
TBATE: A New Beginning

A New Beginning for a boy who experiences a rather unfortunate death at the hands of fate. Feeling that his life wasn't enough, a reward was given to him for his dedication to reincarnation by reincarnating him into the world of TBATE. Please note that this is just a fanfic of TBATE and upload schedules might vary depending on the progress of this story and depending on how busy I am. I'll try my best to upload at least once a week or maybe every day if can. I'm sorry if this story doesn't meet your expectations, but anyway, enjoy!

Ethanaelim · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: A Comfortable Fun

"Heh, you read my mind." Tessia's grandfather pointed his sword at me, he seemed a little bit more serious after I had awakened.

Before he could move, Tessia pinched her grandfather.

"Grandpa! Luci's already exhausted!" She pouted.

"Grandpa is sorry. Please let go now!" he gently answered as he dropped the sword.

It seems like our fight ended with him pretty much winning. Although I hate to admit it, it's for the better because I'm already incredibly exhausted. There's not much I could do even with this power-up.

I sighed in relief, knowing that I wouldn't need to participate in such a sudden fight again.

"Your sword techniques aren't bad, they're mediocre at best. Your way of fighting is mostly strategic and in a tactical way which is potentially dangerous." He commented, narrowing his eyes. "Not to mention that was who you were before the awakening."

"Why don't you train under me? Like how your dad did." He nodded, throwing me entirely off guard.

Although not sure, this is a great opportunity for me to both learn and have something to do. "I can't see why not."

"No! We still haven't hung out! You're the first person to-"

I ruffle her hair while wearing a smile. "Don't worry. We could hang out while I train under him. How does that sound, Tess?"

At this, she went silent as he pondered a little bit before answering.

"Sure! That way, we could hang out and train together!" 

She's so cute. I just want to pinch that chubby face, even for a while. Then again, we're both kids, so it will feel a little weird acting like an adult.

"Great! It seems like we've reached an agreement. Training will start in two days. Why don't you go around and have a little date with my granddaughter? You might even be-"

"Ok! But where do I sleep? The living room and my room are destroyed, so where will I be staying?" I said, not allowing Tessia's grandfather to finish his sentence.

"Stay with me in my room!" Tessia suggested with shining eyes.

"That's a good idea. Don't miss the chance, alright?" Tessia's grandfather as he winks at me.

I'm not sure if you're overimagining stuff or if you really want it to happen.

I look at Tessia's father, the king of the elves...for confirmation. In which, he nodded. It's probably because Tessia forced him to accept her suggestion somehow. She's a force to be reckoned with.

After receiving the king's confirmation, I respond with "Alright."

I was hoping that I would not enact any confrontation from any other elves present here. Even if I've awakened, there is no way I would be able to solo the entire elf population, especially knowing that they are already better than me. If possible, I want to gain the respect of the elves one way or another, but that wouldn't be possible, at least not for the current me.

The stairs are broken so it won't be possible for us to go upstairs the normal way. 

"But, it seems like we won't be able to go upstairs for now, Princess Tess," I told her. But knowing that this castle is essentially a huge palace, there must be other rooms to use for the time being.

She pondered for a while and said, "Don't worry. I remember a room that I used to go to back when we hadn't met." A room that she went to before we met must have been her room of sorrow, to disclose any news of her sadness getting out.

"Are you sure?" I made sure to ask before just blindly accepting. She's not the type to just tell people her secret.

"Mhm! Don't worry, I stopped using that room a long time ago. The room I'm talking about is already long since used, so it should be empty and fine to use," said Tessia, showing no signs of worry or sadness. It meant that she found another spot not long before meeting me.

I pat her while asking, "Where is it? I'm feeling tired already."

She takes my hand and starts encouraging me to follow her by literally forcing me to run with her. It hurts the way she grips my wrist, but it's how it is. She's both my first friend and a kid in front of my eyes, so this is pretty much normal. I could calmly just follow her, but her excitement is really showing.

I feel like I'm starting to become more like my past self, especially ever since I compare my current life with my past life. Not really, I should just stay bright until the future shows me something else.


We arrived at the room. It's not too far away from the living room, but not too close either. It's located in the middle between the many rooms around and is also close to the kitchen.

She opens the door leading to where we'll be staying for the time being. 

The room is almost the exact same as mine, ignoring the large window to see the outside view, it's the exact replica. A guest room like this must have cost them, or maybe it's free because the ones living here are the royal family. 

