
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs



Hubris had clouded my judgment. I had allowed myself to become arrogant, blinded by the notion that my abilities from a past life made me invincible in this world. I had faced demons and angels, believed I had already saved the world. But here, in this unfamiliar realm, I was a mere four-year-old child, still in the midst of honing my skills with the sword.

The bitter truth struck me with unwavering force as I stood before that formidable man. In my previous life, he would have been inconsequential, a mere ant I could crush with a flick of my finger. But now, he loomed like an insurmountable wall, surpassing any opponent I had encountered thus far.

His swordsmanship was extraordinary, unmatched in its pure skill. I had witnessed many warriors in this world, including Arthur, but none could rival this man's prowess. His blade skill was only one level below mine, a fact that perturbed me. However, the true disparity lay in our mana capacities. He possessed the power of a yellow stage mage, while I was merely a light red stage mage.

With my swordsmanship and acquired skills, no orange stage mage could stand against me. But this man transcended such distinctions. He surpassed the capabilities of even the most skilled yellow stage mages. How had such an exceptional individual found himself in this rural expanse? And could I truly defeat him? The answer lay within the depths of my being, the potential locked behind the third door—the door I had yet to unlock.

As I rose to my feet, catching sight of Arthur's gaze fixed upon the outside, a wave of dismay washed over me. The scene that unfolded before my eyes shattered any remaining illusions I held. The members of the Twin Horns, along with my father, lay motionless on the ground, their defeat achieved with alarming ease. The Twin Horns, renowned for their formidable strength as a team, had succumbed to this man's prowess, even in their fatigued state. It was a stark testament to the sheer skill he possessed.

Arthur stood beside me, his mouth agape, his expression a mixture of anger and realization that we were hopelessly outclassed. What could we possibly do in this dire situation? I racked my brain, desperately searching for a solution, until a dangerous, yet potentially effective idea formed in my mind. It was a crazy plan, but it just might work.

Motioning for Arthur to approach, I whispered to him, "Channel your mana into my core. I'm on the verge of breaking through to the orange stage." Initially puzzled, Arthur soon comprehended my intent and nodded in agreement.

My mother, visibly shaken, struggled to contain her emotions and refrain from rushing out to assess the condition of the Twin Horns and my father. Meanwhile, I focused on entering a meditative state to facilitate my breakthrough to the orange stage.

Arthur's unfamiliar and impure mana entered my red core. Though there was a discrepancy in purity, our core stages being only one apart helped minimize the issue. Initially, my core resisted the influx of his mana, but I persisted, forcefully merging his energy with mine, purifying it in the process.

The pain that ensued was beyond description. My mana core felt as though it would rupture under the strain. However, I pressed on, fully aware of the stakes. I was driven by the need to save my parents, the Twin Horns, Arthur, and to safeguard the life I had come to cherish in this world.

I continued purifying my mana, enduring the excruciating process. Gradually, I sensed a shift within me—a surge of power building up as my core ascended, breaking through the barriers and propelling me into the realm of the orange stage.

My mother gazed at me in astonishment, her eyes reflecting her perception of the newfound mana radiating from within me. Arthur, too, regarded me with a mix of weariness and surprise, recognizing the transformation taking place.

A man approached our carriage, drawing closer with each passing moment. Seizing the opportunity, I summoned the winds to whirl around my blade, infusing it with the power of wind magic. With a swift strike, I dispatched him, ending his threat instantly.

I had initially hesitated to resort to lethal measures, wanting to maintain the appearance of a child. However, with the gravity of the situation weighing upon me, I decided it was time to discard any pretense. I stepped outside, prepared to confront our adversaries with all the strength at my disposal.

A harsh, gravelly voice echoed, "So you're the brat who chipped my blade."

My gaze shifted to behold a group of bandits standing behind a towering figure. The man gripped a flawlessly crafted steel katana, marred only by a deep slash inflicted by my earlier attack.

