
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Prologue: A Strange Wheel

"what's happening.." said a light blue humanoid soul that was drifting though what appeared to be infinite darkness. Left with only it's own thoughts, the soul pondered back at its life so far which seemed so clear now that there was nothing distracting it.

The soul was a boy around the age of 15 approaching 16 before he showed up in this place? Wherever he was. A little bit above average in the looks department, with brown eyes and black hair, talented with sports, and pretty tall at 6'1" but never tried to play professionally something which looking back at it was quite a big mistake. "I really could've been good at sports if I put my mind to it" the soul said, acting as if the only reason he started working out wasn't that he thought no girl would want a scrawny guy like he was.

The soul trying to change the subject of his own internal monologue then continued pondering back on his life. He was always a little strange, when he was a baby he rarely cried, only when necessary, or that's what he's been told. He's been strangely good at anything to do with water or even snow for that matter, skiing, driving boats, swimming, all those types of activities.

The last thing he remembered was coming home from school and since he had tried particularly hard in gym class today, he was dead tired. He quickly took a shower, changed into pajamas and hopped into bed figuring his parents would wake him up for dinner. "I wonder when they'll wake me up" the soul said, thinking that this experience was a really strange dream, he's had them before after all, being stuck in bed unable to move in a dream was a childhood classic of his, he even had various ways of getting out of them. He decided now was the time to try those.

First, he tried imagining himself waking up, and he stayed, then he tried yelling very loud, he was still in the darkness, after many attempts he tried imagining a door out of the dream and strangely it worked. However, when he opened the door what he found wasn't the real world but another infinite black space, with the only difference being a massive wheel, like those you'd see on a gameshow just scaled up many times. "What the hell!" the soul yelled, wondering whether this really was a dream. Above the wheel was the words [Special Abilities], and on the wheel were many different, well, special abilities. Magic from Harry Potter, Chakra from Naruto, as well as simpler things like Enhanced Senses or Parallel Thinking.

As the soul saw this, he couldn't help but get excited at the prospect of this not being a dream. He'd read many stories that started with the main character getting some sort of cool power and getting pulled out of their dull monotonous life, straight into adventure and fun. Although the soul didn't believe his life to be bad, who wouldn't be excited at the prospect of gaining something like magic or chakra. As the soul finished reading a few of the options, he couldn't help but ask "Is this real?". Nothing responded to his inquiry, but the idea that this wasn't a dream and he was like one of those protagonists had already started pushing it's way into his mind.

The soul started inspecting the wheel until, he found a button that had the words "Press here to spin" above it. With nothing left to do the soul was about to push the button, when he decided that he should first inspect everything he can about the wheel. The experience of answering the wrong thing on easy questions in a quiz because he believed they weren't worth the time hadn't taught him much the first time he did it, but after years of making that mistake, he made a habit of taking his time and making sure each question was right rather than simply trying to get it over with like he used to.

As the soul continued inspecting the wheel he found a small little note that had slipped through his sight on his first viewing of the wheel since compared to the immense size of the wheel, the note was practically a speck of dirt. His attention was drawn straight to the top where it said [Advice] and below that it said:

"Spin the wheel if you wish to leave this space, if you wish for an easier time later wait until your soul changes colour, stay here even through the pain, no matter what"

Not exactly certain why he had to stay here, he began wondering what it meant by soul. Then the word 'soul' hit him like a truck, "AM I DEAD?!" the soul yelled, before getting interrupted by a massive bout of pain unlike anything he'd ever felt before, much worse than the time he broke his arm. "ARGHHH" the soul yelled out in pain, it was everywhere, in his arms, legs, head, chest, everywhere, even the inside of his body. Even with the mind numbing pain he remembered what he had just read and decided to grit his teeth through the pain, he didn't know what that note meant by soul changing colour, but he sure as hell knew what it meant by pain at the moment, and that note said, stay through the pain. He didn't know why but he had a sort of instinctual belief that he should follow what the note said.

After a few minutes, that felt like days for the soul, the pain abruptly stopped, and the soul, beginning to notice some changes and mumbled out, "Before I was a really light blue colour, almost white, now I'm dark blue. Is this what that note meant by soul changing colour". Thinking that he may have to go through that pain again if he stays too long, and believing to have already done everything the note told him too, the soul only did one more quick check of the wheel before unceremoniously pressing the button.

With no delay the wheel started spinning, going eerily slowly, drifting past many incredible abilities which the soul would have loved before landing right on the edge between [Chakra], and [Enhanced Mind]. The soul, not knowing which it landed on, silently hoped for chakra, thinking that almost no ability would let you reach the level of pure strength that chakra would, however his hopes were swiftly crushed when the wheel transformed into a big slightly translucent screen, similar to what he'd imagine a hologram would look like. At the top of that hologram it said "Congratulations You've Won [Enhanced Mind]"

And below that it said "[Enhanced Mind], provides increased talent with all mind related skills, slightly increased learning speed, immunity towards mind control, mind reading, memory reading, etc., as well as a few more perks."

After reading the description of [Enhanced Mind] his disappointment was mostly offset as this would be useful in life. "life.." he said, the feeling that had been mostly cut off due to the previous pain, had come back with a vengeance, but he decided to move forward and said "I've got to move forward, I'm not even sure if I'm dead, but I know this isn't a dream after that pain." With his mind focused towards the future he wondered when he'd be leaving, after all the note said that he'd leave once he spun the wheel. As his train of thought ended he started feeling drowsy, and figured this was how he'd leave, letting himself fall unconscious.


Once the soul was asleep a second wheel showed up with the word [World] above it before spinning on its own and landing on [The Beginning After the End]. With the world determined, the soul shrunk, seemingly deaging until the soul was the size of an average baby boy, with the shrinking of the soul finished, the soul disappeared entering the body of a newly born child on Earth, an Earth very unlike the one he was used to. One where the world was ruled by Kings who participated in duels instead of wars, where the world had an interesting energy known as ki, the same world where King Grey had died before getting reborn.

Earth isn't going to be completely canon accurate, so if anything strange happens then chock it up to Earth being AU.

merlin_creators' thoughts