
tasting room for ff

Golden_Exprience · Urban
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64 Chs

chapter 16

"Can I offer either of you guys a drink or maybe you would enjoy a cookie?" Baraqiel and Shemhazai glanced to each other as the blond went about recommending different snacks and treats to them. The teen had his back turned to the trio, an action that screamed of ignorance and defenselessness. It was hard to believe that the person rambling about snacks in front of them was the same person who managed to defeat their leader. Though, considering how Azazel could act at times, it probably shouldn't have been too surprising to either of them

"Not to seem too disrespectful but we will both have to decline. Our presence here is for other reasons." Baraqiel stated, causing Naruto to turn towards the two with a slightly hurt look on his face. The look quickly disappeared as the blond recomposed himself in front of the duo, taking on a more serious air as his posture stiffened.

"You're right. Is it right for me to assume that you guys are with Azazel?" It was the fallen angel's turn to stiffen at the directness in the boy's statement. The 180 degree change in the blond's reaction was a little disarming though neither of them were complaining. A more serious attitude would hopefully speed this whole process up. After all, this was an issue that they were hoping would've been taken care of weeks ago, but thanks to Azazel, it had been delayed to up to this point.

"You would be correct. Before any assumptions are made, we would like to apologize for his actions. We never intended for things to grow as out of hand as they did with him. While he is our leader, his actions do not represent our intentions when it comes to our relationship with you." Baraqiel gave a slight bow of his head, an action that the fallen angel rarely ever did. It was a huge show of respect which was something Baraqiel had for few people.

"There's no need for any of that. I've been dealing with perverted idiots my whole life. Azazel is no different from the rest of them." The teen's statement brought a small chuckle from Shemhazai, earning the fallen angel a harsh glance from his partner. The man didn't seem to bothered by the look as he waved it away with a flippant shake of his hand.

"Don't give me that look Baraqiel. The boy is right. Azazel is a perverted idiot and I'm glad that other people are starting to realize that." Shemhazai said to his partner's face before turning to face Naruto. The man seemed a lot more relaxed now that he had started to speak with the teen. His demeanor was as if he was speaking with a friendly face instead of a potential enemy.

"Look kid, I've never been one for beating around the bush. That's just not how I operate. I leave most of the talking to Bara and Azazel. But you seem like my type of guy. So I'm going to be straightforward with you. We want you to work with us. If you're strong enough to beat Azazel, even if the idiot was most likely messing around, then you're good enough for me. So how bout it?" The fallen angel couldn't of been more direct in his tone, a fact that served to draw a sigh out from Baraqiel.

"I should've figured something like this would happen. He was just complaining about how Azazel doesn't stick to plans yet he goes off and does the exact same thing." The man couldn't help but think to himself. It was partly his fault for not stopping Shemhazai in the first place but he assumed the action would only make the duo look unorganized and eventually push the blond away from wanting to join them. And if the rumors about the 'boy' were true, that would be a very bad situation for the fallen angel faction.

Naruto couldn't help but be amused at the silent interaction between the two. Shemhazai looked as happy as he could be while Baraqiel looked to be seconds away from choking the life out of his partner. The two reminded him of the earlier relationship between himself and Sasuke. Though, it was pretty weird that two beings that were hundreds of years old could emulate the behavior of two teenage boys.

"I'm sorry to say this but I have to say no. No offense to either of you or your organization but I rather stay out of all of this crap." Naruto tried his very best to make sure his statement came off as polite as possible. He didn't want to incite another fight within his shop when there were customers only a few feet away.

"I sincerely request that you change your mind about this decision. You do not have to give us an answer immediately but we do ask that you give this more thought." Baraqiel stepped in as he sensed Shemhazai was about to open his mouth and say something that would lower their chances of recruiting the boy even more.

"Once again, I don't want to seem disrespectful but my decision will still be no. It will be no tomorrow and it will be no the day after that. This isn't a decision that I am easily going to be swayed on." The mirth from Naruto's voice was slowly beginning to fade away as the tension in the room started to rise.

"That is a shame. We were really hoping that you would see things our way." Baraqiel commented as Shemhazai shuffled awkwardly next to him. The trio of men descended into an awkward silence as the tension reached its apex.

