

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantasy
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19 Chs



Anna felt terrified. Everything happened so fast. She couldn't take Ray home. She cursed under her breath waking the demon in her.

" Help.. Anna.."

Jeff pleaded weakly and Anna helped him. She took him to the nearest hospital.

She called Andres several times but to no avail. She was running out of patience. Alan crossed her mind and she run there without hesitating.

The guards block her from entering and she fought with them until Alan walked out.


" Let her in .."

He said staring deeply at her beautiful stubborn face.

Anna run into him and slapped him so hard that he tilted his head at the force.

" My day is ruined because of you.. damn it..!"

She yelled on top of her lungs.

" It's all ur fault.. if you hadn't stopped me from teaching that goose a lesson, you wouldn't have lost your son.. "

He said looking back at her.

" You wanted to kidnap Ray and he came to his rescue... ! Why did you do that... am I an enemy now.. "

" My men weren't kidnappers... It's Jeff who rather wanted to kidnap Ray... Have you forgotten the enemy so early..? "

This got Anna's attention. Jeff is the enemy here.

Alan grabbed her wrist and walked her straight to his bedroom.

" Look.. I don't trust you.. Alan.."

" But you trust Jeffery?.. are you listening to yourself?.. Jeff killed Ina .. and you are talking for him.. what kind of a woman are you.. "

" Enough.. I just met you and I can't trust you just like that... Please stay away from me.. please I don't need your help anymore.. "

" After the risk I took to help you grasp the culprit of your sister's death... You don't trust me..?

You don't need my help..? "

Anna nodded looking straight into his eyes. The atmosphere emanated coldness as the stared at each other with power.

Both were tough.

" Okay..."

 Alan said waving his hand in the air.

Anna left.

A day later , Alan called Anna several times but she refused all his calls. She took a cold shower in the after to calm her temperature down as it was running wild.

Her phone buzzed and a message from Alan popped up on her screen.

' Hazal is in danger.. '

Anna jumped in shock and called Alan.

" Where is Hazal... What has happened to her.."

" From my sources, I found out that .. she over head Benita threatening you to kill Ray if Andre lose the case.., Benita has gotten her kidnapped and they will kill her soon if we don't act fast.. "

Alan said ..

" Alan .. I'm coming to your place.. you need to help me find her.."

She dressed and left without closing her zipper to the end.


Benita sits on an old tyre looking angrily at Hazal.

" You are so stubborn.. you eavesdropped again and this time .. it will cost ur life.."

She said looking at the pistol before her.

" I've been eavesdropping and I know every hidden truth..!.. Ina's death wasn't an accident.. you poisoned her.!! You are a heartless.. wicked witch!! "

She cursed.

Benita walked to her and strangled her until she started to fight for oxygen.

" Stupid girl you think I can watch your mum become richer than me ? No!.. it's true that I killed Ina... Yes , and I wanted Ray dead too but that evidence crashed my plans to grass. Haha 😂.. buy do you Know what.. Ray is back home .. once I kill you, I will let him be your companion to the other world ... "

She laughed out loud like a powerful witch. She finally let her go to breathe.

Hazal was thrown into series of coughs.

" What has mummy done .. to.. to you.."


Hazal forced the words between coughs.

" Your mum is a prostitute.., I've been quiet about it because her charm over your dad was unbreakable.. she doesn't deserve my son.

She killed my brother's triplet.. and she needs to pay for it.. "

" Mum is not a prostitute!!. "

" Be quiet poor thing.. I'm sending you to your aunty Frankelle, tell her I've missed her songs haha.. I shouldn't have killed her.. poor thing.. "

" So it wasn't an accident..? "

" Oh c'mon.. your dad did everything. "

" No daddy never kills.. "

" Andres sabotaged the plane.. he killed Frankelle, haha.."

Benita was winning in this game and she was so excited.. and didn't realized Hazal undoing the knot on the rope tied to both her wrist.

Benita left after getting a call from Sasha that Ray has escaped from his room.

" Demon, don't make any mistake ... take her life.."

Benita called when she was half way to her mansion.

" Yes ma'am.."

He hanged up and smiled to the other boys.

" She's really beautiful.. I'm thinking of something.."

" Let's feel her flesh before offering her to the earth.. "

One suggested.

" You are making sense.. she's very stunning.. wow.. I love her lips.. "

Demon praised.