I step into the room, feeling sleepy and tired after that encounter. I want to sleep right now, but my new companion is a little full of energy. Tessia Eralith, a princess that the king and queen trust I won't harm. Even her sharp grandfather seem to trust me more than his guards. 

I can just try to kill Tessia. But why would I? She's a good friend that I hope won't leave me in the middle of our friendship.

"Luci, let's take a shower together!"


"Is it weird? I've heard from a lot of people that friends took shower together." She replied with pure innocence and honesty.

Isn't that suspicious?

...No no, she got a point. I'm around her age, and she's 4 years old. Her entire statement is not wrong as I've also heard that kids when they're younger used to shower together.

"No, it's not," I said, holding my hands up in defeat. Knowing that she's a veteran as a kid, I'm not someone who can affect her mind. I'm just hoping I wouldn't be considered a pedophile because of this situation.

"Cool! Let's go!" She said, taking off her clothes while also smiling. Why does this make me feel guilty of something?

Following her, I took off my clothes and went into the natural shower. Inside the shower, I can't help but try to look away as much as possible while showering. Her innocence radiated through the entire spectrum of my shamelessness. I feel so guilty being here with her, for real this time.

Both of us shower at the same time, our shoulders touching each other as warm water pours down on us. This is not something I'd be able to have with a girl if I was still alive.

"L-Luci. Let me wash you." She said, not requesting or asking, but ordering hesitantly. Even as a kid, I know she has her own kind of morals which is clear evidence to why she's hesitating.

I know I shouldn't be accepting. But this is for her character development, and so I say, "Sure, it's a pleasure." Gently smiling at her, reassuring her that everything is fine.

She kindly smiled in response and began scrubbing my back.

Her smile was everything. Her innocence and kindness are all in the form of purity without any evil intentions. Something that anyone could barely experience in my past.

I cover my private part because, of course, I should!

Her turn finished when she was done washing my head, she sat on the floor as warm water was gushing down. "Your turn now." She said, waiting for me to start scrubbing her body.

I hesitated at first because I'm a boy and I'm actually just a man in a boy's body. A tough choice for me to make right now. It's between me satisfying my inner desires or satisfying her desire to experience this.

But, why not both? Or just think of this to please her.

I love my idea and proceed to scrub her back like I had intended. Her skin is so smooth and soft, the way I slide the soap from one place to another really made me think twice before acting. Then, it's her hands and legs which are surprisingly easy to resist as long as I close my eyes. I finish after washing her head and hair.

"I'm done."

"But you still haven't washed the front part of my body." She said, reminding me that I totally should not do it.

"No no, you should wash it yourself. I'm just a little kid that shouldn't be doing anything like that." I told her, closing my eyes and grabbing a towel from outside to wipe myself.

I bet that got her confused, but I don't think there's any other way I could explain while letting her grow up the normal way with the normal knowledge. Sitting down on the cushion, I was reminded of the egg that was in my room. I hope nothing happens to it.

I got jumped by Tessia. 


This time wasn't as hard as before, because the cushion was cushy and soft enough to act as a medium of landing for me. 

"What is it, Tess? You wanna do something first?" I asked while purposely showing her that I was already in no condition for playtime.

"Just one question. How did you awaken so fast?!"

Eh? I shrug off her question and ask her a question instead, "The youngest person to develop mana core is around the age of?"

"The age of ten for humans. But it's pretty average for elves to awaken around that age." She casually answered.

Ok, I awakened much faster than whoever this person is. I made a mistake to awaken so fast and in the crowd, did I?

"Well, I just focus on putting the small pieces of fragments of mana core together by meditating. But it would take a very long time, though." I told her, not pointing out any unnecessary details.

She looked at me suspiciously at first, but I figured it was because of her lack of trust. It makes sense for her not to trust me just like that. If only there was someone else that awakened like me.

It's getting too late. "Let's get to bed already." 

"Oh, right. We need a huge rest because I'm going to show you around tomorrow." She happily said. I know I'm the first ever person to be this close to her, excluding her parents.

I smile at her, "Yeah! That's why..." I jumped onto the bed, feeling relaxed already after receiving the fine treatment from the bed. 

Tessia followed me onto the bed when I already started sleeping. I feel her hand touching my shoulder as she pulls the blanket toward us. Turning over, I see the face of the beautiful princess smiling which brings me to smile too.

I close my eyes and welcome my beautiful dream to enter the realm of my unconsciousness.


The next day, I woke up from my sleep only to find myself clinging to Tessia as she clung to me. What had happened while we were asleep? I don't know, but we had shown much more affection than I had anticipated we'd show before sleeping. The warm I'm feeling is all natural from her and she's drooling.

