

Young novelist Jungkook runs away from home and moves to Seoul. His two roommates are two extremely hot vampires that don't mind sharing at all. Basically Namgikoook vampire au.

BabyMay · Music & Bands
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Jungkook gets out of the train.

He almost slept through his stop, but the nice lady sitting in the second row woke him just in time. He thanks her with a deep bow, takes all of his belongings (half-empty backpack and mobile phone), and quickly get out on the platform where Namjoon is suppose to wait for him.

Jungkook is looking around with his big doe eyes like a deer cachets in reflectors. There are hundreds of people. Some of them are obviously going to work and some of them are students in their school uniforms. It's too early, he thinks. He didn't expect that rush hours start that early in Seoul.

But that's the last thing he could care about. He can't see Namjoon anywhere. And he's getting more and more scared with every second. He's anxiously looking around, dark eyes wide and full of fear. He's restlessly playing with the sleeves of his hoodie while his mind is getting louder and louder...

Jungkook feels like he could cry when he finally sees Namjoon. He's really tall, standing just a few meters from the exit doors. The light brown coat looks good on him and his bright, almost white hair looks super fluffy and soft even from a distance. He's looking at his watch, probably wondering where Jungkook is.

The young boy mentally prepares himself and starts to walk in his direction. His heart is beating so fast and so loud that he wonders if everyone can hear it. His face is red, he can practically feel all the blood rushing to his cheeks. He gets close enough (just so Namjoon can hear him) and looks at him through his bangs.

"Hi!" Jungkook says in a barely audible voice.

"Jungkook-ssi?" Namjoon smiles at him, showing his cute dimples. Jungkook nods a little, blushing more if it's even possible. What is wrong with him? He's generally bad at meeting new people, but his anxiety is much worse today. Is he that scared of the stranger? Or is it just because this exceptionally handsome stranger is his potential roommate?

"It's nice to meet you," Namjoon ads and bows a little.

"Nice to meet you took, Kim Namjoon-ssi," Jungkook says shyly and bow much, much deeper than Namjoon did. He's obviously older and Jungkook always respects his elders.

"Oh, you can call me hyung," Namjoon says friendly. "Can I call you Jungkook?"

Jungkook is surprised by his question. It's not common for older people to ask this kind o question. They usually assume that the younger one is okay with everything they decide...

"Of... of course... uhm... hyung," Jungkook gets out of him.

What the fuck is wrong with you Kook? Get it together.

"So, should we go? My car is outside..." Namjoon says looking at the younger's backpack. "Is that all you have?" He asks curiously.

Jungkook nods silently. His anxiety is present once again. He unconsciously starts to play with the sleeves of his jacket and Namjoon wouldn't be the doctor he is, if he wouldn't notice.

"I was in a bit of a rush..." he says quietly, not taking his eyes from the floor. He's not sure if it's something to feel embarrassed about, but he feels the unpleasant wawes of embarrassment wash over him.

"It's okay, Kookie," Namjoon assures him, his voice calming him down a little. "Hyung won't ask any question you don't feel like answering right now."

The older brush his soft hand through Jungkook's dark bang, their eyes meet for a split of a second. Jungkook can see all the support he ever needed in his face.

"We should go," Namjoon takes hold of the situation once again.

"Okay, hyung."

They go right to the parking lot. Jungkook is staying close to the older. Namjoon on the other hand is almost constantly checking on Jungkook if he accidentally hasn't lost him in the crowd.

It takes them just a few minutes till they get to nice, probably fucking expensive, white Mercedes. Namjoon unlocks the door and waits for Jungkook to get in.

"Can I sit in the front?" the younger asks hesitantly. He was never allowed to sit in the front unless he was the one driving. The front seat was always occupated by one of his parents or sisters.

"Of course," Namjoon answers softly. "You don't need to ask next time."

Jungkook's heart jumps at Namjoon's words. There is gonna be the next time. He's not disgusted by his shyness or even his presence in general. Namjoon's is gonna be one of his favorite people in the future, he's sure about it.

the younger slowly opens the door and sits on the softest cushion ever. The car is really elegant from the inside, spacious, and super comfortable. Damn, it even smells nice. Or is it Namjoon's cologne he can smell because of the close proximity?

Namjoon takes the driver seat and puts on the safety belt. Jungkook does the same and shivers a little bit.

Namjoon turns on the engine.

"Are you cold?" he asks and turns on the radio. It's not too loud, but It would be nice to have some music on if the awkward silence happens at some point.

"A little," the younger admits shyly.

"Take this, it will take a while to get warm in here," Namjoon hands Jungkook his coat.

