
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

Lady Myre


Accompanied by Windsom, I followed him to a quaint cottage nestled amidst the vibrant landscape. The air carried an alluring medley of scents, a symphony of unfamiliar herbs and spices that captivated my senses, momentarily distracting me from all else.

As we entered the cottage, my attention was immediately drawn to an elderly woman who stood at its helm. Time had etched delicate wrinkles upon her face, but they served only to accentuate her dignified and graceful presence. Clad in a simple gray robe that mirrored the hue of her tightly braided hair, she exuded an aura of wisdom and tranquility. Her eyes, sparkling with wisdom and experience, met mine with a discerning gaze.

"Greetings, Lady Myre," Windsom spoke, his voice laced with respect as he offered a bow, acknowledging her authority.

"So, you are the one I am entrusted to train," she mused, her eyes narrowing as she studied me intently.

Her aura, like the calm surface of an ocean, exuded serenity and contained power. Behind her weathered appearance lay a deep reservoir of strength, surpassing even that of Windsom.

She dismissed Windsom and led me inside her cottage.

"Show me what you can do with aether," she spoke with tender curiosity, her words carrying a gentle encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, I immersed myself once again in the metaphysical plane of mana and aether. Drawing upon the essence of the unseen energy, I focused my will and began manipulating the motes of aether, coaxing them to follow my intent. It required effort and concentration, but eventually, the ethereal strands wrapped around my arm in response. I concealed the full extent of the power I had unlocked during my encounter with Cadell, recognizing the importance of absorbing as much knowledge as possible from the Asuras.

Witnessing my abilities, Myre stood in astonished awe. "You can influence pure aether to this degree," she muttered, her voice filled with disbelief. "And yet, you do not possess the Realmheart."

"Realmheart?" I echoed, my curiosity piqued as she approached me with measured steps.

"Realmheart, also known as the Realmheart Physique, is a unique ability exclusive to the bloodline of the Indrath Clan," Myre explained, her voice tinged with a blend of reverence and fascination. "The name was bestowed upon it by the clan's ancestors, for those who possess the Realmheart Physique attain an unparalleled attunement with the physical realm. While the ability itself may not grant great strength, activating the Realmheart allows the user to gain knowledge and insights beyond the reach of those without it."

"Could you perceive all five of the colors that comprise the physical realm?" Myre's expression held a mixture of intrigue and curiosity, her eyes fixed upon me as she awaited my response.

"Yes," I nodded confidently.

Her demeanor shifted, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing her features. "Interesting," she muttered, her voice laced with a hint of revelation. "It appears that the Realmheart may not be as exclusive to the Indraths as we once believed. Quadra-elementals like yourself might possess the capacity to tap into its power to some extent."

Suddenly, without warning, Myre's hand darted out, gripping my arm tightly, her fingers pressing into my muscles. I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity mixed with a touch of apprehension at her actions.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

Ignoring my question, Myre muttered to herself in a dazed manner, "Your physique... how is it so formidable? It rivals that of a young Asura."

Unfazed by her examination, I explained, "Ever since my awakening, I have been intertwining and connecting the flow of mana particles within my body with my cells."

Her eyes widened in astonishment, followed by a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Truly, you are an anomaly, surpassing even your brother," she remarked, her voice tinged with a sense of awe. "It's no wonder Kezess allowed your entry into Epheotus."

My mind whirled with the newfound information. Kezess, apparently the name of Lord Indrath, held great significance within the Indrath clan. The fact that Myre referred to him so casually meant she held an exceptionally high standing within the clan hierarchy, far surpassing Windsom.

She was a figure of far greater importance than I had initially realized.

"I shall now provide you with a comprehensive theoretical lesson on mana and aether," Myre declared, her eyes gleaming with a profound knowledge. Taking a seat on a chair, I eagerly listened as she delved into the intricacies of these two mystical forces. Her expertise surpassed my expectations, and I found myself astounded by her exceptional ability to convey complex concepts. Her words flowed effortlessly, painting a vivid picture of each notion with a clarity that would have made the esteemed professors at Xyrus Academy green with envy.

