
Chapter 1: Welcome to Irania

All this time, I thought my life was perfect. I have all: the fame, the beauty and everything a man would ever wanted. But …something came up suddenly. The council have been contacting sorcerers, magicians, paladins, and hunters living in the mortal realm to go back in the magical realm to aid in the restoration of the balance of the magical world.

"Hays", I heave a deep sigh.

"Nehemia!", my mother yelled. "Let's go. We need to rush. Or else, the magical world will be occupied by the darkness. You don't want that to happen right, do you?"

I just give her a damn signal as my answer. "Here, take this.", mother offered me a shining crystal. "It has been settled. Once you teleport, you will be arriving in Irannia."

"Huh?", I'm really confused. What is happening. "A pebble? Teleportation? Irania? Mother, did you just snort drugs?", I suspiciously ask her.

"No time for enlightenment, Nehemia. Just follow what I say. "she ordered.

"Now go. We'll follow you later. We have to take care some things here. Your safety is more important than anything else. GO now, Princess." She said before transported to some unknown place. Princess? Am I? I don't know. Maybe I hear wrong the last word my mother muttered.

Princess my ass, eh.

That's the last time I heard my mother's voice. That's the last time I saw my parents. I mean my fostered parents.


Blue sky. Wide greeneries. Long-racketed bridge that links the forest and the city itself. And the crowd that makes me feel alone.

Yeah. I'm not used to this kind of life. I have been surrounded with people; people I know and I can trust fully. And now, here I am, walking alone as a complete outsider in a new place.

"Buy 'em to take back home as a present," the merchant said. I just go and pass by. I'm not here to buy presents. I am not here to tour around. I am here because I was forced.

"A weakling Earthling," mumbled by a lady wearing an armored-like undergarments, a red cape and a wand on her hand while passing me by.

"I can't sense anything special from her", her companion added.

"Help mee!", granny squealed. " Oh my bag…"she paused. "…please someone…"

"HEhHEHEHEE! Catch me if you can, you old hag!", the crook said while running towards my direction. "Hey you there! "he shouted. "Get out of my way. Soil Magic: Split" Just as he casted ,the ground stirred and I outbalanced.

"Ack", as I feel an excruciating pain. A spear was pierced on my left arm and bloods dripped profusely. I was about to lose consciousness when a white-gowned lady approached me.

"Oh my god." She said. " Thelma, Olivia, Marinella please help me remove the spear on her arm."they successfully pulled out the spear and I began to feel pain as twice as before it wasn't pulled out.

"At this rate, she will die because of blood loss."

"Lay her on the ground" the white-gowned lady directed. "Goddess of Healing, heed my request. Heal your wounded breathen, Miracle Light!" after what she did, I feel no pain and my pierced arm was totally mended.

"Are you alright?" she probed and I nod.

"BOOOGSHh...BOOGSHHH…..BOOOGSHHH,". The sound of fireworks.

" Oh my…"said the red haired lady. "Priestess. We need to hurry.", the blondie lady said to the priestess and quickly ran away without bidding goodbye.

"So it is happening, huh.", I overheard the guy said.

I need to find out. I really need to freaking find out what is happening in this city.


"Ohayo…ohayo…ohayo…ohayo gozaimashita, miinnaaaaa", the cheerful emcee said. "Welcome to the mid-year tournament.", he continued. A tournament, huh.

"Excuse me," I said.

The guy looked at me and smirk. "Yes, miss. What can I do for you?" based from his appearance and his tone, I know he's a badass. And I think I know this kind of shadiness… I happen to play some online games before in the mortal realm. And just as I thought… no wonder, he's a bandit.

"I want to know how can I join in the tournament.", I ask without any hint of trembling in my voice.

"Just sign the contract over there, "someone speak from behind. When I look who's speaking, damn it… he's so handsome… yet poker face. "...using your blood. ", he continued. "If you have magic then It is a huge advantage for you to win the tournament if none, then I guess weapons are allowed. If you don't have any, then just ask the fuvcking old man where to find the weaponry room. Got it," he explained. Magics do exist. Magics can dominate the humanity.

"Magic alone is not enough to win in the competition. Skills and luck also has a great contribution in winning the contest." He advised and left.

"How am I supposed to win the tournament if I don't have a single droplet of magic within me?" I question myself.

Magic. Magic. Magic.

"Next.", the old man yelled. "Next." He shouted again. "Next." It is so fast until I got my turn and he had a quick gazed on me.

He handed a thin paper to me then diligently pointed out on what to do. "Name here…", as he pointed out the blank space. "…your signature. "as he continued. He pointed out again the blank space at the bottom. "I advise you to use your blood as your mark. Want to know? … the guilds especially the top guilds have been scouting for skilled members. "He described.


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