"No, hyung... that's not necessary," Jungkook protests. "Hyung will be cold...."

"I promise I'm not cold at all," the older smiles and covers Jungkook's body with his coat like it's a blanket.

Jungkook protests a little more but he still curls in a small ball of his black hoodie, brown coat, and dark locks. He could fall asleep instantly.

"Are you tired?" Namjoon asks as he pulls out of the parking lot. He's a good driver. No dangerous movements, he's not shoving of, just steady speed.

"Yes, hyung," Jungkook admits. "But I cannot sleep in cars or busses. It just doesn't work for me." And he's telling the truth. it's not just some pathetic excuse because he's afraid of falling asleep in the car with a stranger. To be honest, he doesn't even care anymore... Jimin knows where and with who he is. If something happens he would save him for sure.

"We will get a coffee, don't worry," Joon looks at him but his eyes are back on the road in a second. He's a diligent driver even more careful when there is someone with him in the car.

"That… uhm… that would be very nice, hyung," Jungkook is blushing furiously, looking out of the window because he cannot face Namjoon at the moment. And that's when the realization hits him. They are on the way to his new house. To his new home…

The ride takes them about an hour and that's a lot of time to get to know each other. At least that's what Namjoon was trying to do. And surprisingly as soon as the older took the lead in their conversation Jungkook opened up a little. They talked about their hobbies, favorite foods, and basic stuff to know each other a least a little bit. Nothing too personal thou, Namjoon sensed that Jungkook would probably stop if he asked the wrong question at some point.

Jungkook learned that Namjoon works in the ER and likes to read in his free time. He cannot cook really well but loves to eat. And his favorite animals are crabs, maybe that's why he can't eat seafood. On the other hand, the younger tells him about his passion for gaming. He also mentions where his money comes from and with a horrified expression finds out that Namjoon read some of his novels.

Namjoon slows down in front of a fancy building, one of many in this neighborhood. He turns on the blinker and rides right into the underground parking lot. He parks near the elevator and turns off the engine.

"We should get the coffee," Namjoon says, his eyes are shining just at the idea of coffee. "The cafe we always go to is just a few meters away. Do you wanna go with me? Or you can wait in the car if you don't feel like going..."

"I want to go with you, hyung," Jungkook blush a little. Why the fuck is he blushing so much around this man? Maybe because he's his ideal type? Clever, good looking and caring, what else could he wish for. Or it's because it's so chilly outside. Yes, it would be the weather. What else could it be, right, Kook?

After his internal crisis, the younger returns the still warm coat to Namjoon, who was patiently waiting for it. They get out, close the doors behind them and Joon locks the car putting the keys in his pocket.

"This way," Namjoon point to the road they got to the parking lot. It takes them a few seconds to get out on the busy sidewalk.

"This is my and Yoongi hyung's favorite café," Namjoon says. It's basically the closest building to his new home. It's not surprising they like it, it's super convenient. Jungkook also notices a small convenience store on the other side of the road. A man should always know the closest place he can buy midnight snacks.

They get into the cafe building and Jungkook is instantly overwhelmed by the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans. It smells so good, so comforting.

"So, what is your coffee of choice, Jungkook?" Namjoon asks standing in a line waiting for their turn.

"Hmm..." Jungkook takes his time. "I enjoy a latte, but I prefer ice americano."

"Same here," the older smiles. "And Yoongi hyung is practically obsessed with it. He can drink liters of it."

"Hyung? May I ask you something?" Jungkook asks quietly.

"Of course Kookie."

"Can you maybe tell me something about Yoongi hyung?" the younger asks. Is it even okay for him to call Yoongi, hyung? They didn't even meet yet.

"What would you like to know about him?"

"Anything, but nothing too personal I guess..."

It's their turn to order, so Namjoon asks for three large ice americanos and pays with a card. Jungkook feels little guilty about it. Namjoon drove him here for free, so he should at least buy him a coffee.

They take a seat near the counter and Namjoon starts talking. "So Yoongi hyung... How should I describe him?" He thinks to himself. "He's cold and unfriendly on the outside. He stays silent most of the time and he's really grumpy in the morning. But inside, inside he's the kindest and most caring creature I've ever met." Namjoon's smile is wide and his eyes are practically screaming with love. He must adore his hyung so much.

"Also, he's been feeling sick lately so he sleeps a lot these days..." Namjoon adds, his face visibly sadder.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jungkook says, not sure what else to do.

Namjoon stands up when the barista calls his name. He gets their coffees and with his usual happy voice says: "Let's go!"

