
TBATE - Strongest Magic Swordsman

Rose Kazaku found himself in the body of a kid who died in a town extermination mission. Picking up the shackles the kids destiny held, he pulled himself up with extreme ease. For 6 years he trained in secret, amassing power to rival that of Gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING!!!! OP MC! IF YOU DON'T LIKE INSTANTLY OP MC'S PLEASE DO NOT READ!

LookITSJamals9 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Adventurers Guild; Paperwork


Arriving Infront of the Xyrus Inn, the door swung open with a squeak. My first step causing the wooden floorboards beneath my feet to creak loudly, drawing attention to myself. Ignoring the curious stares, I made my way to the counter with swift, confident steps.

Hearing the murmurs regarding my blade that rested in it's sheath upon my back, I mentally noted to invest some money into getting a storage ring. They would come in handy, especially with my future plans.

"Hi! What do you need? Lodging or a quick meal?" A rather skinny man greeted me at the counter. Not minding the commotion my appearance brought with me. He was thin, but stood tall and carried himself with an air of conviction and nonchalance, like nothing would be able to surprise him.

His eyes were a greenish blue while he had auburn hair combed to the left. Giving him a more of a younger appearance. But the stress wrinkles and stubble on his chin gave it away. He was definitely older than he let on to be.

He stood a foot taller than me, causing me to have to look up to actually meet his eyes.

"Lodging for now... Maybe a meal later. Depends." I answered with a thin smile. My resting face isn't anything welcoming, it's rather dead if I had to explain it. My eyes were low and dead, but hey didn't droop. It just kind of made it seem like I didn't care about anything.

Somewhat truthful though.

"Uh-huh~ Okay, and how many nights?" He questioned with a hum. Writing some stuff down. I don't know if I'd have the money right now to make this a well endowed decision... I guess it'll be fine though.

"...I don't really have a set date right now. Is it possible for me to stay as long as I need? Of course with proper week to week payment?" The mans eyes widened in surprise. Someone asking to basically live here would probably garner that reaction. It's a huge money grab too.

"I mean, sure! It's not like it's impossible... There are a few rules however. Everyone has to follow these but since you want to stay here for a long period of time, you'll have to strictly abide by those rules lest you get kicked out." He explained, ringing up the total cost, a room key and some clean bedsheets.

Placing it all on the counter, I took them in my hand and with a nod, I paid this evenings payment and headed off to my room.

After walking through a rather long hallway that was lit up with the use of rather dim lightbulbs. It gives the whole Inn an air of mystery but also adds a little eeriness to it... Kind of feels like a haunted house.

Arriving in the room, I was rather impressed. It was homey and with how the furniture was situated it was very spacey. I didn't feel cramped. The walls were plastered with a sand colored paint that brightened up the room, clearing up the monotone vibe that the rest of the estate gave off. It was nice and cozy. A needed addition.

Plopping myself down on the bed, I took my jacket off and threw it on a nearby chair. I've been unnaturally tired lately... Maybe I'm thinking too much? Stress isn't good for anyone. Sighing, I shut my eyes.

Soon enough, I drifted off into the void of sleep.


The sunlight peeping through the glass-paned window in the room blasted my eyes. Disturbing me out of my sleep. With a groan and a sigh, I rolled over and got up lazily. Immediately I went to go through with my morning routine. Keeping my pearly whites cleaned and tongue healthy while washing my face afterwards.

I had some plans today that I was originally going to hold off on, but I decided I'd just go through with everything and speed up the process. A realization dawned on me yesterday night before I fell asleep. I'm thinking to much about the future that I already know.

Even if I plan around it, things might change. Change isn't good in this case, but in the rare occasion that things go differently then I remember- I have the strength to solve it. There's really no need in stressing.

Getting dressed in a different set of clothing, I made my way out the Inn. Greeting and dismissing the man behind the counter and a couple of staff members that greeted me on my way out. Stepping out into the busy early morning streets of Xyrus City was quite the sight.

The range of different nobility dressed children and adults alike mixed with the many, many passing carriages escorting some more nobles kind of set the standard for this city. It let the new comers know just what type of city this was.

My destination was the Adventurers guild. I want to go ahead and get my adventurers license and make a name for myself. It'd be easier in the long run if it ever came to a battle of status. A renowned S classed adventurer would surely cement my status in the world of nobility, royalty and magic alike.

My eyes wandered to the passing Xyrus Academy students who all wore a relatively similar outfit. The only difference being the cut/design for the female population. The boys were a more military, but royal and prestige while the females were more of a flexible but flashy royal look.

They wore thigh cut skirts with a blazer buttoned and laced with blue linings. Anyways, some decided to wear the male counter part for reasons only known to them.

This city is rather loud though... It's early morning and it's already sounding like there's a city wide party. The shops ranging from fashion styled to magic and weaponry were already full and bustling with activity.

I can see why this city is so rich. Everyone prospers if you have the money.


Standing in front of the Adventurers guild, I walked in- Swinging the door open and walking with soft confident steps. The adventurers who were in the room all risked snapped necks turning in my direction.

Ignoring their stares, I got in line for registration. But it didn't take long for me to pick up on the murmurs.

"-Look at that sword... Aint that a huge hunk of metal."

"-Haha! Another newbie Ey?"

"-Shut it! He's kind of... Kinda cute..."

"-Kinda!? Just look at his face... That's a face everyone could love."

Their words ranging from arrogance to interest to... lust to people just plain out letting out their fantasies went in one ear and out the other. There's always a cliche trope in otherworldly adventurer guilds, that's to be expected.

It's just... Just so hard being good-looking...

"Hi, how may I help you?" The receptionist at the guild greeted with a smile, her eyes were wide and perky. Her attitude and vibe was the one you'd get from one of those real... Preppy, school spirit girls in your high school.

"...I'm here to register." She nodded.

"Okay, just one moment please." Turning around she began to rummage through a box and brought out a paper, a clipboard and a pen. Handing them to me, she spoke with a kind voice.

"Just fill this paperwork out and turn it back in when you're done. If we're being honest, you're lucky you came in today. Today is the screening for all new adventurers so this should be pretty quick for you." She rambled with a smile, in turn all I could do is smile and nod.

"Thank you for your help." I said with a nod, turning to sit in the back and finish this paper work.

'This is one thing I don't miss...'

Chapter 3!

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