
Taste of love

Some people give red roses in love , but mine love colour is black

Roy_pammy_O7 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

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( well this my first time to write in such platform so I wanted to say sorry if you find any grammatical mistakes or if you don, t like my story . I thanks to people who found my novel and read )


shine :- A boy who is so alone from inside , he have fear to close with anyone . even he maintain distance from family . and his family also don, t mind anything because they are busy in there work they thought they are good parents they spending money in his son giving him education food clothes but who know what shine wanted from parents but it's too late for their parents to know . shine already stopped to feel anything he is just like a rock with no feeling .

flash :- happy boy who always smile he is so strong every girl and boy wanted to hook up with him . highly handsome muscular like a Greek gods . his family loves him so much and his best friend delan who always help him in his study with this , he also help him in his business . internally delan loves flash so much but he have fear to lose him so he being one sided lover and being friend for delan

delan :- smart boy , boxer , he likes his friend from 8 grade but till first year he is roaming around flash. for being a lover . but he is also player that one is dark secrets because he likes flash but still he sleeps with boys , girls, man, women . so he have fear expose in front flash so he always keeps many phone with him with many sim cards to contact random people for sex