They return to the parking lot and takes all of their stuff from the car. Jungkook takes his beloved backpack and Namjoon gets his bag from the trunk. Jungkook can see the pile of papers that Namjoon almost drops on the floor. He's a bit clumsy, Jungkook notices.

They get in the elevator and Namjoon presses the button with the highest number, 58. Jungkook wasn't aware of the fact that he would be living in a penthouse. That changes the entire situation and makes the price extremely low. Where is the catch? Where is the catch...

It takes them a few seconds of silence to get to the top of a building. Namjoon scans a black card and the door opens. They walk into a spacious entrance hall and take the shoes off. Namjoon hangs his coat in the closet and offers Jungkook slippers so he won't get cold.

Namjoon takes him in the kitchen through the open living room. They sit at the table and the older pass him a glass of water.

"Thanks, hyung."

"So do you like it?" Namjoon asks. He seems to be genuinely curious, maybe he got some liking in the boy already.

"It looks amazing..." Jungkook says. He still cannot believe that he got this offer first. Maybe it's a sign that leaving his family's house was the best decision ever. But there must be some catch. It's too good to be true.

"Where is the catch thou?" He asks. He doesn't want to sound disrespectful or anything, but he's not that lucky.

"There's no catch Kookie," Namjoon ruffles Jungkook's hair. "We just felt lonely in this big apartment and wanted to get some life in..." he adds.

Jungkook nods deciding to believe Namjoon.

"Let me show you the room."

The older walks through the living room to another hallway.

"This is Yoongi hyung's studio," Namjoon paint at the first door on the left marked as GENIUS LAB. "It's his most private space so please don't go in unless he invites you. It's his safe space I guess..." They walk further to the door at the end of the hall. Doors are still close and they are able to hear soft snores from the inside. Yoongi hyung mus be still sleeping inside, Jungkook thinks.

"This mine and hyung's bedroom," Namjoon says quietly so he won't wake Yoongi up.

So they are not just roommates, Jungkook internally screams. They are dating! Jungkook is incredibly happy for them, he can see how Namjoon's eyes always lit up with excitement when he speaks about his boyfriend. But at the same time, he feels extremely guilty for having a mild crush on someone in a relationship.

"This is kind of an office. We keep a lot of paperwork here," the older point as the room on the right. "And this is gonna be your room, Kookie," Namjoon says as they get to the room right across the GENIUS LAB. "If you want to, of course."

They walk in and Jungkook is in love with this space already. There is a king-sized bed, a huge wooden table, shelves with plants, and a lot of free space for his belongings. He will have an amazing bed, spacious working place, walk-in closet, and private bathroom. What else could he wish for?

"So, would you like to stay?" Namjoon asks hopefully.

"Yes, I would love to." Jungkook smiles and hugs Namjoon. He doesn't know what gets into him, but he really felt like hugging Namjoon all of a sudden. He did so much for him and they know each other just for a few hours. It feels like months, even years…

"You should probably sleep a little," Namjoon says as they break the hug.

"Yes, I will probably take a bath first, but I will sleep after for sure," Jungkook says. Then he realizes he didn't take any spare clothes with him. Would it be too much to ask Namjoon hyung for some? He already did so much for him...


"Yes, Kookie?" Namjoon turns in the door as he was about to leave to get Jungkook some privacy.

"Can you… hmm… can you maybe lend me some clothes?" Jungkook asks face red from the embarrassment. "I didn't take a spare with me…" His heart was beating so fast, he even felt sick to the stomach. He just moved in and he's a burden already. All the bad thoughts he ran away from were back already floating in his mind.

"Hey, Kookie," Namjoon's soft voice brings him out of his screaming mind. He's standing right in front of him, holding his hands gently. "It's okay. There is a lot of brand-new clothes in the house. I will get you some, okay? Just calm down, please."

Jungkook nods silently and Namjoon quickly leaves the room. The younger sits on the bed and wipes his tears. He wasn't even aware he's crying.

Namjoon returns in seconds with a paper bag full of clothes. From shirts to sweatpants to underwear. "There are different sizes, so choose whatever fits you best," the older smiles and runs his hand through Jungkook's soft curls.

"Thank you Namjoonie hyung, thank you for everything…"

"You are welcome Kookie," Namjoon says. "Will you be okay by yourself?"

"Yes, it was just a mild breakdown, nothing to worry about. I will sleep it off," Jungkook says, finally confident enough to look older in the eyes.

"Good, if there's anything wrong, just call for me. I'm gonna take a nap with hyung for a bit. Sleep well Kookie," Namjoon says from the door.

"You too, hyungie."

Namjoon closes the door and Jungkook sighs a little. He's alone once again, but he doesn't feel lonely.

He feels at home…