Myre expounded upon the three aspects of aether: aevum, spatium, and vivum. It was revealed that members of the Indrath clan possessed the capacity to master only one aspect to a remarkable degree. Furthermore, she explained that aether could not be directly manipulated but rather influenced and guided. Unlike mana, aether could not be absorbed.

"It is through your unique ability to gain insight into all four of the fundamental elements that we have glimpsed beyond the surface of water and realized the glass cup that confines us," Myre remarked, her tone filled with a mixture of wonder and intrigue. "Perhaps, against all odds, you could become the first non-Indrath to acquire the knowledge and wield the power of Realmheart."

"However, before you allow your excitement to consume you, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations that stem from your human nature," Myre interjected, her tone firm yet devoid of condescension. "Even though you possess the rare ability to manipulate all four elements, conscious control over aether, like we Asuras possess, is uncertain."

Her words struck a chord of realism within me, reminding me of the challenges I would undoubtedly face. Yet, despite the cautionary message, I remained undeterred. There was still one crucial detail I hadn't disclosed to her—I was far more adept at controlling aether than she realized.

"Jude, I must stress the gravity of the knowledge I have shared with you," Myre continued, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and urgency. "This knowledge holds the potential to be wielded against the dragon race if it were to fall into the wrong hands. Please trust me when I say that I genuinely have your best interests at heart. If Kezess were to discover your affinity for Realmheart, he would not hesitate to end your life."

Silence filled the space between us as I absorbed her warning, nodding in solemn understanding.

"In that case, why have you chosen to disclose all this to me?" I inquired, curiosity tinged with a hint of disbelief. "Why share this precious knowledge?"

A soft, enigmatic smile graced Myre's face as she replied, her words carrying a depth of hidden emotion. "Because, Jude, you are the beacon of hope in this world."

I was taken aback by her declaration, my eyes widening in surprise. While I knew Arthur and I played significant roles in the destiny of Dicathen, being regarded as the hope of Epheotus, a realm filled with powerful Asuras, felt astonishing.

"The Asuras possess immense power and potential beyond that of a mere human like me," I murmured, struggling to grasp the magnitude of her statement. "So why..."

Myre's gaze held unwavering determination as she spoke, her voice brimming with conviction. "Because, Jude, I believe in your ability to make the right choices. That is why I will protect and support you on your journey to master Realmheart. I warned you about Kezess not to discourage you, but to urge caution. Your future holds great importance, and I want to ensure you walk the path of righteousness."

After Myre was done with teaching me, it was time for to attempt to reach Realmheart by myself.

"Feel the mana in its purest form," was the last piece of advice she had given to me.

I found myself floating in a void, similar to the one before my reincarnation. The forces of purple aether and rainbow mana danced in harmony, but I couldn't discern their interaction's mysterious tune.

Realization dawned on me. Aether was reality itself, and each of its branches represented a fundamental aspect of the universe. Vivum was life, spatium was space, and aevum was time.

Aether had superior authority over mana, but it was not absolute. The relationship between them was not like water in a cup or two oceans colliding. Mana could influence aether to a limited extent, while aether could effortlessly create waves in mana.

I focused my mind, activating my white core and allowing its energy to surge through my being. The particles of mana responded, swirling and shifting under my influence. However, I knew that to truly harness the power of aether, I needed to bridge the gap between mana and aether, to make their harmony more seamless.

In that moment, I realized that the key lay in understanding the nature of aether itself. It was not enough to guide it using mana; I needed to connect with the motes of aether on a deeper level. I let go of the traditional approach and honed my concentration solely on the essence of aether.

With intense focus, I reached out towards the aether, breaking it down to its fundamental components: aevum, vivum, and spatium. I touched the particles delicately, feeling their presence as they responded to my influence. The boundaries between mana and aether blurred as I delved deeper into their essence.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins as a window of understanding opened within my mind. My entire being became a conduit, as if every pore on my body absorbed the influx of mana and aether. In that transcendent moment, I felt an unparalleled power pulsating within me, surpassing any other force in the universe.

Golden runes shimmered across my skin, a testament to the mastery I had achieved over aether. The motes of aether danced to the symphony of my will, intertwining seamlessly with my intentions.
