
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

| Fighting Against the Lances |

POV: Ráel

Just as Bairon blitzed towards Arthur with an intention to hit him again, I launched myself towards him in an intention to intervene,with a sonic boom I arrived in front of him as I swung my sword at him releasing my killing intent and wanting to cut him down.

Just as the sword attack was about to hit him, he reacted fast and put a barrier around him in an attempt to stop the attack but the force behind my strike was not something he expected as from the impact of the sword hitting the barrier his body shot backwards at fast speed.

This is it I have been waiting a long time to fight all out the more I fight the stronger I get,the feeling of power and danger creating an amazing sensation the fear of being killed and the pleasure in dominating those that stand before you, I thought as I did not want this chance to go to waste as I dashed towards him

Huge ice spikes made their way towards me as the only female Lance here, tried attacking me and supporting her comrade but this will be not enough, with the flat side of my sword I easily smashed the ice spikes coming at me at impressive speed.

But she kept sending more and more and this gave enough time for Bairon to get a hold of himself as he also seemed pissed off, his aura of lightning around him getting even more intense.

"This will be fun" I murmured slowly as a smile crept up to my face letting out all my demonic intent as I took a step forward showing them that I was not backing down from this fight.

My instincts flared as I sensed danger coming at me,lightning spears and a massive ice tornado made of small ice needles was send in my direction, I immediately jumped back and the moment I landed in the ground I dashed towards the girl she is getting kind of annoying with her ice magic so let's see if I can quickly take care of her.

As I made my way towards her I let a few attacks hit me as with help of regeneration they healed up immediately and from the look on her face she was surprised to see that.

Hmm maybe I should put the sword away if I hit them they will probably die and we don't want that right now, I thought as I took my sword inside the dimensional ring let's just fight with fists.

Most would think that is dumb decision fighting with a weapon is much better but for me is quite the opposite with the weapon in hand i always kill my opponents but now I will just enjoy this fight.

When I took my sword away in the faces of the lances appeared concussion as they did not know how to react.

I quickly appeared before her as I punched her abdomen, interesting she was able to resist i thought as I saw her flinch at my punch but not be affected much she even grabbed my wirst

I sensed Bairon coming behind me if I dodge this might get dangerous for her I thought as I send a kick towards her left foot getting her off balance and using the momentum I grab the hand that is still holding my wrist, I take my hand back as I launch her towards Bairon.

"Catch" I indicated Bairon as he stopped in his track and tried to catch her but she started levitating, the lances had the ability to fly right.

"Want to take this up there" I asked them with a smirk on my face as I pointed to the sky and summoned my wings, with a flap of my wings I was up in the sky waiting for them to come up.

They shared a look with each other as they nodded at the other Lance and took flight towards me.

Just like that we started exchanging punches as they send spell after spell towards me the more they fought the more they got in Sync with each other

Their attacks were more calculated and lethal then before they are taking this quit seriously, let's step up my game too then I thought as I decided to use mana for the first time.

"Be prepared " I warned them as I made distance between us and raised my hand up and created weapons of different elements as I slowly put my hand down pointing at them.

The elemental weapons shoot up towards them at an amazing speed the poor guys tried to avoid them but I just kept sending more and more.

They might have a bigger amounts of mana than me at their stage but I have mana rotation always on and my mana amount is always at the top.

"Come on is this all you two got, here I thought you guys were the strongest this continent has to offer" I taunted them with an arrogant smirk on my face

" I am truly disappointed with just one use of my spells and here you guys are all beat up and wounded not even being able to dodge"I shook my head at them as they slowly started to get upset over the fact that they were being toyed by an unknown kid and they could not do anything.

"Maybe I should kill you guys right now, what difference would it make the war will soon start anyways and the way you are you will not survive for long"I said to them looking at them their body's had wounds and cuts as blood slowly flowed down but from the looks of it the mana was healing them slowly but surely.

They were a bit surprised at my words about war and that they could not survive for long as Varay asked me

"What do you mean war?"

"If you could not even understand the implications of my words then you are not worthy of being called a Lance" I responded as I slowly started to laugh.

"Enough, I don't know who you are but you will pay for your crimes" Bairon said probably still being angry at his brothers death , as he launched himself towards me in an attempt to attack me.

I easily dodged his measly attempt at attacking me as I said " You are weak"as I hit his sternum with full force he stumbled back and vomited blood.

"Know your place you inferior creature" I said as grabbed his face with immense speed and started to move towards the ground creating a sonic boom behind us breaking the sound barrier, with a swift motion i smashed him on the ground.

From the impact and force the ground was completely destroyed Bairon lay in the middle barely conscious all around him cracks in the ground creating a web.

I slowly looked up seeing Varay making her way towards me at fast speed, I was ready to strike her down too but the other Lance intervened and stopped her they both looked warily as they slowly made their way towards Bairon.

"Ohh come on here I was having fun,anyways we will be meeting soon again guys" I smirked and waved at them giving Arthur a last glance, slowly disappearing from their sight.

"Oh a last warning for you guys be carfule of your kings and queens,they might not be what you think they are" I seriously warned them.

They seemed relieved from my words but they still did not fully trust my words, maybe I went a bit overboard but those two got a lot stronger that's a plus for them, this is only the start.



After all that I decided to retreat to the beast glades after this event in the story there will be a time skip for few years at that time I will get as strong as possible before I go to the relic-tombs and get some informations there.

With this fight I was able to learn a lot about a white core and I am now even more sure that I will achieved it soon.

The next course of actions should be dungeon diving once again I thought as I took out a book and a map this is the thing I asked that old woman at the academy the locations of dungeon S ranked or above this is were I will be for some time before I reach my next evolution.

For as long as I have lived in this world I always wondered,do I have purpose here,yes I want strength and the freedom that comes with absolute power but what will I do after that.

Will I be always trapped in this world not being able to visit other places or could I achieve the power to traverse other universes.

I never understood the dragons of this place or even the ancient race all that power and they don't go beyond this realm to search for more knowledge and power.

From my understanding they had control over time and space itself and yet they still did not amount to much truly disappointing.

Aether the energy that makes the fabric of reality itself if you master such a power you have control over fate and reality, a much higher power than mana.

And yet humans can't even harness it at all and the dragons have little influence over it that's why they have managed to stay at the top of the Asura race for so long.

I have managed to have a bit of understanding of it but it's to little to do something like stop time in an area or teleportation I can only use it to enhance my attacks for now.

But all this doesn't matter to me now, I have decided I thought as I looked up at the sky, still remembering the One who brought me here,his power was above anything this place has ever seen,he could do whatever he wanted and no one could stop him that's what I want.It felt like I was making a statement to heaven itself.

"I will transcend every limitation and destroy every obstacle before me and reach true godhood, it doesn't matter how, I will do it no matter what this my conviction and no one will stop me"

After I said that my heart started beating faster in a rhythmic pattern.

Baa,dumm Baa,dumm

I felt like something deep in my blood and soul acknowledged my words it was like when a mother is proud of her son's achievements.

"The only thing that matters in this world is victory, it doesn't matter how you achieved that victory as long as you come out on top victorious, that's all that matters.