

"That's way too big, I don't want that in my mouth!" Kuripa shouted, she was visibly disgusted.

Link on the other hand, shakes his head.

"There's no turning back now" he said and a grin appeared on his face.

"Bu-but that will choke me to death!" when Link took a step forward, Kuripa took a step back.

"I dont care" Seeing that Kuripa was against the wall and had nowhere to retreat, Link decided to forcibly shoved it in her mouth.

"Augh!" Kuripa groaned, saliva dripping from her mouth.

"How does it taste?" Link asked with a grin.

"Bitter" Kuripa scowled, she was obviously displeased.

"Good medicine tastes bitter, you'll get better soon" Link said, Kuripa always overreacts when she needs to take medicine.

"I hate you," Kuripa sulked.

"Your welcome" Link replied, He pats Kuripa's head and leaves her room.

"Take a rest now" he added before closing the door.

"Mhm…" Kuripa said, she then went to her bed and slept.

Link went to the kitchen wondering what food he should cook today.

"I think it's been a year now?" He asked himself.

Kuripa wasn't his relative, he shared no blood ties with the little girl.

A year before now, A box was left in front of his house, he didn't order anything so he was perplexed about it.

While the box was suspicious, Link still took the box inside his house.

It was also fortunate that he didn't use any sharp object to open the box, what was inside the box was a sleeping little girl.

When she woke up, Link asked her questions but alas, She remembers nothing other than her name and she also said that 'someone' told her she belongs to Link.

Of course she had no recollection about who that 'someone' is.

Link wondered what he should do with the little girl and ultimately, he let her stay with him until her memories came back.

Kuripa was like every other kid and Link, who wanted to know how it felt like having a sibling, took care of her.

"I guess I'll cook with pork today," Link said to himself.

"...brother" Suddenly, Kuripa appeared, she was holding a teddy bear in her right hand.


"I want to take a bath before sleeping," She answered.

"Sure, I'll add hot water to the tub, I heard lukewarm baths are good for fever," Link replied, when he turned around he only saw a teddy bear, Kuripa already disappeared.

It took a few minutes before the bath was ready, Kuripa immediately removed all her clothes and went to the tub.

"Ahh… it's so warm," She delightfully said.

"Brother, wash me up," the little girl ordered.

Link took the soap and washcloth before he started washing the little girl.

"Hand" he said then Kuripa stretched her arm towards him.

He washed her hands thoroughly then her forearm, elbow, then her upper arm, he did the same for the other arm of her.

Then he cleans her legs, thighs, feet, back, chest, etc.

After he cleaned her, he washed her with warm water.

"I'll go take your clothes, dry yourself" Link said as he stood up.

When he was about to leave he suddenly stepped onto the soap and slipped.

"Hah?" He was surprised. He couldn't control his fall and his head hit the tub.

Blood flows to the floor and Kuripa's eyes widen in shock.

"Brother?!" She yelled, she hastily went out of the tub and lifted Link's head.

"Waaahhh!! Brother!! My brother is dead!!" She cried out when she saw so much blood on his head.

She puts his head on her lap and continues crying.

Meanwhile, Link felt weird, he couldn't hear or see.

Then he heard a mechanical voice.

"Attempt #1010044….8659 Succeed, we finally managed to have a contact with the host"

"??" Link was bewildered.

"Due to certain difficulties, I, the system, couldn't connect to your brain since a year ago"

"To compensate with that, other than the first partner you received, you can have another one with the same potential"


"Host state…. Confusion…. Head concussion…"

"Healing the host head…. This will only happen for free just once"

"Transferring knowledge about the system to host"


"Ahhh!!!!" Link screamed in pain.

"Ahhh?!!!" Kuripa, who was shocked, screamed in fear.

"My.. head… hurts…" Link was having a difficult time talking as the pain was just too much for him.

"Bro-brother!! You're alive… don't move yet!" Kuripa said but Link couldn't pay attention to her.

After a whole minute of agonizing pain, it finally subsided, Link now understood what the system was.

"Brother!" Kuripa immediately hugged him.

"I was so scared… I thought you would leave me!" She added, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Sorry" Link replied, he was stroking the little girl's back.

After a few minutes, Link wanted to stand up because his current sitting position was awkward but Kuripa wont allow it.

She would moan whenever he moved so he had no choice but to sit there.

Though fifteen minutes afterwards the little girl had fallen asleep.

"I guess I made her really worried," Link laughed dryly.

He carried the little girl to her bed and dressed her up lest she got cold, he also covered her up with the blanket.

"I suggest opening up the box now, we have been a year's worth of progress behind the other competitor, we have to grind asap" The system said.

Not only did the system explain what it was, it also explained the reason why he was here.

Link was one of the chosen people who will be competing for the first ever System Battle in the universe.

According to what the System said, if they won, he can wish for anything he wanted, if they lose, the system will leave him but he gets to keep his power, both were a win-win situation for him.

"Sure…."Link answered and a box suddenly materialized in front of him.

Like last time, he won't be using any sharp object as he knows the box contains living beings.

".....so tight" "nghh"

One boy, One girl, in One box.

"Congratulations, you got the SS rank potential Ferfer & Lucy" the system mechanical voice said.