I couldn't help but smile and retort, "Looks like it's time for round two."

There was an air of suppressed anger about the man, but all he did was smile back and ask, "Are you absolutely certain?"

I nodded confidently and replied, "If I emerge victorious, spare the lives of my father, twin horns, mother, and Arthur," gesturing towards my loved ones.

The bandit leader, however, scoffed, "Hah! You must be joking! As if that's even possible!"

In response, the swordsman's eyes flashed with anger as he swiftly turned towards the doubters, his voice dripping with resolve, "This will be over sooner than you think." With a swift motion, he struck down three bandits in a single powerful slash. The remaining bandits charged at him, their desperation palpable. The battlefield was set.

Or so I thought. It quickly transformed into a one-sided massacre. Within a mere five minutes, the swordsman decimated the remaining bandits—an unstoppable force. He effortlessly dispatched the three orange stage mages and swiftly eliminated ten warriors.

"Let the battle commence," he declared with another chilling smile. His grin reminded me of the maniacal First Sword, the one who had become a devotee of darkness in his relentless pursuit of the sword.

Drawing upon the strength of my newly unlocked orange core, I swung open the second door, grasping my wooden sword tightly as I launched myself towards him with unwavering determination. I knew that the slightest lapse in focus would lead to my demise.

Within my core, the vibrant brilliance of the orange mana pulsed, surging through my body and infusing my sword. A vivid, electric green aura enveloped the blade's edge, crackling with dangerous energy akin to verdant lightning.

The surge of power ignited an adrenaline rush, causing my mana to burst forth, creating a swirling vortex of wind around me, a testament to the potency of my newfound abilities.

The man arched an eyebrow, but swiftly reacted by enshrouding his katana in searing red flames. I utilized the currents of wind surrounding me to disperse the scorching heat, preventing it from impeding my progress.

Positioning my right foot behind me, I propelled myself forward with explosive speed. My sword cleaved through the air with a piercing whistle, aimed directly at his head, the wooden blade carrying the weight of my determination.

A smirk tugged at the corners of the man's lips as his katana met my wooden sword head-on. His scorching red mana clashed against my gusting Wind, an intense clash of opposing forces.

From his flames, crimson tongues leapt forth, ferociously attempting to engulf my emerald blaze. Despite the temporary surge in power, I realized that I couldn't match him in sheer brute strength alone. Even though my body was stronger than that of a normal person, his core was at least a full colour above mine, a huge disparity.

However, I knew I didn't have to rely solely on brute strength.

Despite his overwhelming mana, his sword technique appeared lacking in my eyes, the eyes of one who had reached the pinnacle of all sword techniques ever conceived.

He swung his sword recklessly, attempting to strike me with his fiery onslaught. Internally, I scoffed at his lack of finesse, swiftly employing the Twenty-four Gale Steps to gracefully evade his attack.

Turning back to face him, I couldn't help but smirk as the man's confident smile vanished, replaced by a pained expression as he touched the blood trickling from his chest.

With incredible power, he charged forward, causing the very ground to melt beneath the heat of his flames. An apprehensive gulp escaped my lips as I readied my blade to meet his.

Our clashing mana resonated once again, but my superior technique, even with my less refined physical form, allowed me to rain down a flurry of attacks upon him while effortlessly evading his retaliations.

Shallow cuts began to pepper his body, and I could sense his left foot falter under the strain, threatening to send him crashing to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, I launched myself forward, only to find that my blade couldn't slice through his defensive mana coat.

A surge of danger coursed through me, prompting an instant retreat. Why was my sword unable to penetrate his protective barrier?

Although my mana was inferior to his, it should still have been sufficient to inflict damage.

That's when it dawned on me—I was reaching my limit as well. Clutching my core, I finally felt the strain it had endured after the adrenaline rush subsided.

Had the forceful injection of mana, coupled with the rapid breakthrough to the second door, overwhelmed its capacity?

