

"Destroy everything, That is the only mission bestowed upon you." Remembering only this phrase, having memories of a teenager who got recruited in the army at the age of 16 and died in a horrible way. Being unnatural human... no he isn't exactly human either. He has the soul of a dragon, but the flesh of a human. How will he uncover a mystery about his existence? And how will he continue to live on after learning the terrifying truth? ________________________________________________________________ SungDripsWoo/Author: This is my attempt to make another FF. unlike Shadow Monarch FF this one is different, here MC isn't relative of Arthur. YES, he does have powers of Antares from Solo Leveling, but there are elements of Dragonsborns you know Skyrim thing right? Besides love interest is already set, Claire best girl here! Notice: I do not own "The Beginning after the End" nor "Solo Leveling", all belongs to their respective authors. Fanart used in the cover is also not mine.

UselessAcc · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Dragon or Lizard?

Looking down at the reflection of glass I could see my eyes. They were not only scarlet-red but also that of a lizard.

"Just what is going on?" I questioned myself.

I didn't have an answer, but I at least had some clues. That big dragon in the image I saw. The dragons are lizards, aren't they? I still couldn't connect dots though, I don't have the slightest idea what that dragon has to do with me. In a way, I'm thankful that with these eyes now I can see those particles, it will be easier to form a core...

Particles that I gathered previously are gone...

'Oh c'mon!' I was complaining to God for making things harder for me.

"Hey Val, are you okay there?" I heard mom entering the room and calling out for me, I turned my attention to the voice.

'Shit! What do with those lizard eyes?!' Not only just lizard eyes but red at that! If they see them, someone will just freak out.

Again when I looked at the shattered piece of Glass it was already gone. Lizard eyes were gone and everything that I could see with it was also invisible...

'Wait... Was that just my imagination?'

No, I'm sure I haven't gone crazy yet. Those eyes were really there, it can explain why I could see mana particles in the air. Also seeing them at the molecular level, and knowing that molecules are indeed everywhere then it has to be real!

"Yes mom, I'm okay!" I quickly answered without worrying.

"Then can you come with me? We have a lot of things to discuss, especially after that little stunt you pulled out." Hearing my mother made me sweat buckets.

All windows... and other things made out of material known as glass were shattered from shock waves. Mansion itself was in good condition and held against shockwaves so it didn't take much damage.

"Am I a bad, mommy?" I asked with little tears in the corners of my eyes.

"Wah!" I could literally see how lightning struck her heart.

"Too cute..." Mom grabbed me and hugged me tightly so I couldn't even breathe normally. Seeing how I struggled, gasping for air. She released me.

"Let's go my little Val, we have so many things to tell you!" She again picked me up and took me somewhere.


"Val, you are special. I know you were trying to form a core and it was almost successful. The reason, why it hasn't formed, might be because of your young age." Words of my father vibrated in my ears.

Indeed I was special, I was happy to be different from others in magic that is. It gave me a sense of uniqueness, but at the same time, I fear this will bring problems in the future. The Royal Family from the stories of my sister are in constant search of talented magicians, she didn't hear much from our parents, but apparently our house of Aurae for a long time served under the Glayder family. Indeed it can be a problem...

"You might receive a high position in the future. Who knows, maybe even becoming a Lance..." Father muttered the last part, but I heard it clearly.

"But honey, he is still 2..." My mother tried to prevent father from saying something, but couldn't in the end.

"We have to start his training anytime soon. It's important for his health too." Explained my father, acting like a kid I played my role and pretended to be confused.

"Var has been training for a long time. If Val won't prepare physically it might be late, so for 1-2 years. Val... Don't try to do any kind of magic. Can you promise me this?" Father asked me seriously, I of course nodded and with my small hands showed thumbs-up.

"So I will be training with sis?"

"Yes, of course."


[2 Years Later]

Another two years passed. The light exercises and mainly learning swordsmanship was what I was doing. I think it's kinda funny seeing how a 4 years old kid swings a little wooden sword. My father never held back his laughter seeing me.

"Now now!? Can I do magic? Can I form my mana-core?!" I continued pressuring my father about my awakening. I could try to form mana core whenever I want, but I don't want to upset my family. I made a promise to them.

"No. Father said to wait a little more." Varay flicked my forehead. I already noticed how she addressed father as 'father' openly like this. Not how others use 'Papa' or 'Dad'.

"You persistent brat! Do whatever you want." My father of course lost his patience, how could he not, what I only did was to annoy him.

"Thanks pops!" After thanking him I ran towards my room in the manor. I completely forgot about the aftermath of the awakening process.

(3'rd POV)

"He just ran towards the manor right?" Varlam glanced at her daughter, Varay who just nodded to him.

"Oh... OH MY!" It only now clicked into his mind. Because of Valnyk's annoyance, he completely forgot about the major detail in awakening. Forming a core might cause massive destruction.

"We have to run." Both father and daughter dashed towards the manor, just when it entered their sight...


Windows again shattered and burst out. Shockwaves immediately reached the father and daughter duo. There was the sound of an explosion, but fortunately, the walls and floor were still in good condition. There was no visible destruction aside from windows that were scattered across the whole manor.

