
don't know what to name this chapter

[night time]

well we have been traveling for the whole day and right now our parents are just talking about their previous adventure when they were in team.As for me and art we were just listening to their stories well not me just him i was just eating my meat and did not focus on any thing.then uncle adam took of with art to do some sparring.As for others they just only watch as the duel was about to start i also took many meat with me while watching the match was about to start.

as both of them get ready i got to see art aura changed as to he had fought 1000 of battle well still nothing compared to me as i was watching i could see art fall his body straight and as just concentrate mana into his foot and dash towards uncle adam.when uncle was about to defend art concentrate his mana toward upper body and and let his body fall straight and as just his foot was about to leave ground he compressed his mana toward his toe and got behind uncle adam but as he was about to stop the momentum he loose his balance for a second which got enough time for uncle adam to respond as he was going to hit uncle adam who had taken his defensive position as both weapons collide adam slided back and art well he flew like a bird he should have gone for the wrist in my opinion.well not my problem as i leave them going for the sleep.

[the next day]

when i woke up at afternoon i could see them practice the move art used the last night are they dumb or something just compressed the mana at the same time it could have been done so easily and they are still taking so much time 'huh mongrels' i just walkpast them while just giving them a nod,I could sense an intense glare at my side as i turn around i could see my mom giving a cold glare in which return i just gave her a nod which got tick marks appeared on her face.As i finished my lunch i was going back to carriage to sleep more.

And just like that several days passed as we were nearing the xyrus city as for the rest of the mongrel they just learnt few petty tricks from art which i don't know why were they are so happy it's just a feint move whatever.

as we were travelling i could sense a tiny killing hint because of my past experience as i turn around to see in that direction i could see bandits "Oye dad do you have a min" "Hmm yeah what is it son" "well you see i just saw those bandits aiming at us" as he turns to where my finger was pointed his face turned ugly and shouted "BANDITS GATHER UP EVERYONE" as dad shouted bandits released their

as we were watching the battle,Everyone were doing great except for dad who was having a hard time against the bandit leader,Should i interfere 'NO the story won't progress that way then and anyway everyone were still safe in the end' and there we go dad came flying towards us BAAAM!!

"DAD!!" "DEAR!!"both art and mom cried and i just said"Woah dad you got your ass handed by that guy" which got me few glares from mom and art,What i was just trying to lighten the mood,Dad just chuckled at my joke and then turned serious alright listen to me art you will run away with your mom after she finishes this spell" "What dad no i won't run away.you know i can fight" "listen to me arthur leywin i know that you can fight,That's why i am entrusting your mother to you protect her and baby inside of her" when arthur who heard this got shocked and started rewinding his memory in which i asked him a question"Ummm dad sorry if i am disturbing an important topic but what about me should i stay here"When dad heard that he chuckled "Nope just remain on my behind okay" To which i saluted to him and said"YES SIR!!" "All right run now".

when art and mom were running we were in front of that bandits leader when he was about say something i interrupted him "OYE SHUT UP YOU GIANT DUCK FACE FUCKING BITCH" which got area silent for a few second"So how was it" i asked dad "Hmm need some improvements but great for your age" then the battle start again.

by the time battle b/w dad and leader was over art already fell down to the cliff.Then there was crying and sorrow everything else.