

Mo, a legend in the gaming world, finds himself thrust into a world far different from pixels and keyboards. He wakes up in Tattoolandia, a realm of swords and sorcery where people wield magical tattoos instead of controllers. In this new world, gamers are not just respected, they're revered, their skills valued on par with lawyers, doctors, and even royalty. But Mo wants none of it. He longs for the familiar comfort of his own world, the world of eSports tournaments and endless online battles. Fueled by the suspicion that his arrival in Tattoolandia was no accident, he vows to return and uncover the truth. Navigating this fantastical landscape, Mo encounters other travelers from his world, each with their own unique tattoo powers. There's Anya, the stoic warrior with a Beast Tattoo that grants her superhuman strength, Kai, the cunning strategist with a Tool Tattoo that allows him to craft ingenious inventions, and Elara, the enigmatic sorceress with an Abstract Tattoo that unlocks secrets beyond imagination. As they band together, they must overcome challenges and adversaries, from treacherous terrain to rival guilds with their own agendas. Mo discovers a hidden talent within himself – a rare and powerful Weapon Tattoo that allows him to wield any weapon with unmatched skill. But his greatest weapon is his unparalleled gaming experience, his strategic mind and lightning-fast reflexes proving as valuable in this world of magic as they were in the world of pixels. Through their journey, Mo and his team uncover a sinister plot that threatens to destroy both Tattoolandia and his own world. They must use their unique talents and forge alliances with unlikely allies, including the enigmatic Tattoo Masters who hold the key to unlocking the secrets of their powers. Will Mo succeed in returning to his own world and unraveling the truth behind his arrival? Or will he find a new purpose in this fantastical land, using his gamer skills to become a legend of Tattoolandia? **Themes explored:** * **Isekai**: A familiar trope with a unique twist, exploring the challenges of adapting to a world of magic and wonder. * **Reincarnation**: Mo's past life as a gamer influences his approach to this new world, giving him a unique advantage. * **Gamers**: The novel celebrates the respect and recognition gamers receive in Tattoolandia, highlighting their skills and strategies. * **Fantasy**: A vibrant world filled with magic, diverse creatures, and thrilling adventures. * **Tattoo has powers**: The unique system of tattoos adds an exciting layer of complexity and power dynamics to the story. * **Team Building**: Mo must learn to trust and rely on his teammates, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. * **Power Levels**: The color-coded power levels provide a clear framework for understanding the characters' abilities and progression. **With its engaging characters, thrilling action, and exploration of intriguing themes, The Gamer of Tattoolandia promises a captivating adventure for fans of isekai, fantasy, and gaming genres.** Release rate: 1/day For more content, please support me here: paypal.me/arviiiiinnn

TattooedGod · Fantasy
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29 Chs

To Dawn City

- Inside the Village -

Glenn, sprinting with all the might his legs could muster, remained blissfully unaware of the tumultuous events that had transpired in the battle. His singular focus was on escaping, fueled by an unwavering confidence in his father's strength.

As he raced through the village, a sorrowful realization gripped Glenn. The aftermath of the battle unfolded around him—the periphery littered with corpses, houses reduced to rubble, and the unmistakable scent of blood permeating the air.

Amidst this grim landscape, a sudden eruption of anger pierced through the air. "YOU ANIMAL!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FAMILY!!!" The furious cry echoed.

"Kakaka, they were not bad," a sinister old voice retorted callously.


"Hmph! Overestimating yourself!" The disdainful snort of the old voice resonated.

A thunderous crash followed as the door of a nearby house burst open. A mangled body was flung through the air, landing at Glenn's feet.

Startled, Glenn glanced into the house, subconsciously drawn to the unfolding scene. Inside, an old man with green hair and a lecherous grin emerged slowly—Old man Jack. Behind him lay the lifeless forms of a small girl and a middle-aged woman, their faces forever etched with the fear endured until their last breath.

Instead of succumbing to fear, rage surged within Glenn. His eyes turned bloodshot, and he pointed vehemently at the old man. "YOU DESPICABLE WRETCH!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU VILE SAVAGE!! YOU POSSESS NO SOUL!!"

Startled by the sudden outburst, Old man Jack turned his attention towards the enraged voice. His eyes fell upon a black-haired, good-looking youth of about 17 or 18, dressed in loose scholarly robes.

"Kekeke~ not bad, you'll be my dessert!" Old man Jack responded with a perverse grin, licking his lips in anticipation. The air thickened with tension as Glenn, fueled by a burning fury, prepared to confront the depravity that stood before him.


Without a moment's hesitation, Jack lunged towards Glenn, seizing him by the mouth with his wiry arms and dragging him forcibly toward the desolate house.

Glenn struggled desperately, his mind racing with the fear of a grim fate. "Is this the end for me? No! I won't allow myself to be victimized by this monster!"

As if answering Glenn's silent plea, a lightning-quick blade sliced through the air, targeting Jack's exposed neck.

"Blade Draw!"

Reacting swiftly, Jack invoked his tattoo, "Twin Boa!" Scales of a serpent covered half of his body, and his right hand's nails elongated. He deflected the impending strike with practiced ease, sneering, "Naive!"

