
Tbate : rise of new King

Ray Leywin is a unsuccessful product of reincarnation as he is born with his memories as NIL okay only containing some info on future events. Yes he 3 year younger than aurthor Leywin. "HAHAHAHHAHA SO I AM LUCK BASTARD HAHAHHAH"Ray was laughing outloud madly "Wait where is back story and what is this bugged system" "Did I get ahead of myself " Beginner's package have arrived "There is still hope for me "thought Ray. ○Unlimited Artworks ○BLOOD LIMT:PURE BLOODED UCHIHA

EVILEYE78 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

04 || chapter 04

As Ray's was about to fall face first to touch the ground with his bare pretty face a hand wrap with firm tight grip on his shoulder while gently taking him in his embrace.

Reynold Lewyin POV

I was most happiest person on this very day as i personally receive the report of Alice being pregnant after the doctor ran various test conducted at hospital after which doctor congratulated us personnelly.

while we went home both of a sense a immense mana being radiated at the back yard of our house.

"Ob no my...child..."Alice was scared and panicking due to thinking of a possible robbery attempt or a some other causes which can endanger there little child Ray.

"Let get going fast "as words left rey supplied his mana inside his body and dashed forward to backyard and reached within few seconds.

'Ray please be safe' thought Reynold with a worrying tone filled with regret of leaving Ray at home.

But what he witnessed next was surprising and shocking was the least he can decribe it as huge mana was collected made from small golden bright particles was surrounding Ray who seem to be meditating.

My son Ray is a genius. I am not only saying this because being as father but from pov of ex adventure . I genuinely mean it as he showed us many surprises in his short life of 3 years since after few months of birth he started walking and at age of one and 4 month he started crawling and later in 3 month was walking with his huge interest in books sneaking in Alice librariay.

Speaking Language fluently without error combined with unusual overly hyper growth which made him look twice his age.

It was a belief at first but now it has been cemented at seeing first hand that he was basically monstrously talented one born in tens of thousand years.

Alice leywin pov

Ray is using mana seeing this she squinted her eyes narrow to not miss any moment which can cause harm or damage to Ray.

But how he is only little over 3 year old and it seem diffrent than forming mana core the density and amount of mana is tremendously high with anew unknown colour for some forming a core first time.

While thing about this see got thick tick mark on above her forehead. ' You little scare sneak in libray and trying something dangers' as she thought this her hair stood up with a dark aura surrounded her and her shined like stars.

Ray while mediating ' I suddenly felt a chill down my spine is it already winter for it being cold . No I have to concentrate...Yes concentrate'

Alice was both proud and annoyed at his sons action which were life threatening action.

General POV

As the hand which caught Ray were of his father Reynold leywin.Ray was not in state of any awareness or alert due to overly high amount of pumped inside his 3 year old body.

"Clam down and rest "as Ray heard this he felt safe and assuring with it he drifted in dreamscape.

Ray was in dream land while outside his father was drooling and idolizing some possibilities.

Clam down and rest . I am proud of you my boy was left Reynolds mouth which made Alice lively and cheered her mood but next sentence dropped it as quickly it went up.

"You will became a excellent swordsman like ..your father....hahahaha...."

Alice was about to bang Reynolds head but thought not to do as to disturb the atmosphere and father son catching moments.

Ray's POV

After awaking his mana circle or to say escape near death situation before he fainted .Ray felt a abusing sensation in his eyes


Ray grunted a little but was to exhausted to do anything.

With a stinging pain his eyes for a moment turned Bloody red with tomaes sinning around a dot quickly.

It was at this moment that Ray awakened his three tomoe sharingan from his previous two tomes sharingan and as new tomoe emerged and started rotating fanatily around a single black dot.

'Ah fuck what is this burning pain'

In the dreamscape.

As Ray leywin had drifted in a far away dreamscape.

In the Fragments Of Memories

'Where am I 'thought Ray as he was at backyard of his house but now seems to have been magically transported to unknown location without any clue Ray was surprised and scared shit.He tried to be viligant and attentive of his surrounding.But soon realized it was for nothing as he can't seem to do anything at all.

Ray was actually a acting bystander with no physical body and only authority he possed over his body was sence of visuals to witness what was happening in front of him.

1000 Year back in time, Alcarya

The landscape of area was gagnatice forest coverd with nothing but trees and wildlife to everywhere eye can see .