" Her skin.. "

Another said.

" I will take her first.. "

Demon suggested.

He took her to a filthy place and placed her on a bench. Hazal attacked him when he was doing his clothes and run away as fast as her legs could without looking back.


" Is she dead..? "

Benita called with fury in her voice. They are still looking for Ray.

" Ma'am she escaped..!"

" What .. ! Get her.. she knows alot.. she will tell Anna everything damn it..! "

" Okay. ... We are after her.. "

Benita hanged up, sat down in frustration and run her hands through her hair.

" Benita .. why didn't you kill her yourself.."


The men got a sack and run after her .

Since she didn't know the place.. she was caught.

Story continues

"Anna got more worried as they drove to the place they suspected Hazal could be. The car drove with a lightening speed which stopped abruptly causing them to be thrown forward with massive force. 

" Hey ... Why did you stop.."

Alan muttered angrily.

" Sir... There are flocks crossing the road... "

" Get down and clear the road.., we need to get Hazal... She should be safe.. if anything happens you all bear the consequence... "

Alan said coldly. His eyes chilling the orbs of his men.

" Yes sir.."

Anna looked at him surprised. She fought with him not to help her just yesterday but why did he forgot that so easily. 

Alan turned to look at Anna and she looked away embarrassed. One thing she can't resist about Alan is his lips. Zu Lee also got her attention by his sexy lips.

A warm wave gush into her blood causing it to rise to her cheeks.

While still thinking of these she trembled slightly when she felt his hand at her back. She pursed her mouth in annoyance attempting to attack him with her clenched fist .

" I was just closing your zipper..."

Alan said pulling away from the blow staring at him.

" Umm.. sorry.."

Anna said and retreated her hand.


Hazal was caught into a sack when she heard the boys taking orders from Benita to kill her and throw her into the river.

 Her heart sunk and prayed in her head for a second chance. She doesn't want to die.

She thought of begging them to free her but it was as though her cries fell in deaf ears.

She started screaming..to get the neighbors attention but none was successful until her throat ached. 

They threw her to the boot and drove all the way to nearby river .

When the got there. Hazal continued to plead with them but they were cautioned about the punishment they received if the mission fails.

All of a sudden Hazal head kicks and blows followed by screams of men.

" Mama..she said while in the sack..."

Within a few minutes all the boys were beaten and thrown into the river. 

Hazal was rescued and taken to Alan's house.

Ray was seen and brought to Alan's house.

Anna reunited with her kids. She was so happy to be living with them once again.

Late in the afternoon...Anna went to Alan's room to thank him but he wasn't there.

She asked his men and they told her he left without telling them where he was leaving to but he was angry and in a hurry.


Anna was worried. Alan didn't join them for dinner. Where has he gone to. He's not taking anyone's call.

Is he in trouble?

Anna was feeling uneasy.

Anna didn't know when she slept in the couch while waiting for him to arrive.

She felt a hand on her face and she woke up.

" Alan.."

She said his name slowly. He was damn drunk.

Alan fell on top of her and broke into tears.

" Alan.. what's up..."

Anna was getting more worried.

Alan realized the bad state he was in and got up without saying a word. Seeing Anna waiting for him to get back and falling asleep in the couch made him missed his late girlfriend.

Why does Anna behave like her. Why are they so common in many aspects.

He thought while swaying from side to side on his way to his room.

Anna grabbed his hand and placed it over her shoulder to help him to his room.

Anna was mesmerized by his manly scent mixed with his sweat . He smelled good.

She lied him down and fell on top of him.

He quickly wrapped his hands around her waist. Anna shivered with anticipation and look at his face. He was asleep and still holding her tightly. She couldn't break from his embrace.

She struggled to get off him but he was strong. Anna gritted her teeth and force to get up . A low groaned escaped his lips as his face scrunched in pain.

Anna realized his wounds are not yet healed and her struggles are putting pressure on it.

She calmed down and slept on his chest. It's been a long time she got this close to a man so she felt nervous. This guy is so handsome. She smiled and only remembered the good times she had with her ex husband.

" Thank you Alan for saving my kids.."

She muttered.

Story continues...


