
Chapter 7

-POV Max

Just as I awoke I was immediately started at the unfamiliar environment and instantly got alert. Just as I was preparing to fight my way out of her a fluid of memories papers in my head and I realized why I am hear.

''I really mest up'' I accidentally let my thoughts out.

'I might need to perper to run away' I thought because even throw I was defending myself and Art I was still an outsider and because of the war between the humans and elves I put myself in an even wears position because I am a human....I think.

Just as I was in my thoughts the door to my room opened and Elder Virion walk-in with my sword in hand and said ''It's good to see you awake brat I thought I had killed you with how much you slept'' he said.

I looked at him puzzled and said ''why how long was I asleep?''

he looked at me and said ''you were asleep for four days''

''that long'' I muttered to myself

not even bothering to reply to my comment and getting right to the point and saying ''so brat who would you like to be my disciple, your friend Arthur already agreed''

I looked at him to seem like I was pondering my decision even throw I already know my answer and then said ''sigh, alright I will be your disciple'' I said like I had no other choice.

He then got mad and hit me on the and said ''ungrateful brat, do you know how meney people would kill to be in your position.'' He said before walking to the door and then said ''meat me at the training ground in ten minutes.'' Before walking out.

As soon as he walked out I got out of the bed and look to see if there was any change of clothes. And there was.I quickly got dressed and then went to the guard to tell him that I was ready.

As we got to the training ground I realised that Art and Tess weren't there but a faces that I knew it was future Lance Alea Triscan but she didn't look as kind and happy as she looks in the webcomic and described in the novel. Then I realised that this should be the time that she lost her brother.

I started heading towards them as the looked as if they were in a deep conversation, that why they didn't notice me until I was ten feet away from them and they look at me.

Virion looked at me and said''you're late''

I looked at him puzzled an said'' I thought you said tie minutes? I come here in nine.''

He looked annoyed and said ''if I said a certain time your are spots to complete it in half the time. Any way you will be sparring Alea to day she is a light initial solar core mage who is about to break through to mid silver. But don't worry she will suppers he core to your strength so this will be a battle of swordsmanship so get ready. He said an we both moved to other sides of the field No before Virion pass my my sword.

As we are looking at each other Alea said '' you already know my name so what is yours'' she said with a slight smile that broke the cold face she was putting on. ''My name is Max'' I said the then looked at me and said ''Than Max let have a good fight'' she said drawing her sword ''Yes we shall'' i said drawing my sword.


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