
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

| Xyrus Academy (3) |

POV: Ráel

Hmm she has an impressive control over wind mana, this is the director of this school lets see if she has changed, her plans because of me or not.

My...your bond has changed a lot in appearance since the last time we met. Intriguing." Cynthia tried to hold Sylvie, who was curled on the couch, but she hopped out of her reach and nestled herself on top of Arthur's head.

"Haha, as shy as before, I see." She gave Sylvie one last studying look before turning her gaze to Arthur . "Hmmm...how peculiar. I seem to only sense wind and earth attribute mana inside of you. Are you, by chance, using a seal?" She tilted her head to the side while Elijah stood ramrod straight behind her, as if in front of a commanding officer in war.

"And you why can't I sense anything from you" she said as she looked directly at me studying my every move .

"Everyone got their secret" I replied in a cold voice implying something else with my words but no one understood the meaning of them.

"But lets just say I am strong and I am also a Quadra elemental mage like Arthur " I replied to her

"Then what about your mana core I cant sense anything?" She asked

"For you to sense my mana core you should be two stages higher than my but from what I see you are only at the Sliver stage and you can't sense my mana core I just broke through Silver a few months ago at the Helstea Manor" I replied to her question

"You don't mean to say that a twelve year old is already at the Silver stage" she asked in disbelief Arthur and Elijah expecting something like this to happen soon enough weren't that much surprised but still the fact that their friend is already at Silver Stage caught them off guard.

"Seeing the reaction of Arthur and Elijah not being much surprised she finally accepted it okay than this will do for now" she said as she turned around and started talking with Arthur about him joining the disciplinary commitment.

Also she told us about how Arthur and Tessia were childhood friends and Elijah giving up on life after knowing everything.

"How did you find out?" Arthur asked Cynthia

Eventually, I pieced two and two together. Really...Being trained by Virion, I feel somewhat betrayed, Arthur." She put on a pouting face again.

By this time, Elijah had just sunk into his desk chair, giving up, done with life.

"I don't mean to intrude in on your love life but she thinks very highly of you, Arthur. I'm sure she didn't mean to come across as the way she did earlier. My training regimen is not easy and the few that have tried before her have failed. The reason she is able to keep up and continue to train under me is because of her desire to catch up to you, Arthur. Even you must realize that you acted quite immaturely back there." She caught me off guard, suddenly scolding him like a disappointed mother.

"Well my dumb friend here thinks that girls our age are like baby's to him, you might not know this Arthur but by the way you acted around her you clearly care deeply for her" I said to him as Arthur let a deep sigh and leaned back on his sit .

"Anyways, Being part of this disciplinary committee or whatever...how does that make sense? I'm a new student that's in this academy as a scholar mage, What would the other members think, anyway?" He tried to reason.

He finally accepted after some discussion with the director

"Now that the matter I've come to settle is settled, I shall take my leave! Enjoy your first dinner here and do please patch things up with my dear Tessia as fast as you can. I don't want my precious disciple to keep moping." She wisped away

As soon as Director Goodsky left, a shadow loomed over Arthur as Elijah peered down at me, his facial expression akin to a demon's.

"You've got some explaining to do." And I swore I thought I saw pointed teeth as he smirked evilly, poor Arthur.

On our way to the dining hall a bit down from the dorms, Arthur explained briefly to us how he met Tess inside the Forest of Elshire. The whole time he was telling us the story, from living inside the kingdom of Elenoir's Castle with Tess to learning mana manipulation from her Grandfather, he could almost see his words pierce through Elijah as his life slowly drained from him.

"Do you know how attractive dwarves are, Art?" Elijah leaned in a bit too close for comfort while the both of us kept walking.

"H-How much?" Arthur peeled his head back from his overly emotional companion.

"NOT. AT. ALL," he said matter-of-factly. "The sense of beauty that dwarves hold is the complete opposite of humans, Art! I may have been raised in their kingdom but there will never come a day when I can empathize with their definition of 'attractive.'"

Elijah slowly turned towards me and giving me a look saying don't tell me you are the same as him.

"Don't worry my four eyed friends I have only been fighting in the forest no meeting princesses and such" I replied in a teasing voice as I started to laugh.

"Haha! Elaborate for me how devastating your life was." Arthur asked

"When I turned eight, my grandfather, the elder who took care of me, introduced me to whom he hoped would be my future wife. The whole week prior, he was going on and on about how beautiful and elegant she was. When she showed up, I swear I thought I was looking at a man, Art,Ráel" His body shivered from the thought of recalling his past nightmare.

