
Tap Tycoon System!

Struggling for years after his transmigration to another world without any so-called Goldfinger. Nathan suffered hardship with his sister after the their parents unfortunately died. But then, later after he got fired from his job, their only income source, his system finally activated! [Tap Tycoon System Activated] [The host may now become the richest man in the world!] C'mon and jump in to the story of Nathan fighting the aliens around the Galaxy... oh wait, I spoiled it! Gotta run! _______________ Chapter Release Schedule 2 Chapter/Day GMT +8 _______________ 200 Powerstones = Additional Chapter Every 50 GT = 1 Additional Chapter

YouthGod · Fantasy
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244 Chs


"So, the thing you want to ask for my help with, is it dealing with this 'Elite' Juryong or something else?"

Kazzandra has already recovered her cool and seriously answered.

Shaking her head, she said, "No, the thing that I want to ask from you is actually something that you'll also probably do without me asking you."

"Oh? And what could that be?"

"All I ask from you, Mr. Nathan, is to protect Saint Natalie and if possible, Princess Margaux as well."

Hearing her request, Nathan raised an eyebrow and said, "Is that really all that you want to ask of me?"

Without hesitation, Kazzandra replied, "Yes?"

Then she bowed down and strongly said, "Please protect them!"

Nathan stared at Kazzandra for a while, seemingly thinking of something.

Finally, after a few seconds, he said, "Okay, you can rely on me for that."

Then he added, "Also, if you guys need something. Don't hesitate to come to me."

"Anyway, time for me to go back."