
| Evolving |

Pov: Ráel

[Condition met procede with evolution.]

After pulling myself together, I asked

What conditions are you talking about?

[ There are conditions to evolving as a demon ] said the system in its emotionless voice

What are the conditions?

[ Conditions]

-Orange mana core

-Absorption of the life force of a living being

-Level 10

So everything is interconnected, each state seems like a puzzle piece put together to create something better I understand now

[ Do you want to procede?]

i immediately said No in my mind I can not evolve here it's too dangerous if I pass out like last time then something could happen to me even if they think it was because I killed someone

Now that I think about it, I do not feel anything after I killed him, it's always like that, I do not feel the emotions that those humans feel.

For me it seems normal to kill, a process of nature, people die, new ones are born, a never ending cycle

As I look at the group of bandits and their faces, they seem surprised, like it was not supposed to go like this, they were waiting for me to beg them not to kill him or kill him and throw up or even pass out

But none of that happened I just stood there with an emotionless face looking at them like they were nothing more than ants to stomp on

Soon I will kill you all.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Pov : Ráel

After everything that happened today, we finally arrived back at the camp and now I am going to develop while everyone is sleeping or outside celebrating their victory.

After I lay in bed, I gave the command in my head

" System starts evolution"

(Evolution begins)




[ Development started ]

The pain I expected was not there, but instead a huge amount of life force entered my body and started to nourish every cell in my body, my bones, my muscles, everything became stronger, I could feel it erasing the dead cells and creating new and stronger ones.

while this was happening, I only noticed that I could not move my body at all

The more the process progressed and the stronger my body became, the more I lost concentration and fell asleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

i just woke up and i feel much stronger than before without my mana i could defeat an ornage core mage with my pschycal strength alone my pschycal strength is at a superhuman level my senses are also at that level.

i can hear people talking outside far away from me i could also smell the alcohol they drank last night

Let us see if my appearance has changed, when you look in the mirror you see a young child with crimson hair and a pair of beautiful blue eyes, but the pupil has changed from the usual black round pupil to a split pupil, like that of a snake

Honestly I was surprised by my appearance, I grew a little taller and my hair is a little longer, but the most surprising thing is my eyes, they were never like this.

But I must say I look good.

[ Status ] I thought in my head

Name : Ráel

Level : 11(0%)

Race : Demon

Main level : Dark orange level

Rank : Middle rank demon(??)

After I clicked on the question mark, a series of information appeared on the screen

Middle rank demon -

As a middle rank demon, you have superhuman strength, agility, senses, and reflexes, your physical strength has reached new heights, and your previous abilities have become stronger versions of themselves

-Medium level regeneration

heals major wounds, such as sword cuts, and magical damage inflicted on your body is also healed Minor wounds are healed in a few seconds

-Poison resistance

resistance to most poisons that are not life-threatening

-Psychological resistance

You are able to remember everything that has happened to you. Those who are much stronger than you have a hard time reading your mind, and you are not affected by outside influences on your mind.

Special trait:

-Unbending Will

So nothing has changed, only my abilities became stronger

[Thing Your elemental affinities are unlocked] [ You have all the basic elements ] | [ Elemental Mastery ]

Fire - Basic Level 1

Water - Basic Level 1

Earth - basic level 1

Wind- Basic level 1

So I am also a quadra elementalist well that means I'll get alble stronger much faster than I thought.

Also [ system ] how does mastery of the elements work can you explain it to me.

[ Elemental magic has 4 levels and works like this.]

-Basic mastery Lvl 1 - 10

-Intermediate Mastery Lvl 11-25

-Advanced mastery Lvl 26-50

-Mastered Mastery Lvl 51-100

When you reach Mastered mastery in an element, you unlock the higher form of the element

The only thing left for me to do before I escape is to train with these bastards and get on with my life.

Next chapter