"Her name was Helgarth, and I swear she made me fear for my chastity. Her square jaw, her trunk-like, veiny limbs, her long, thick nose...She had a s-stubble on her upper lip, Art. She had FACIAL HAIR at the age of nine, Art!" Elijah was shaking me at this point, as I couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, okay, I get it! You were a very deprived young boy who started going through puberty much too early for his age." Arthur shrugged with his palms up while trying to calm his fit of laughter

"Well... You are in the most prestigious school as a battle mage student, and you're probably at least a full stage ahead of anyone in our class, so just show off your skills. You're bound to land someone, somehow," I said, optimistically.

"Your pity is literally hurting me." He sighed, making the both of us laugh

Just as we got inside the dinning hall everyone got quiet looking at Arthur and murmuring something at their friend.

"Someone is pretty famous ehh,Arthur?" I said to him in pitying voice.

"Problems will be coming your way a lot more my friend" I said as I took my food and started to walk towards an empty table followed by Elijah and Arthur.

We started talking about our classes and what will we do until a group of students consisting of only battle mates came at our table.

"My name is Charles Ravenpor II, born from the famous Ravenpor Family. I'm sure you've heard of it, right? I couldn't help but notice you spending time with someone beneath you. I'm being especially courteous today in letting you be in our group." His chin stuck out, confident that Elijah would take his hand.

"You should be honored to be part of the Ravenpor Group," one of the groupies echoed in the back.

"The Ravenpoop Family? Never heard of a family named after a bird's feces. Have you, Art,Ráel?" Elijah looked at us.

"Y-You... How dare you mock a prestigious family like the RavenPOR House?" Charles slammed his fist on our table, emphasizing his house name, which made them laugh even more.

I am a second class student that should be shown respect! I reached out to you, a newbie, because I didn't want a battle mage student to lower himself by being with a scholar trash student, but you instead spit in my face like this?" His hand was already twitching to reach for the wand strapped to his right leg.

Just before things could get even more annoying I released a bit of my killing intent and signalled those to come out with me .

The hall got completely quit as some students fainted and most of them could not even breath.

The only thing that could be heard were the steps of us three leaving the hall.

"Go on Arthur she is waiting for you outside" I send my voice direct at his ear using sound magic.

Arthur was surprised at first but nodded at me and started to walk outside the door.

"Lets go, Elijah lets leave the him for now he has someone to apologise to" I said as Elijah understood and followed me back to the dorms.


Just as Arthur opened the door carefully not to wake up Elijah but he almost jumped in surprise to see him sitting cross-legged, facing the door, his eyes bloodshot and me sitting on the sofa meditating.

"Err... I see you're still awake." He waved awkwardly.

"Hell yes, I'm awake." He crossed his arms and used his chin to point at his bed, signaling him to sit.

"Haa...Go on." he sighed helplessly as he let his best friend release his barrage of questions.

It was almost four in the morning when he was finished, the two of them sprawled out on their beds, tired both physically and mentally while Sylvie had fallen asleep hours ago.

"I can't believe you were h-hugging her." I saw him shake his head while he lay on his back.

"I told you, I've known her since she was five. It's not surprising that she'd be more comfortable around me," Arthur simply stated.

Do you know all of the things the students called her?" He got up and looked at Arthur

"What did they call her?" I asked, a bit interested.

"There were two I heard the most." He leaned in closer. "One: The Untouchable Princess," he stated.

"Untouchable? Why? Is she that much stronger than everyone else?" Arthur asked.

Ignoring Arthur, he said the other. "Two: Lunar Goddess."

"Huh? Why Lunar Goddess?" Arthur chortled at the juvenile nicknames.

"Because she's like the moon, Art. The moon looks so close that you can grab it, but no matter how much you try, you'll never touch it. But you! You t-touched the Moon! You hugged the moon!" he flailed his arm in defeat and plopped back into bed.

"Go to sleep,tomorrow both of you have school" I retorted as I got up and headed towards my dorm to sleep even though I don't need it .



Here I am again sitting in this podium waiting for this club rush to end as fast as possible.

"Before the club rush commences, the student council would like to formally introduce to you, the students of this academy, a group that was personally picked by the director in hopes to resolve and prevent disputes amongst students as well as enforce penalizing measures for troublemakers. While the student council's main job is to help the director make sure this academy and the events held run smoothly, this group's job allows them to use magic appropriately to uphold the peace and safety of students, whether against other students or trespassers. Please join me in welcoming the disciplinary committee!" Tessia's voice rang at her last words.

Claire spoke out on behalf of the disciplinary committee with a short speech before they all headed out towards the back of the stage, leaving the crowd with mixed emotions.

For some students, the disciplinary committee meant to serve as a shackle that prohibited their spoiled behavior. For others, the disciplinary committee served as an aegis, protecting them from the threat of harm.

Either way, it would be an interesting school year, soon enough things will only get worst from here.