"Don't be fooled. The one to the right is building up his energy. I suggest you act first or you risk the safety of your 'precious customer.'" Kurama spoke up from his silence. The frown on Naruto's face deepened as he realized just how out of hand the situation was getting.

"And here I was, hoping that we could handle this without getting violent. Guess things really never according to plan." The blond couldn't help but sigh to himself, earning him an amused snort from his 'prisoner'.

"You wouldn't be you if everyday of your life didn't include some type of violence." It was Naruto's turn to snort. He couldn't deny the tailed beast's comment. Even since his arrival in this world, his daily routine contained some type of excitement or chaos. He honestly didn't think he would be able to function without it.

"You got me there. Still, I wish this could've been avoided. The shorter one seemed like a pretty nice guy." Just as Naruto had that thought, Baraqiel spoke up.

"Restrain the boy." The man's order was simple yet his partner seemed to fully understand. Without any hesitation, Shemhazai slammed his glowing palms onto the floor of the room.

Naruto stiffened as he felt an overwhelming pressure land down upon his shoulder. His attention was forced down to the glowing seal that was now present beneath his feet. It wasn't too hard of an assumption to make that the seal was the fallen angel's doing.

"I truly am sorry for this but you don't seem to grasp the magnitude of this decision. This is for the preservation and advancement of our race. We are not sure when people will come to we must do what we must until that day becomes clear. I hope that you do not take it personally." Baraqiel stated as he walked up towards the immobile blond. Naruto raised an eyebrow up at the fallen angel as the man began to mutter strange incantations beneath his breath. The man's speech was in a completely different language, making it complete gibberish to the 'captured' shinobi.

"I almost feel bad about this." Naruto's comment did little to slow Baraqiel in his speech, an action that the fallen angel would soon come to regret. The shinobi glanced over to a stoic Shemhazai before shooting the man a small smirk before disappearing from the room in a bright, yellow flash.

"Shit!" Shemhazai shouted as he watched their target disappear. The fallen angel was so caught off guard by the action that he wasn't able to fully react when Naruto appeared behind him. His hesitation cost him as Naruto was able to place his hand on the fallen angel's shoulder and flash back out of the room.

Baraqiel turned as the absence of his partner immediately became known to him. The man's energy signature had been directly behind him only a second ago but now it was completely gone. Not even a small glimpse of it could be sensed by the fallen angel, a fact which only served to put Baraqiel more on guard.

"Like you said earlier, I hope you don't take this personally." Baraqiel turned with a light spear in hand as the blond's voice assaulted his ears. With blinding speed, he stabbed the spear forward in hopes of skewering the teen that had so easily dealt away with his partner. Unfortunately for the fallen angel, Naruto easily side stepped the rushed attack before grabbing onto Baraqiel's extended arm.

Now let it be known, Baraqiel had taken apart in his fair share of teleportation magic. The act of flying quickly lost its novelty when there were methods that were much faster. His first experience using the branch of spells had left him without his breakfast. Having your body ripped through time and space tended to do that to you. Though he eventually grew used to the feeling.

Nothing could've prepared him for the experience of the Flying God Technique. The amount of force and pressure the technique pushed upon the fallen angel had left the man gasping for air when he finally managed to escape its grasp. He vaguely noticed Shemhazai's absence as he collapsed down onto his hands and knees while taking in huge gulps of air

"Really wish we could've gotten along better. I don't blame you guys for being so forceful but maybe next time try saying please before you go try to kidnap a person. If you ever need some snacks for your faction, feel free to place an order anytime. See ya later." Baraqiel was vaguely aware of the words that blond was saying as he tried to recover from having his body forcibly moved through time and space. It was only after several minutes of stomach churning nausea was Baraqiel able to climb back up to his feet.

"That boy." The fallen angel muttered to himself as he began to take note of his surroundings. The blond had moved the man into what seemed to be a desert. He could see nothing but long stretches of sand for miles. The heat coming off the sand was already causing a sweat to form against his skin.

"I'm going to strangle that child when I get my hands on him. First I have to locate that other idiot." And with, the fallen angel unfurled his wings and took off to the skies.

