, and their fingers intertwined, as if it was the most obvious movement in the world.

"You know," Raj said as they walked toward the festival venue, "I once read that the best way to really get to know someone is through a dance-off."

Eva laughed, playing along. "Oh, is that so? And you believe you can judge someone's character based on their dance moves?"

"Absolutely," Raj replied with a mock-serious air. "For example, if you dance the 'Macarena' with total enthusiasm, it means you're someone who embraces life. If you dodge, well, maybe you're more the type to prefer watching life pass by."

Eva gave a mischievous smile. "And what if I tell you that my specialty is the 'Macarena'?"

"Then, I guess I'll have to reassess my entire judgment system," Raj joked, as they arrived at the festival, and the music could already be felt vibrating through the air.

The festival was full of energy, with pulsating music and people dancing uninhibitedly. Raj and Eva dove into the experience, laughing and dancing together, forgetting the world around them. At some point, Eva pulled Raj into an improvised dance-off, challenging him with the famous 'Macarena'.

Surrounded by other festival-goers who encouraged them, Raj accepted the challenge, moving with exaggerated confidence that made Eva laugh uncontrollably. "See," she said between laughs, "you really take this character judgment thing seriously."

"Always," Raj replied, performing a dramatic bow at the end of the song, drawing applause and laughter from the small crowd that had formed around them.

As the night advanced and the festival came to an end, Raj and Eva found a quiet place to talk, sharing one last moment together before going their separate ways.

Raj, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Today was unforgettable, thanks to your 'Macarena' specialty."

"You know, Raj," she began, her voice melodic, "I'm not ready for this night to end yet. How about we continue the party at my apartment? I have an excellent music collection that I promise will please you."

Raj, surprised by the offer, accepted with a smile. "That sounds like the perfect plan. I must admit that my 'Macarena' dancing skills have not yet been fully explored."

With shared laughter, they walked through the streets of Geneva, the city now quiet, contrasting with the fervor of their emotions. Arriving at Eva's apartment, Raj was immediately enveloped by a warm ambiance, with soft lights.

Eva put on a playlist that mixed classic music tracks with contemporary ones, creating the perfect soundtrack for the rest of their night.

"You have an impressive musical taste," Raj complimented, as they moved through the room.

"Thank you," Eva responded, a sparkle in her eyes. "But music is only half the fun. The company is what really matters."

Eva, feeling the energy between them, decided to change the music to something with a slower rhythm, "For a change of pace," she said, casting a glance at Raj that was both challenging and inviting.

Raj smiled, catching the shift in the air. "I was waiting for this," he responded, the tension between them growing with the unspoken promise of the night still to come.

As the music enveloped them, Eva stepped closer to Raj, the distance between them closing until they were just a breath apart. Raj could feel Eva's warmth, a flame that seemed to draw him irresistibly closer.

"Eva," Raj began, his voice low, a reflection of the desire beginning to form. But before he could finish his sentence, Eva closed the distance between them with a decisive move, capturing his lips in a kiss.

It was a kiss that spoke of all the night's possibilities, warm and filled with an uncomplicated passion. There were no promises of tomorrows or whispers of deep feelings; just a shared desire.

After the kiss, Raj and Eva looked at each other, smiling.

Eva, with a radiant smile, stepped back a few steps, "This night was… unexpected," she said.

Raj, capturing the essence of the moment, replied with an equally enigmatic smile. "The best part of adventures is the unexpected."

She stepped towards the window, looking at the city lights. "Geneva has more surprises than I thought."

Raj joined her, both sharing the view and the comfortable silence. "I think both the city and the people," he said, allowing his sentence to hang in the air, open to interpretations.

Eva turned to him, a glint of challenge in her eyes. "Do you really think so?" She asked, challenging him to explore those unexpected surprises even further.

"Who knows what the night still holds for us?" Raj murmured, his voice low and laden with expectation.