She's too trusting toward me. I think that's why she got her heart broken from these friendships so easily. But I doubt that ever since she experienced those feelings, she'll just trust anyone easily.

"Luci..." murmured Tessia in her sleep.

"Yes?" I playfully answered.

To my surprise, she starts waking up, slowly opening her eyes and yawning cutely before looking me in the eye. We had the moment where we stared at each other for a while before knowing what to do.

"Oh! Good morning, Luci!" She said as I was greeted by her adorable little smile.

I smile back at her, "Morning!"

She begins to get up, sitting on the bed while looking at me, waiting for me to wake up. I would love to get more sleep, but who am I to reject her offer of waking up? Nobody...

I follow her to wake up. Not long after, we take a shower before changing our clothes to something more casual.

Surprisingly, there are a lot of choices inside the wardrobe. I don't believe it's a default option for every wardrobe inside this castle, so the maids must have filled this in the order of the king and queen.

"Luci, what should I wear?" She asked with her finger on her chin. 

"I don't know. What do you think is good?" I answered while taking a very silky rope just for your top and short pants to wear.

"You're going to wear that only?" Tessia gasped.

I tilt my head, confused as to why my outfit isn't good enough for casual tourism. "Yeah?" 

She digs deeper into the wardrobe and grabs several clothes, placing each of them on the bed side by side. Smirking at me, I could already tell she wanted me to pick for her.

Pointing to the white dress, I said "Take the white one, I think it suits your appearance better than the rest."

She easily accepted by choice without any second thought, which was not what I had expected. Too obedient and never think twice. Is it because she doesn't want to lose another friend?

Most likely it's the reason. I'll confront her later in the middle of our exploration.

Tessia finished wearing the dress I chose for her, adding a hat to her appearance. 

"Are you ready, princess?"

"Mhm! Let's go!"

We went out to the streets through the construction happening in the living room without much worry. I couldn't see her parents anywhere, so they must either be doing their king and queen work or their king and queen time. Whatever it is will not be my problem.

"Come on!" She grabbed my hand, half dragging me as I tried following her pace. It appears that a carriage was already prepared

This is my first time visiting the city, even though I do live at the castle, I just somehow skipped the city and went straight to the castle. As we got off the carriage, we took time to visit numerous stalls and stores the city has to offer. While the two of us were met with a lot of stares from the fact that a half-breed is holding the only princess's hand, I pretty much ignore their gaze. What disturbs me is that, while most of these gazes held curiosity and interest, some stares were filled with blatant hostility.

As I finish my skewer, I notice Tessia being awkwardly close to me.

Well, if I want to ask, now's the time.

Without pretending as if not knowing anything, I ask Tessia, "So, you seem awkwardly close to me. Are you afraid of something?"

"...Nothing?" Tessia said, seemingly ignoring my question.

She's not telling, huh? Well, I can't force her to, so the best I could do is indirectly give advice while acting like I don't know anything about her. "You know, friends should act much livelier and happier than this."

"But, then you'll..."

"Hate you for how childish you are? Nah, I'll adapt." I told her as I comfortably patted her. The feeling when patting someone is satisfying for me and also gives me some comfort. It's as if I'm an adult with a kid, there's just that satisfying feeling in doing this.

At first, she thinks for a while. I get that this is hard for her, or I'm just thinking too much, but it is what it is.

"Alright! Then, let's go around!" She said, encouraging me to follow her wander around even more than before.

Well, at least she's feeling better now. We visit a couple more shops and stalls after this, and this time she is somehow more different; she acts more freely and a little bit selfish than before.

Finishing our day, the carriage arrived to pick us up back to the castle. As we sat inside, Tessia asked, "Are you ready for your training tomorrow?"

"Yeah, and I hope you don't slack off too. Remember when you said you're going to train with me?"

"U-uhh... No?" She whistles, turning her back on me.

This... Can't even get mad at her. I'll just help myself throughout the training then.

Since then, my life has had quite a change and I started to socialize more while living a rigorous lifestyle that consists of meditating with Grandpa Virion in the morning, spending most of my afternoon and evening with Tessia outside as I met other elves, and training myself at night. During this time, I took my time thinking if my parents were really dead or not, and what would be my goal for the future.

Two years had passed ever since that day.



Hello once again. Anyway, this message here is to tell all of you that I'm still considering the love interest of the MC or maybe giving him none. Even with this interaction with Tessia, be mindful that they're still kids, so yeah.

Should I give the MC a love interest? If so, then who should it be?

Cya and enjoy!