 The next morning, Alan woke before Anna , this was the first time they had shared the bed. She looked irresistible even with her hair messy on the pillow. Alan brushed her hair behind her ear to have a clear look at her naturally beautiful face. She looked like a peaceful queen and deserves to be treated as such. His lips curved into a smile. This Is the only woman he has gotten feelings for after the death of his girlfriend. 

But it's unfortunate that she's not into anyone apart from her killer ex husband.

This thought made him frowned slightly and got off bed. He checked the time and it was 5 : 30am.. still early.

He went to the a shower. Anna's thought occupied his mind and he forgot her presence in his room.

He came out and stood before the mirror in the main bedroom half naked. He wrapped his towel at his lower part.

Anna inhaled a very sweet perfume and she blinked her eye open.

She gasped when she saw Alan standing before the mirror half naked. Alan turned to see if she's awake and she faked sleeping. She didn't was him to know she's awake or she will feel really embarrassed. She peeked through the see - through cover and explored his back with her naughty eyes.

'Zoe keep calm. Stop being attracted to him'

She told her inner demon.

" Anna ?."

Alan called out to make sure she was still in a deep sleep and she didn't respond.. He smiled and got near her. Any step he took closer tormented her so bad. Yes , she loves sex but hadn't tried outside her previous marriage. She felt so nervous when he sat on the bed watching her. Her face flushed red. 

He stretched his hand to touch her but he controlled the desire burning in him. He turned and run his hand through his wet hair . Anna watched his every action which turned her on even more.

" Anna.."

He tapped her to wake her up. 

" Alan.."

She said slowly rubbing her eyes.. They then fell on his and she froze. This guy remembers her of her sweet ex boyfriend who saved her from slavery. Zu Lee.

The way he cares a lot about Hazal makes her feel it's Zu Lee who is back in her life.

She felt herself leaning forward to kiss him. Alan responded to her until he hopped above her.

Anna run her fingers in his wet hair tucking him closer and for a deep kiss.

Mature content....

Alan's hand traveled under her shirt exploring her soft flesh. She had no bra on so he travelled further to cup her left breast. Anna gasped into his mouth the moment her played with her breast. Alan dived his tongue deep inside her mouth earning small cries from her.

Anna felt her inner clenching at the feeling. He pleasured her with his tactics and she moaned in anticipation. She felt addicted to his touch and yearned for more. 

He broke the kiss and rendered her half naked to himself. He grabbed her nipple between his fingers and her face twitched, body shuddered and an erotic moan escaped her lips.

Anna didn't Know what fingers he's got that turns her on with a simple touch. She closed her eyes and buried herself in the pleasurable sensation. 

" Ah..!."

 She cried out when she felt his hot tongue on her nipple.

" Don't hold back your moans.. you can moan as loud as you can.. my room has gone a sound proof protection... "

He said huskily next to her ears and bit her earlobe using his tongue to draw it into his mouth and sucked on it.

Anna whimpered. Her body was reacting so much to his pleasure. His hand got between her inner thighs and she felt her own sweet Juice dripping from her core. Alan got her shorts off in one swift movement. He played circular motion on her love bud lightening the incredible hot flames in her groin. 

" Oh.. ahh.."

She felt numerous butterflies in her stomach. Alan rubbed her clit in a faster pace and she squirted without warning. She jerked her hip against his hand gliding him inside her. Alan fingered her and she moaned non stop swaying her head from side to side. The feeling was unbearable. His hand feels so good inside her .

" Alan... Ah.."

She moaned and bit on he lower lip. Series of sweat popped on her forehead and she panted seriously.

" Cum for me.. Anna .."

 The way he mentioned her name and the movement of his fingers inside her wet core made her head went blank as she neared her climax.

" I'm so close.."

She said strangulating the covers. He sped up and she started drowning in the pool of pleasure. With a loud moan she came on his hand.

Her body shook from the aftermath. She couldn't adjust her mind before he spread her legs wide apart . He tossed the towel away and thrusted in her slowly.

" Ahh..."

Anna moaned out loud and snapped out of her hallucination.

" Are you awake??.."

Alan said after getting dressed.

" Yes.."

She said, so embarrassed and hid her face in the cover. What kind of dream was she having about Alan. She bit her lip and touched her under and saw she was dripping wet already.

" Anna... Are you okay..?"

Alan found her unusual.

" Yh I'm fine..I will be leaving now ..."

 She said and left the room hiding her face from him.

Alan saw her blushing face and shook his head in amusement.