Eva responded not with words, but walked towards the door, and stopped, casting a smile at Raj, who quickly returned it, and followed her.

Raj woke up to the sound of a distant song that seemed to come from the apartment next door, a lively beat that contrasted sharply with the calm of the morning. For a moment, he wondered where he was, until the events of the previous night began to fit into his memory.

He turned, expecting to find Eva by his side, but instead, he saw a crumpled pillow that seemed to have been hugged as a substitute for human company. Rising in a state of mild confusion, he spotted Eva in the kitchen, a silhouette against the morning light, dancing alone while making coffee.

Eva, without turning around, indicating she was well aware of his wakefulness. "You almost pushed me out of bed with those sleeping ninja moves."

Raj rubbed his eyes, trying to rid himself of sleep and embarrassment. "Sorry, I usually charge admission for my dance shows. You got lucky catching a free performance," he replied, entering the joke as he approached.

Eva laughed, handing him a cup of coffee. "Well, considering I had to take refuge in the kitchen to escape from your 'deadly moves', I think I deserve more than just a cup of coffee."

Accepting the drink, Raj took a sip, enjoying the strong flavor. "So, how about a truce? Breakfast as compensation for the inconveniences caused by my sleep fighting skills."

"Depends," she said, smiling. "Are you going to cook, or is it an attempt to slowly poison me?"

"Let's call it a culinary adventure. The outcome is a surprise for both of us," Raj proposed, already searching the cabinets for ingredients.

In the three days following that memorable night, Raj and Eva met several times, exploring the nuances of Geneva's nightlife and enjoying each other's company. While Eva began to feel a deeper bond forming, Raj maintained his commitment to casualness, viewing each meeting as just another uncomplicated adventure.

On Raj's last day in Switzerland, his friends decided to gather for an informal farewell at their favorite café.

"So, Raj," Howard began, unable to contain his curiosity, "it's been an interesting week, from what we've heard. You and Eva seem to have… thoroughly enjoyed the city."

Raj smiled, acknowledging the insinuation. "Yes, we went out a few times. Geneva at night has a lot to offer."

Leonard, always observant, noticed the care in word choice. "Eva seems… quite interested in you. Will this continue after you go back?"

Raj shook his head, keeping the tone light. "Eva is amazing, we had a lot of fun, but… we both knew this was just a now thing. Life has its own plans, you know?"

It was Penny who caught the sensitive point of the conversation, leaning forward with a penetrating look. "You knew, but what about Eva? Was she on the same page?"

Raj hesitated, for the first time appearing uncertain. "Well, we… talked about it. It was casual for both of us from the start."

Penny didn't seem entirely convinced. "Conversations can be interpreted in different ways, Raj. Just hope you two are really understanding each other."

Leonard, trying to ease the tension, added: "Well. I'm sure he wouldn't let someone have the wrong impression."

Sheldon, always in search of clarity, intervened. "Effective communication is key in all human interactions. Raj, did you use clear and unequivocal statements to set expectations?"

Raj laughed, appreciating his friends' concern for him. "You sound like a relationship manual now."

Howard joked: "So, basically, it was a 'love 'em and leave 'em' operation with Swiss style."

That same day in Switzerland, the apartment that Raj and his friends had temporarily turned into their operational base was in a state of controlled chaos. Suitcases were strewn across the floor, each appearing to have vomited its contents in a desperate attempt at repacking.

"Raj, are you serious?" Howard exclaimed, holding a pair of fluorescent socks so bright they almost required sunglasses. "Planning to signal airplanes with this?"

"Hey, those socks are stylish! Plus, they match my vibrant personality," Raj defended himself, attempting to close his suitcase with an awkward jump on top of it.

Sheldon, meticulously folding each piece of his clothing with geometric precision, cast a disdainful look at Raj's 'jump' technique. "This is an affront to the laws of physics and to common sense."

Leonard, unsuccessfully trying to convince everyone to do a "departure checklist" to ensure nothing was forgotten, said, "Guys, let's be organized about this. We don't want to leave anything behind."