"You have five seconds to explain what just happened or I'll blow you and this rinky dink shop off this plane of existence." Naruto raised a single eyebrow as he stared down at the ball of energy aimed at his throat. Connected to the ball of energy was the arm of a very agitated Vali Lucifer.

After dealing with Baraqiel and Shemhazai, Naruto had reappeared in the backroom of the shop only to be confronted by the irritated teen. The devil had immediately grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and confronted him with the attack. The action came off as surprising to the blond.

"Seems like the boy has some connection with the fallen angel's. How shocking." Kurama commented as Naruto continued his staredown with the devil. The blond's face was set in an amused smirk as he started to address the teen.

"You know it's illegal to threaten your boss in your workplace. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to do it anywhere else either but especially in your workplace." Naruto stated. Vali released a loud growl at the flippant comment before thrusting his attack forward.

To the devil's disappointment and the blond's amusement, the devil's attack fizzled out of existence as soon as it got within inches of Naruto's face. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at his fellow teen's confused look.

"Do you really think I would just allow someone to attack me in my own store?" Vali didn't get a chance to reply to the blond's question as he was forced to undergo the same treatment Baraqiel and Shemhazai had just underwent. WIthout even prompting the devil, Naruto had used the Hiarishin to transport him away.

Vali sucked in a large, labored breath as his ability to breathe returned to him. During the actual technique, the boy had been left breathless as his body rocketed through through dimensions. The experience was certainly something he didn't want to experience again.

"Whenever you manage to catch your breath, we can start talking." Vali was vaguely aware of the blond's comment as he tried to get his stomach back under his control. The devil felt as if he was seconds away from throwing up his lunch, breakfast and last night's dinner. The sense of nausea just didn't seem to want to go away.

It was only after a few long and nausea filled minutes that Vali was able to climb up to his feet. The devil immediately noticed that he was no longer present in the blond's shop. The environment he was in now was vastly different from the shop with an entire forests worth of trees surrounding him.

"Have you caught your breath?" Vali's head shot up as the sound of Naruto's voice came from above him. The devil found his 'boss' hanging from the underside of one of the tree branches without the use of his hands. The blond was simply just sticking to the branch.

"Shut … your mouth!" Vali growled out as he took in the trees around him. Naruto shook his head at the devil's question before cutting the flow of chakra to his feet, his feet landing on the forest's floor several seconds later. The shinobi stood over the kneeling teen, his foot tapping the ground repeatedly as he began to speak.

"Since you don't seem to want to start talking, let me start by asking some questions. Are you a devil or a fallen angel? I sensed some demonic energy in your attacks yet you're associate yourself with Azazel so I'm not entirely sure." Naruto asked. The blond got his response in the form of an attack as Vali swiped at his chest. The devil was unsuccessful in his attempt as Naruto managed to jump out of range of the teen's strike.

Vali quickly climb onto his feet before taking off towards Naruto. The blond stood still as the devil ran full speed at him. The teen's speed was impressive yet nowhere close to the type he had been forced to face during his own time as a shinobi.

The devil closed the distance between the two within an instance. He started off his assault by throwing a quick jab at Naruto's head. The blond ducked his head to the side, avoiding the blow while sending his own punch at the teen. The devil swiped away the shinobi's punch before headbutting the blond, an unexpected move that caught Naruto by surprise as he was sent stumbling backwards.

"Albion, come forth!" Vali yelled while Naruto stumbled backwards. Within the blink of an eye, a pair of glistening blue wings appeared from the teen's shoulder blade. The wings were reminiscent of a bat as the devil quickly took to the skies.

"Divide!" The devil declared from his aerial position. At the same moment, Naruto, who had since recovered from the headbutt, felt his chakra be cut in half.

Now, unfortunately for Vali, Naruto was used to having his chakra literally be split in half. After all, that was the basis behind his signature move, the Shadow Clone jutsu. So when devil's divine divide came into effect, the shinobi wasn't fazed one bit.

This showed as Naruto was able to send himself launching towards the airborne devil. Vali, who had been expected some type of visible response from the blond, hesitated momentarily, an act that would cost him as Naruto appeared above him and landed a heavy hay-maker against the teen's cheek. The force behind the blow sent the young devil-human hybrid spiraling through the air while Naruto descended back down to the ground.