The large veins of root spreads across the muddy floor to no ends.The woods extended deep in vision into the cozy darkness.There was a calmness and song erupting from the depth of forest which was pleasing and relaxing.

There a youth in is adulthood close to his twenties with long lustrous platinum white hair like snow with a hetrogentic eyes left a yellowish analogic eye glittering with sparkles and in right a reddish glittering eye.He was captivating and full of charms there was light golden aura with accompanied him.

This guy was a exact carbon copy of Ray leywin in his adulthood with expectation of hair and a red eye.

The boy was moving at rapid pace which was unreasonable to fast he kept diving in the depth of the forest for at least hour until he finally stepped in a luxurious magically fortress.

The whole fortess city was covered by the greenish scenery filled with trees and animals with diffrent mana beast .

The city was made up from a special a grey mana resistant rocks with a colour combination of snowy white at Walls with brownish red on rooftops.

The city itself was gagnatic extending to few serval kilometers . The alleyways were wide roads were made to improve transportation and ease burdens on merchants during goods exchanges.

In at the centee was a castle of it was a divine castle which was elevated high above the ground .

The figure was moving silently between the streets which hurtling with people.His destination was to the castle nobody seems to be able to detect his presence.

Suddenly during his tracks a hand was placed on the figure shoulder tightly hold him in his place .

"Oho .... if it is not the prince Ray Avalon . If I may have your precious moment my lord where may you have been"asked the middle age man with a tall built white hair arranged neatly in a black and white butler out fit with a gracious and polite tone containing a deep frustration.

"I was surveying and inspecting the territory of Avalon as a coming king. I must see if everything are handling peacefully and so smoothly or someone causing problem"replied Ray Avalon while try haed not to meet the graze of his attendant caretaker and teacher Ravine Valtor.

"Sigh at least you must know how to lie with straight face My lord and The king has requested your presence."



The landscape scatter and changed.

The sky was carrion black lightning clouds hovering above the forest. The land was littering with blood the strenh of blood spreaded wildly across the battlefield.

Blood was spultring all around in every visible corner. The lifeless body with no warmth in blood were a comman sight to be hold during this tragedy.

The previous glorious fortess was turned to rubble fallen with nothing but a few scraps representing any last standing structure.

The while city was tainted in crimson red the river of blood spred to each and each corner while none left untouched.

Once the hurtling , brewing city filled with life was nowhere to be seen . The forest which fortess were on fire . the mana best were rampaging harvesting the lifes of anyone in thier tracks .

The white mountain which soared into sky were standing still . The forest seems to be crying .

*Cleng *


Somewhere in middle of this Ray Avalon was the only surviving person left living . He wore a majestic authentic black heavy armor which was very heavy close to a ton with a heavy sword in his hand gripped tightly.

He was heavy injured beyond a recover limt his shoulder contain a horrifying massive bite mark spreading to the middle of his chest his condition was life threatening.

There were also several small cuts from which blood was spurting at a over exaturating rate.In front of him were serval thousands of mana best with a some black horned lizard mans soldiers.

Waves of enemies in light armor was trying to charging in a parrticualr direction like a black tsunami try to engulf everything in its path.

All were forming a circular formation to entrap the living incarnation of chaos in front of them.

Ray with his massive double edged sword was covered in crimson blood covering it from edge to sword hilt he was drenched in blood from head to toe .

In front of black horned army were 4 large massive mountains in which containing the result of carnage conducted by Ray with many half spilt corpses,gushes of rotten organ with half burned and half electroliszed corpes.

Everyone which eyed him was feeling a chilling sensation down there spines as if seeing a apex predator a untamed primordial beast there eyes were filled with despair and only despair.

Many were even shaking for there lifes unconsciously the pride of vrita clansmen were been butched here without any regards while cause this dread Ray was sitting crouch with a swords above his head standing high and mighty eying them like they are bugs.

His eyes hold no light only darkness filled with madness residing in its core containing a power hidden deep inside it very existence which was unrelenting and unarmed try to break free to cause havace in the world.

"K...kill...him"legion commander of black army bursted in loud tone still shaking at the dread in front of him.

"Yes.....he is tried due to fight thousands of us...I.. it is our only... chance" soon a soldier gather his shit to make a move which other followed in tracks.

"In name of our God Agrona Vritra " with this thousands of beast hoders and soldier laced in light armor dashed toward a solo survivor.

*scatter *

*scatter *