"*Sigh* What did I do to deserve this?" Varlam hung his head down, then continued running.

Arriving at Valnyk's room they found him in a deep thinking pose, the air around him was tense. Varlam already saw it, there was again no formed core in his son.

"Damn, I almost had it." They heard Valnyk grumbling.

"Hey, champs don't worry. You are still young, you still have so much time." Varlam tried to cheer up his son, at which he failed.

"Ah, I'm tired of this. I want to eat! My stomach is empty!" Valnyk slumped down on the floor, still grumbling.

(Valnyk's POV)

How unfortunate is this situation huh? I almost finished making this core, I gathered a lot of particles in that place. But It's still not enough, I think it's not about how much I gather but how much I can hold... Particles dissipate right after a certain amount as in the previous attempt.

'Ah damn it... What should I do?'

I couldn't form a core even though I gathered enough particles. If I try to gather more particles then they are just repelled outside, what more options do I have?

'Should I use them?' I placed my hand on my eye.

It may help me in this. If I can see what is happening in the process I might get some clues of what to do. I closed both my eyes and imagined the same eyes I once had, after a certain burning feeling in my eyes I opened them again.

Same vision as 2 years ago, those colorful particles flowing around. Most had light blue color, while I could only see a few of purple particles.

My peripheral vision also changed. It was weird... I can see literally everything around me.

'Now let's try to form a core again.' This time I will be much more careful and see what is actually going on with it. Now I can also tell the difference between these particles, so I will experiment on each of them.

And so on...

Gathering white, blue, and such colors. No significant results. They are just too unstable to be held in one place, other than purple particles all others aren't suitable... but there aren't many purple particles out there. It might take some time to form a core with it.

Months researching how to form the core, those months later turned into years.

Two years to be exact.

For two years, I learned a lot of things about those particles. Constantly observing them with lizard eyes of mine, I found out how they reacted with each other.

If I will describe a purple particle as +

Then other colored particles would be -

Particles with opposite indexes attract each other, while particles with the same index repel. Purple particles still didn't work on each other though, no reaction whatsoever. They can be placed next to each other, they won't be attracting or repelling, this works in my favor so that's good.

Creating a small orb, with a thin layer of purple particles. In the air there aren't as many purple particles as other colors, it's a mystery why I can't create a whole core out of it. So this is why I will use it this way. I will use purple particles as a vessel for others, indeed brilliant I got!

Also, the risk of explosion is neutralized. Why? Because purple particles will attract the amount that they can, interesting what will happen when I create another layer from those same purple particles? Well, I have to finish one layer first.


"That's it, final piece!" I exclaimed, obviously being happy about finally forming the first layer of my core.

Finally after so many attempts of trying to form a core, later to use magic. For this I even stopped listening to my sister's lessons that I received about magic, I just learned more from observing mana-particles in the air.

And it's time when I will finish my mission.

Concentrating on that last part where I have to place purple particles. I moved it towards that place. Without any effects, it was placed in the remaining free space.

I waited...

Waited for around 30 seconds when the whole construction started not just attracting but sucking all those particles in the orb. I never expected this to happen. I thought that other particles would be circling around purple ones, but no.

All of a sudden I started feeling dizzy, my sight started darkening later.

I fell unconscious.


"Did I fall asleep?" I opened my eyes and looked in front of me expecting my parents with worried faces, but instead, I met with darkness.

Everything around me was dark. I couldn't see anything after this darkness, I looked down to see where I was standing, but I also found nothing. I was just floating in nothingness.

"Where am I?" The only question that I had in my mind.

Finally deciding to look behind me, I saw the scariest thing in my whole life aside from my angry mother.

Dragon right in front of me!

'It's sleeping?' Dragon fortunately for me, was sleeping. Not reacting to me at all, but there was another thing for me to solve now.

'How should I get out?' If I were eaten by a dragon I would curse everyone and everything. I will come from the dead and I will whoop everyone's asses, especially that dragon who ate me!

However, the sleeping dragon never reacted to anything. Is he sleeping so deeply that he wouldn't react even if I touch it? Not like I had much of another choice, maybe by some surprise this Dragon is intelligent and helps me.

"Hey there, wake up." I called out for the dragon.

I called out for sleeping fuck*ng dragon! I'm not sure if it will really eat me, but I'm not in my previous environment, that could mean that this dragon might have done something or I just went crazy.

"Hey... wake up already you are creeping me out." I pulled my hand towards the dragon. I put my hand on his head.

"It's hard as stone woah." The dragon had scales, black ones at that. It looked cool, but also hard enough to act like armour.

Getting carried away in such a situation wasn't favorable. The dragon opened its red eyes and just this made me sweat bullets. Dragon then straightened up looking down on me.

"H-Hi." I squeaked out in fear.

Dragon just narrowed its eyes on me before moving his big hand towards me. I just stood still till the claw on his hand reached me, I was just too afraid to move. It tapped on my forehead before I got knocked out again.


Another chappie!!!!