With the usage of his wings, Vali quickly managed to recover from the punch. The devil wasn't given much rest as several came flashing towards him. The devil was forced to fly even higher into the air in order to dodge the projectiles.

"Divide!" Vali yelled as he flew higher into the air. He felt a large mass of energy flow into his body, yet the blond showed no visible reaction as he continued to send kunai after kunai towards the flying devil.

"Why the hell isn't it working?" The teen didn't have much time to ponder the answer as a kunai nicked his midsection, causing him to stumble in his flight. Vali paid for the mishap as several more kunai sliced into his body.

"Idiot, it is working. If you haven't noticed, your wings are the brightest they have ever been. The child just has so much energy that taking half of it doesn't seem to affect him." Vali glanced down to his wings at his partner's words. To his surprise, he was actually forced to cover his eyes as the light coming from his wings were too bright for his own eyes.

"Never take your eyes off an opponent." Vali managed to hear the blond shout before a bullet of air struck him in the stomach. The teen was sent spiralling back towards the ground where his face was greeted with the hard and unforgiving forest floor.

"He really doesn't want to give up. Reminds me of myself a bit." The blond mused as he watched the devil attempt to climb back up to his feet immediately after his fall. Not many people would even try to get back after being kicked out of the sky by him. It was somewhat admirable.

Unfortunately for the devil, he wouldn't get much of a chance to fight back as Naruto threw several more kunai his way. The bladed weapons landed in a square-like formation around the downed teen. Unlike before, these kunais had several small paper tags wrapped around their handles. The nature of the tags became clear as a blue barrier erected itself around the silverette with the kunais serving as the corner points of the barrier.

"Wonder how you plan on getting yourself out of this one?" Albion said as he observed the barrier from his container's point of view. Vali paid the dragon no attention as he once again climbed up to his feet. The barrier surrounding him allowed him enough room to take a couple steps in each direction but it wasn't much. The devil took several tentative steps towards the barrier before slowly reaching out towards it. As soon as his fingers made contact with the barrier they began to singe, causing the boy to release a loud hiss while retracting his arm.

"I promise you, you won't be able to force yourself out of that without missing a few body parts. So why don't you just sit back, relax and start talking?" The blond drawled out in a casual manner as he took a seat in front of the restrained devil.

"I advise that you actually listen to him. He is able to resist our Divide and we have no idea the strength of this barrier. Lull him into a sense of security and convince him to release us then we can move accordingly." Albion's voice echoed in Vali's head as the boy continued to glance in between the sitting blond and the barrier. The devil contemplated his partner's words and the current situation he was in. From the blond's demeanor, he didn't seem to be in a rush at all which worried the devil. Confidence in this world meant one of two things, an large amount of strength and technique or an overwhelming sense of arrogance. And considering the way the blond had knocked him out the sky and trapped him in this barrier, he was going to assume the blond possessed the former.

Vali sighed as he climbed to his hands and feet. He quickly transitioned to a sitting position before meeting eyes with Naruto. The blond expression was still set in a bored mask as his eyes drilled into the devil. Vali met the shinobi's eyes as he began to speak.

"Fine, you want me to talk? I'll talk. Get comfortable though, this will take a while."

The sound of a door slamming shut announced Naruto's return to his home. The blond's subsequent sigh and groan further pronounced this fact as the boy immediately trudged towards his kitchen.

His talk with Vali had been rather … interesting. The first thing he had noticed was that the boy was a crappy liar. Everything out of his mouth was either half truths or just complete lies. He couldn't exactly blame the devil;after all, he would've behaved the same way if someone was forcibly interrogating him.

The devil had given him the bare minimum of his backstory. He claimed to have been of devil descent and had no fallen angel blood within him. The teen claimed to be Azazel's protege, a fact which seemed to add up pretty well considering the apparent closeness between the duo.

The devil had also explained to him who exactly Baraqiel and Shemhazai. When it was revealed that the two fallen angel's were actually the right hand men to Azazel, he had been taken by surprise. The two, even Shemhazai, had seemed much more competent than the perverted fallen angel though he had yet to test either of the three in full combat. If what the devil was saying was true, he was pretty lucky he managed to catch them off guard with Hiraishin. The duo could've done plenty of damage to his shop and his customers.

