

Millions of centuries ago when the Evil Dragon God 'Taotie' was on verge of dying, it separated its knowledge and strength from its gravely injured body. The body died after a while but the knowledge and the strength remain sealed somewhere. In present times a boy was born to the chief of Wusun Clan. Wusun Clan, an ancient clan that once ruled the world but for the last few hundred years they were living in the forest, hidden from the world. The boy was named Taotie by his father. Taotie was a shy and introverted boy since childhood but he was close to his mother. His father very often used to go to the outside world for some reason so Taotie often felt a distance between both of them. Taotie - Age : 3 years old "Motherrrr..." Taotie cried for 7 days and 7 nights when his mother died. After his mother's death, Taotie's relationships with his father become more distant. Taotie - Age : 6 years old "Fatherrrr..." Taotie shouted with a terrified expression on his face. He was looking at his unconscious father who had bloody holes all over his body. His father had just returned like that from the outside world. And his uncle was treating his wounds. The curiosity about the outside unknown world grew much stronger inside Taotie. Taotie - Age : 8 years old "I want to attend Imperial Academy..." Taotie said after coming from the outside world. "....Defeat me first...." His father put several conditions before agreeing. "... I accept..." Taotie accepted all those conditions. _____________________ Welcome to the journey of Taotie, and witness his transformation from a shy and introvert boy to a ruthless and cold-hearted young man. _______________________ Cover Character - Daun ( League of Angels 3) Cover Designing - By Myself and with the help of a few friends. Updates - Approx 10 Chapters per week Please share as well as add in your collection and give power stones for continuation.

LloveSsick · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Level 3(4)

This entire time, the two magi were at some distance from the attacking group were continuously mumbling magical incantations in a light voice. The words of magic were totally different from the common tongue. It was much more complex and sometimes even nonsensical.

At that moment they completed their incantations.

"Gravitational cage"

Just as those two mages shouted that incantations, Taotie once again felt the earth below his feet shaking heavily. He caught the tree next to him to stand still.



Soon many falling sounds echoed in the forest and Taotie, moved his head to look towards that sound.

The Ironclad Dragon was lying there motionlessly, his whole body was shaking, big red eyes were staring directly at Taotie and his whole body was getting bounded by a very shiny thread of some kind. The tread had already bounded the mouth of the mighty dragon and was now binding his whole body.

Wherever the beast was trying to move his body, a thin red line started appearing on that place along with vapors from there, the dragon kept on trying to open its mouth but only a muffled voice was coming out of it.

After a while everything settled down, Surf confirmed that the beast was already dead.


Suddenly a loud growl break the silent atmosphere permeated after the downfall of the Ironclad Dragon.

Everyone was surprised and a little wariness took place in their heart on hearing that growl because they thought they had killed that magical beast.

So while gulping their thoughts they looked towards the dragon. The dragon was still lying there motionless in his pool of blood.


Once again they heard the growling sound. Everyone immediately followed that sound and soon their eyes stopped at Taotie's stomach.


A roar of laughter immediately changed the atmosphere as everyone looked towards Taotie with a bewildered smiling face.

Taotie had not eaten anything properly for months now thus his stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

"Take the dragon and return to the clan." After digging out some organs from inside the magical beast, Surf ordered everyone who had come with him.

After a while when everyone left except Surf and Taotie, Surf took out the vitals of the Ironclad Dragon and putting it in front of Taotie he said, "What are you waiting for? This is your today's breakfast and lunch as well dinner."

Taotie's face immediately went green, and his mouth filled with sour taste as the residue of previous meals came in mouth from his stomach.

In front of him was a half a hand size blood-soaked heart of a dragon which was still slowly pumping out blood from inside, a large pyramidal shaped reddish-brown color liver, a large rope shaped yellowish colored another organ along with many other organs which he was unable to identify.

Covering his mouth with his hand and swallowing the sour taste back in his stomach he looked towards Surf once again, as if thinking that he had heard something wrong.

"You should hurry up before its blood starts attracting more magical beasts. You don't know, a dragon's blood attracts more ferocious beasts and other dragons." Surf told Taotie with a stern face.

"But uncle…"

Taotie tried to say something but before he could finish he was cut by Surf who continued, "Don't you want to level up faster? I'm going to gather a few things from around, till I return make sure to finish this."

"Uncle, please wait…"

Before Taotie could even finish asking his question, Surf's body had already disappeared as it turned into a wind, and entered inside the darkness of the forest.

Although he was hungry, Taotie did not want to eat those sanguine organs.

After a moment's time of careful consideration, he surveyed the mountain range that extended outwards, to who knows where his ears also heard the low growling of his stomach along with magical beast's nearby. While lightly gritting his teeth, he hastily sat down there and picked up the least disgusting looking organ, the half a hand-sized heart of the Ironclad Dragon.

He took a bite, and immediately afterward a salty metallic liquid pouch burst into his mouth.


Taotie immediately threw up a chunk of meat along with the whole mouthful of blood. With his misty eyes, he looked towards his hand.

The road of becoming strong was really unexpected and full of some most disturbing methods, he thought.

Taotie while sitting at that place, closed his eyes. A few breaths later, his expression became completely tranquil as his heart emptied. He tried to seal away all his senses. After a few moments, he once again picked up the organs of the beast and like a normal meal started chewing.

It was already dawn when Surf returned back.

"Eh?!" Just as his eyes fell on Taotie in front of him, a surprised cry escaped from his mouth.

In front of him, with his eyes closed sitting cross-legged was a young boy, he was wearing a loose draw blue-colored robe. And his whole face was covered with a thin layer of blood.

In front of the boy, was just sanguine dyed soil, nothing else. The surf had expected that Taotie would still be twitching his nose and finding a way to avoid eating them but his expectations were not fulfilled.

Satisfied with the performance of Taotie, Surf nodded his head before saying, "Well done."

Hearing his uncle's voice Taotie immediately opened his eyes.

"I don't think you encountered any beasts while I was gone, right?" Surf asked.

"No, uncle," Taotie replied immediately while standing up and brushing his trousers with his hands.

"Good. Now let's go. I have prepared something for you." Saying that he started walking towards where he just returned.