"Leonard, the only thing we're leaving behind is our dignity," Penny joked, entering the room carrying a travel guide that nobody even opened during the trip. "Anyone want it? Last chance to become a well-informed tourist."

The exit process continued amid jokes and failed attempts at organization. Finally, with half-closed suitcases, they were ready to leave.

"Ready, folks, last call for Geneva. Next stop: airport chaos," Raj announced.

As Raj and his friends finished leaving the apartment, carrying the last suitcases, Eva appeared in the hallway. The surprise made Raj stop abruptly, a suitcase hanging awkwardly from his hand.

"Eva! Didn't expect to see you here," Raj said, a nervous smile framing his face.

"I needed to see you before you left," Eva began, a sparkle of expectation in her eyes. "These days have been amazing, Raj. I've been thinking… maybe I could go to Pasadena. Spend some time with you. I mean, I've talked so much about you to my parents…"

Raj's reaction was instantaneous, his eyes widening as he searched for the right words. "Oh, Eva, that's… wow, that's a lot. I really enjoyed our time together, but I thought we both understood it was just for fun, you know?"

Eva's expression quickly shifted from excited to confused and then to angry. "Just for fun? Raj, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Raj tried to explain, gesturing with his free hand. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that. Just thought we were… hanging out together. Didn't know you were thinking about… more."

"Hanging out together?" Eva repeated, her voice rising in frustration. Without warning, she slapped Raj across the face, making a sound that echoed down the hallway. "You're a jerk, Raj!"

Raj's friends, who until now had been watching the scene with a mix of shock and fascination, looked on.

Turning to them, still feeling the sting of the slap, Raj asked, "Am I a jerk?"

"Definitely," Leonard replied, trying to keep a serious expression.

"The king of them," Howard added, with a slight smile.

Sheldon, analytical as ever, commented, "Statistically speaking, based on this behavior, yes."

"So," Raj began, trying to infuse some lightness into the situation with a wry smile, "is this what they call 'love at first sight' these days?"

Penny, trying to ease the tension, replied with a mix of sympathy and humor: "I think it was more 'anger at first argument'. But seriously, are you okay?"

Raj touched his face, still feeling the warmth where the slap had landed. "I'll survive. But I guess I just joined the 'unintentional jerks' club."

"Oh, don't worry, you've been the president of that club for a long time," Leonard joked.

"I'm so honored," Raj replied, rolling his eyes dramatically. "But seriously, I really thought we were on the same page. I guess I need to improve my communication skills."

Raj sighed, accepting his fate with comic resignation, when his phone vibrated. He read Eva's message: "Call me when you get back." Smiling, he turned off the phone again.





A/N: This was the last episode of their journey, I hope you have enjoyed it so far, the next chapter will return to how it was before.

A/N: Regarding the MC's personality, about him having relationships with several women, as written in the synopsis, that's his personality, or rather, the personality of the memory he received that merged. I'm trying to make it natural, but as mentioned, Raj was a character completely sidelined in the series, so I wanted to do this to give some satisfaction to the readers and myself. Eva was the first OC I created; the other girls were introduced in the series. I know not everyone likes this, and there might be women reading the fanfic who find it somewhat silly and such, but for now, it's necessary. It won't be his personality forever, soon Raj's love interest will enter the scene, so wait until then.

SPOILER ALERT it will be Sheldon's sister, "Missy". But their relationship won't be easy, after all, I've always liked a bit of drama, so let's see how I'll fare.

A/N: I also want to remind you that I am a beginner author; sometimes I might make mistakes or leave something nonsensical, so please be patient with the author… I am trying to improve here. If you have any critiques you would like to make, feel free to comment without fear; I like constructive criticism, so I can know where I am making mistakes and fix them, or you can simply leave a positive comment to cheer me up, I will read them all. (just don't disparage what I am doing, I am already doing this for you.) :3