In the end, he had decided to allow the boy to go. He had even made sure to let the devil know that he was still welcome to work here. He seriously doubted that Vali would actually accept the offer but he was still going to put it out there.

"I'm going to have to start adding more security seals to the shop since all these people know about it now." He released a groan as he thought of all the extra work he was going to have to put into his store. He decided he would let future Naruto deal with that. At the moment, all he wanted to focus on was a big bowl of ramen.

The shinobi went to unseal his cabinet, but was stopped when he heard the subtle sound of footsteps coming from behind him. He couldn't help but want to sigh as the footsteps came closer and closer to him.

"I thought you were finished with the assassination attempts." Naruto said as he turned to face a 'stealthy' Kuroka. The nekoshou was dressed in her usual outfit and stood frozen in a pose that a child would make if they were caught sneaking around. The look on the woman's face would've been pretty amusing to the blond if Kuroka also didn't have a kitchen knife in her hand.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The woman's words would've came off as convincing if she hadn't blatantly threw the knife away from herself in an attempt to hide her own guilt in the process. Naruto rolled his eyes at the Nekoshou before turning back around to prepare his ramen.

His and Kuroka relationship had since evolved from their initial meeting of each other. Now don't get him wrong, Naruto knew that the moment he released the seal around the Nekoshou's neck, she would probably attempt to slit his throat but she had become a lot less spiteful in her action and speakings towards him. She had actually admitted to enjoy the consistency of their arrangement. As he long as he brought her home some sweets and dealt with her teasing, she would be satisfied. For now.

"I can't really smell Shiro-chan on you today yet you reek of fallen angel. Are you neglecting my little sister again?" The woman's voice was filled with mock anger as she attempted to turn the subject away from her mock assassination attempt. Naruto waved off the devil's comment as he set the pot of water down on his stove top to boil.

"She had to do stuff with her peerage tonight. We're actually going on a date tomorrow so you can stop it with the "me being a neglectful boyfriend" act." Naruto commented as he dumped the contents of the Ramen packet into the boiling water. Kuroka hummed thoughtfully to herself before a sly smirk suddenly made its way to her face. The smirk only seemed to grow as the girl slowly approached the unsuspecting blond.

"Soooo… Have you and Koneko done it yet?" Kuroka had to hold in a giggle as she watched the blond freeze up at her words. Within a second, the teen was now facing her with a large blush staining his cheeks.

"What type of question is that? You can't just ask stuff like that out of the blue!" The boy's voice had raised an octave higher as his embarrassment leaked into his voice. The higher pitch served to amuse the Nekoshou as she released a giggle before slinking even closer to Naruto.

"If it involves my sister, I have the right to know. Now answer my question, Nya! Have you and Shirone done it yet? If you have, I hope you were gentle with my little sister. She isn't built as tough as tough as me." She emphasized her point by running her hands over her clothed body. That action, along with the woman's line of questioning, officially stunned the blond as he started to stutter.

"Y-you … I … You can't just… Uggh." The shinobi, knowing that he had already lost the verbal confrontation with the woman, decided to just groan and turn away from her to save face. There's was no point in continuing to face Kuroka if all he was going to do was embarrass himself even more.

"Just promise me you'll make me their godmother when they eventually pop out. I would do absolutely anything if you let me name one of them." Kuroka made sure her breasts were pressed fully against the boy's backside as she talked. It seemed the combination of her words and actions were too much for Naruto as the teen disappeared from the kitchen in a swirl of wind and leaves, leaving an amused Kuroka alone with his ramen.

AN: Hello everyone. This is out a day earlier but I doubt anyone really cares about that. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

To address some stuff for you guys, A. Naruto didn't 'defeat' the fallen angels. He merely managed to catch them off-guard. It wasn't a fight or even an altercation. Just a bit of quick thinking on Naruto's part.

B. Naruto didn't kill Vali because he isn't a cold-hearted murderous paranoid psychopath. Maybe if this was Hokage Naruto I would be a bit more understanding to people complaining about Naruto not killing Vali. But this isn't that Naruto. He may have gone through war but he isn't that emotionally damaged or scarred to kill a teenager that isn't any threat to him.