I knew I had to end this battle with a single strike. We were both growing tired, but at this rate, he would outlast me.

Enter the Wind and Lightning Flurry Strikes.

These powerful sword slashes required the fusion of wind and lightning mana, akin to a serene storm in its intensity.

But could I truly wield lightning, considering it was the deviant of fire?

Shaking my head to dispel doubt, I focused my will, drawing forth the fire mana and pushing it beyond its limits, transmuting it into lightning. I could feel the mingling of lightning and wind mana as they swirled around my blade.

Taking a deep breath, I charged at him once more.

This time, I decided to employ the Thirty-Six World Steps—the foundational footwork that had underpinned all of my techniques. I would evade while seemingly standing still, a tactic I had mastered in my previous life.

And so, we clashed.

I deftly evaded his attacks, barely shifting my position, countering with a barrage of relentless flurry strikes, each one delivered with unyielding force.

The twelve-fold assault inflicted some damage upon him, but I, too, bore the wounds from his relentless cuts.

Now, it was time for the final strike. He stood prepared to face me, just as he had done on the cliff, with a blazing sun of flames meant to overpower my ultimate attack.

But who said this clash had to be straightforward?

Utilizing the Twenty-Four Gale Steps, I swiftly maneuvered behind him, evading his incoming assault and striking with unwavering precision. His eyes widened in pure disbelief as my blade cleaved through his armor, ending his life.

As my sword slipped from my grasp, I collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

I attempted to rise but heard my name being urgently shouted. Turning my head, I could make out the blurry figures of Arthur and my mother rushing toward me. The last thing I remembered before succumbing.


Jude's performance was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I had already been amazed by his skills, but he continued to surpass my expectations. His footwork, in particular, left me astounded. It was as if he had teleported, effortlessly outmaneuvering a much stronger opponent with his masterful techniques. I found myself looking up to him in admiration, a sentiment I never thought I would feel.

However, amidst the triumph, a sense of foreboding washed over me. I had felt something amiss when I transferred mana to Jude to facilitate his breakthrough to the orange stage level. My intuition proved to be right as he collapsed unconscious before us.

Worry etched across my face, I hurriedly joined my mother at Jude's side. After examining him, she murmured, "His mana core appears to be unstable."

Lost in thought, I contemplated my mother's words when I suddenly sensed another hostile presence. Whirling around, I caught sight of the orange stage bandit leader rising to his feet.

He sighed in frustration, "I should have known better than to trust him." His gaze then shifted to Jude's unconscious form, and a sinister hunger flickered in his eyes. "Now that all the fighters are out, it's time for some fun!"

An indignant rage surged through me, propelling me forward as I charged at the bandit leader. He chuckled mockingly, "Do I look like a weakling to you?" as he deflected my wooden sword with his menacing axe. He then raised his weapon, imbuing it with augmented strength, intent on defeating me in a single devastating blow. Employing a feint step, I swiftly evaded his attack and struck back.

His expression morphed into one of surprise as his grip on the axe faltered, clearly exhausted from our clash.

However, I wasn't faring much better. My energy was drained, and I struggled to remain upright. To make matters worse, my back was perilously close to the edge of the cliff, leaving me vulnerable to the impending danger of a fall. Despite his fatigue, the bandit leader's strength far surpassed mine. Abandoning my hopes of swiftly ending the confrontation, I found myself gradually being pushed back, inching closer to the precipice. Just as I reached the edge, a wicked smile crossed his face.

With a mighty swing, he struck me with all his might, shattering my wooden sword and even the ground beneath me. Desperately, I summoned a mana string, hoping to bring him down with me. We both hurtled downward, locked in a deadly descent. The bandit leader appeared puzzled, questioning why he, too, was plummeting. Suddenly, an object emerged from his pocket, but I couldn't discern its nature. Before I could comprehend what was happening, it detonated, propelling us far away from our previous location. As darkness enveloped my consciousness, my final thoughts were filled with concern for the safety of my loved ones.