

"A series of nine stars appeared here, and various creatures underwent violent mutations, leading to the demise of their former overlords – humans, driven to madness. Thermal weapons are no longer humanity's ace in the hole. Fortunately, mutations have also affected humans. These beings will awaken their dormant bloodlines at a specific moment, inheriting the powers of diverse, ferocious beasts. Xu Mo, the possessor of the system, took things to a whole new level. He awakened the bloodlines of ten ancient beasts, ultimately leading humanity to reclaim its dominance!"

Shirokendama · Urban
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17 Chs


Xu Mo's gains in this competition were three bronze-level monster crystal nuclei.

The quality of these crystal nuclei was remarkably high. After Xu Mo completely absorbed and fused them, his level soared to Bronze Nine Stars.

Overwhelmed by the newfound energy in his body, Xu Mo was ecstatic. He hadn't expected such swift progress.

This outcome didn't surprise him. The memory of his predecessor had provided ample information about monster crystal cores.

The rarity of monster crystal cores justified the rewards from Admiral Zeng Rong.

This was a boon, hastening Xu Mo's strength growth and enhancing his ability to defend himself, a crucial asset in turbulent times.

At present, Xu Mo's focus was on self-preservation.

In the following days, Xu Mo, despite not possessing a crystal core, commenced training with the new recruits.

With the Chongming Bird's bloodline, his improvement was astonishingly swift, albeit not as direct as with a crystal core.

Three days later, just before Lord Admiral Zeng Rong was set to pick up Xu Mo, he had already ascended to the Silver One-Star realm.

Upon learning of Xu Mo's rapid progress, Wan Jun felt a tinge of jealousy.

In merely a few days since inheriting the bloodline, Xu Mo had catapulted to a higher level. Meanwhile, Zhang Hao, who boasted eight gold stars, struggled at two bronze stars. The other inheritors hadn't even touched the two bronze star threshold. Yet, Xu Mo had achieved one silver star.

Wan Jun was infuriated by the vast differences between individuals. He refrained from sharing this revelation with the new recruits, aware that secrecy was crucial. Exposing Xu Mo's secret would only spell trouble for the new corps and jeopardize Xu Mo's life.

Moreover, Xu Mo would soon depart from the new corps, which Wan Jun considered fortunate.

Admiral Zeng Rong arrived personally in an unadorned spacecraft to collect Xu Mo.

"Xu Mo, let's go," Zeng Rong directed as soon as he disembarked. Without entering the new regiment, he ordered Wan Jun to escort Xu Mo onto the ship.

Xu Mo promptly complied and, turning, offered Wan Jun a formal military salute.

In his predecessor's memories, Wan Jun had been a commendable leader, treating all Chaos Camp members equitably. Xu Mo's undisturbed days in the new corps were thanks to Wan Jun.

Xu Mo's character dictated that he reciprocate kindness, even though he couldn't repay Wan Jun's favor presently. He would remember this friendship.

"Let's go, young one. Give it your all," Wan Jun returned the salute with a laugh and a lighthearted curse before ushering Xu Mo onto the spacecraft.

Zeng Rong, in the company of Xu Mo, soon arrived at the Admiral's Mansion, where a waiting car was positioned.

Together, Xu Mo and Zeng Rong boarded the vehicle and proceeded toward the City Guard's Mansion near the Admiral's residence.

During the journey, Xu Mo observed a desolate landscape through the car window, dotted with ruins. He could discern that some were the aftermath of monster attacks, while others bore the marks of military weaponry.

Upon arriving at the Admiral's Mansion, Xu Mo's heart swelled with an inexplicable intensity, reminiscent of the battlefield.

A quarter of an hour later, the special car halted beneath a towering wall. Xu Mo and Zeng Rong alighted. As they surveyed the sprawling expanse of the wall stretching out of sight in both directions, Zeng Rong explained:

"This is the city wall of Yanjing Fortress and the forefront of the Yanjing Fortress defense zone. This is your new residence."

Zeng Rong's words were succinct: "To grow, you need to fight. Let's move."

Zeng Rong led Xu Mo toward the stairway adjoining the wall.


As they proceeded, soldiers saluted Zeng Rong and his entourage.

Nodding in response, Zeng Rong guided Xu Mo to ascend the wall. Atop the wall, Xu Mo encountered an odd-shaped cannon.

"This is the electromagnetic gun, an anti-enemy weapon developed by the arsenal. It will reduce the strain on our defense," Zeng Rong explained, grinning, and clapped Xu Mo on the shoulder.

Soon, Zeng Rong ushered Xu Mo to a set of crenellations positioned on the wall's outermost edge. From this vantage point, he indicated the wilderness beyond the city wall.

"Look beyond this wall, you'll see a world of monsters," Zeng Rong stated.

Xu Mo observed the untamed terrain outside, replete with dense, towering trees, some hundreds of meters tall. His gaze darkened.

From Zeng Rong's account, Xu Mo learned that the forest outside was inhabited by monsters. The area guarded by the Admiral's Mansion represented a fraction of the vast four-gate city wall.

In general, monsters refrained from attacking the fortress, but confrontations still occurred under certain circumstances.

Turbulent times demanded vigilance and assertiveness to survive, whether against monsters or other humans.

After Zeng Rong's explanations, Xu Mo was well-acquainted with the situation outside.

Zeng Rong led Xu Mo to the City Guard Mansion, where he intended to introduce him to the others and emphasize his role as a key figure for future promotion by the Admiral's Office.

However, just as they entered the City Guard's meeting room and met the others, sirens wailed:

"Admiral, blue alert!"

Zeng Rong's expression shifted rapidly, and he immediately stood, exclaiming, "Everyone, to the wall, now!"

Within moments, the conference room emptied as soldiers mobilized.

"Admiral, what about me..." Xu Mo hesitated and asked as Zeng Rong prepared to depart.

"Blue alert signifies an imminent monster attack. Stay here," Zeng Rong instructed before exiting.

Fueled by a surge of determination, Xu Mo stood his ground and, wearing a steadfast expression, interjected, "Admiral, please permit me to join the battle."

Startled by Xu Mo's unwavering eyes, Zeng Rong paused and furrowed his brow in contemplation.

After deliberation, Zeng Rong acknowledged that leaving Xu Mo at the City Guard Mansion might not be appropriate. Since they had decided to prioritize his cultivation, it was impractical to shelter him in this manner. A blue alert signified a moderate threat; if Xu Mo couldn't withstand this level of beast tide, he wasn't deserving of their investment in training.

Considering these factors, Zeng Rong conveyed to Xu Mo with newfound resolve, "What's your current level? I'll arrange for you to confront the enemy."

"Admiral, I'm at Silver One-Star," Xu Mo reported.

"What!!!. You are already at Silver One-Star!"

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