Just as he prepared to retaliate, an unexpected prickling pain pierced Jack's chest. Bewildered, he looked down to find the tip of a broken sword impaled into his heart.

Mo, the masked savior, sighed in relief at the successful intervention, rescuing Glenn from a gruesome fate.

Dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events, Glenn's shock turned to gratitude as he recognized one of his rescuers—his close friend Shao Tan. A shared sigh of relief escaped both their lips.

"Glenn! You okay? Where's Uncle Gordon? Let's help him!" Shao urged, concern evident in his voice.

"No, Dad said to proceed to the port!" Glenn responded, regaining his composure.

"Chief Gordon did say that. Let's go!" Mo, the mysterious savior, added calmly.

Glenn's gaze shifted to Mo, who was now canceling his skill. To Glenn's surprise, he discovered Mo's true identity when the mask was removed, leaving him dumbstruck.

"You?!" Glenn exclaimed.

"Yep, it's me. Let's go." Mo replied nonchalantly.

Shao, though a bit confused, brushed off the revelation, focusing on the urgent situation at hand. The trio hastily made their way toward the small port.

Upon arrival, Mo noticed a peculiar boat with a square device attached—a TP-driven boat adorned with ancient markings, indicating its connection to an ancient art.

"TP-driven boat?" Shao remarked, displaying his knowledge about the vessel.

"Yeah, let's go! We need to head towards Dawn City," Glenn declared, taking the lead onto the boat.

Mo shrugged and leaped aboard, followed by Shao.

"Where is Dawn City?" Mo inquired.

"Sail straight to the southeast, and we'll be there. With the TP-Driven Boat, we can reach it in 2-3 days," Glenn explained.

"For this kind of small boat, 1TP would be enough for 3 hours of sailing. Let me drive it first," Shao suggested confidently.

Mo observed as Shao placed his hand on the peculiar device. His white aura gushed out, but to their surprise, nothing happened.

"Huh? Why is it not working?" Shao questioned.

"Let me try." Mo, curious, extended his hand toward the device. His white aura enveloped it, but the result was the same.


[Device unusable. Brand level requirement: Blue]


"I think we need to use the paddle. It requires a blue brand aura," Mo suggested to the duo.

"What?! How did you know? What do we do now? We need to report what happened to Sea Breeze Village quickly," Shao anxiously exclaimed.

"We'll use the paddle?" Mo asked.

"It'll take us a month before we arrive if we don't use the device," Glenn frowned.

"But it's okay; I'll recover my TP and use my spell to report what happened," Glenn reassured, determined to send a distress message to Dawn City.

"Better than nothing." Mo volunteered to take the helm.

The duo shrugged, and Glenn settled into a corner to recover his TP and send a distress message. The trio set sail toward Dawn City, embarking on a journey where new adventures awaited Mo, Glenn sought aid for his homeland, and Shao reluctantly faced an uncertain destiny.

As the small boat glided over the gentle waves, Glenn concentrated on replenishing his TP, feeling the arcane energy surge within him. Meanwhile, Mo skillfully manipulated the paddle, guiding the vessel in the direction of Dawn City.

Shao Tan, still puzzled by the unexpected turn of events, observed the seamless coordination between Mo and the paddle. His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion, but the urgent need to report the plight of Sea Breeze Village kept his mind grounded.

As the trio sailed further away from the village, Glenn's eyes were drawn to the receding silhouette of Sea Breeze, a place now marred by tragedy and desolation. His heart heavy with the burden of the events he witnessed, Glenn contemplated the uncertain fate of his father, Chief Gordon, left behind to confront the remnants of the invading force.

Mo, steering the boat with practiced ease, sensed the melancholy in Glenn's demeanor. "We'll make it in time," Mo reassured, offering a comforting glance toward the distressed youth.

Determined to contribute to their journey, Shao Tan initiated a conversation. "So, Mo, what's the story behind the mask?"

Mo chuckled, his mysterious persona momentarily softened. "Just a choice. Helps me stay focused."

Glenn, intrigued by the sudden camaraderie, joined the conversation. "Why were you there, Mo? And how did you know we needed help?"

Mo hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I was in the vicinity, heard the commotion. Decided to step in. Fate works in mysterious ways."

Shao Tan, still processing the revelations, couldn't help but nod in agreement. The trio sailed onward, their destination on the distant horizon.

As the hours passed, Glenn's TP gradually replenished, allowing him to activate the ancient art needed to send a distress message to Dawn City. He focused his energy on weaving the spell, recounting the horrors of Sea Breeze Village and pleading for immediate assistance.

The familiar glow of the spell enveloped Glenn's hands, and with a determined expression, he sent the message forth into the magical currents that connected the city and village.

Meanwhile, Mo maintained a vigilant watch, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The sea breeze whispered its secrets, and the rhythmic splash of the paddle echoed the trio's journey.

Days turned into nights, and the small boat navigated the vast expanse of the ocean. Shao Tan, who initially questioned the feasibility of their journey without the TP-driven device, marveled at the resilience of his companions.

End of the first volume!

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