
TANGLED AFFAIR: Love In A Midst of Crime

Rithvik Suryavanshi, a prince of Udaipur and a notorious underworld mafia, runs a successful business empire that no one knows is built on illegal activities. His fiery personality and charming demeanor make him a favorite among the ladies, but his enemies fear him the most. Rithvik will stop at nothing to protect his loved ones and deal with anyone who threatens them. With his dangerous yet cool persona and piercing black eyes, Rithvik is a force to be reckoned with in the criminal underworld. Kishika Thakur is a middle-class girl with a heart of gold. She's beloved by her parents and dreams of taking her father's business to the top. Despite her intelligence and bubbly, cute demeanor, Kishika is not focused on finding a romantic partner. Instead, her priorities lie with her family and the success of their business. With her sweet and kind personality, Kishika is a beloved member of her community, and her passion for her family and business makes her an inspiring young woman. Kishika Thakur's life takes a sudden turn when her parents arrange for her to marry a man she doesn't know. Unbeknownst to Kishika, her soon-to-be husband is none other than Rithvik Suryavanshi, a prince and notorious mafia leader. Despite the shock of her new life, Kishika decides to embrace her new role as a wife and becomes determined to make the marriage work. However, when one of Rithvik's enemies enters their lives, everything changes. Kishika finds herself thrust into the dangerous world of the mafia, where loyalty and survival are the only things that matter. As Kishika navigates this new and treacherous world, she must also navigate her relationship with Rithvik, whose charming and dangerous personality leaves her torn between her love for him and her own safety.

Roohhaanyat · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Kishika's phone rang, interrupting her sleep. She groggily reached for it, squinting at the bright screen.

"Hello?" she mumbled.

"Kishika, it's me, Ankit. I'm sorry to wake you up, but I just wanted to remind you about the meeting today. It's at the Grand Hyatt in Mumbai, and it's really important. You can't afford to miss it."

Kishika rubbed her eyes, trying to focus. "What time is it?" she asked.

"It's almost noon. The meeting starts in two hours. You need to get ready and head over there as soon as possible."

Kishika felt a sense of panic rising in her chest. She had been so preoccupied with the events of the morning that she had completely forgotten about the meeting. And now she had only two hours to get ready and travel to the hotel.

"Okay, I'll be there," she said, her voice unsteady.

"Good. I'll see you there. And Kishika, I hope you're okay. You seemed pretty shaken up this morning."

Kishika forced a smile into her voice. "I'm fine, Ankit. Just a little tired. I'll see you soon."

She hung up the phone and sat up, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over her. She knew she couldn't let the events of the morning distract her from her work. The meeting was too important, and she couldn't afford to let her colleagues down.

Taking a deep breath, she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As she splashed cold water on her face, she tried to push the images of the burning car out of her mind.

She knew that she would have to deal with the aftermath of the attack eventually, but for now, she had a meeting to attend. And she couldn't afford to let anything stand in her way.

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Kishika opened her wardrobe to choose her outfit for the meeting when she noticed that her sister Akriti's favorite scarf was missing. Panic washed over her as she realized that she must have lost it during her morning ordeal.

"Oh no, where did I leave it?" she muttered to herself. "Akriti is going to kill me if she finds out."

She could already hear her sister's voice in her head, scolding her for being careless with her belongings. Kishika knew that Akriti was very particular about her things, especially her favorite scarf.

"I can't let her find out," Kishika said, looking at herself in the mirror. "I need to find it before she comes back home."

She quickly searched her room and the rest of the house, but the scarf was nowhere to be found. Kishika felt her heart sink as she realized that she might have left it behind in the chaos of the morning.

"What am I going to do?" she whispered, feeling scared and guilty at the same time.

She knew that if Akriti found out, she would never let her hear the end of it. She would be teased and taunted for losing the scarf, and Kishika couldn't bear the thought of it.

"I have to find it," she said to herself, determined to make things right. "I'll look for it again when I come back from the meeting. I have to focus on work for now."

Kishika took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew that she had to keep her cool and focus on the meeting. But the fear of her sister's wrath lingered in her mind, making her feel uneasy.

Kishika quickly got ready for the meeting, trying to put the fear of her sister's wrath out of her mind. She chose a navy blue pencil skirt that reached her knees and paired it with a crisp white button-up shirt that was tucked in. She completed the look with a pair of black pumps and a black belt that cinched her waist.

For her makeup, she kept it simple and professional. She applied a light foundation to even out her skin tone and added a touch of peach blush to give her cheeks a natural glow. She then filled in her eyebrows and added a thin line of black eyeliner to define her eyes. For her lips, she chose a nude shade that was subtle yet sophisticated.

Kishika looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was ready to take on the meeting and represent her company with confidence and poise. She grabbed her briefcase and headed out the door, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As she stepped out of the house, she took a deep breath and reminded herself to stay focused. She knew that the meeting was crucial for her career and she couldn't afford to let anything distract her. She hailed a cab and headed towards the hotel where the meeting was being held, feeling confident and ready to take on whatever came her way.

As Kishika reached the hotel, she checked her watch and realized that she was running a little late. She hurriedly walked towards the reception, trying to maintain her composure despite feeling a bit dizzy and tired.

Her mom's words echoed in her mind as she made her way towards the conference room. She knew that she wasn't feeling well and that her mom was only trying to look out for her. But she also knew that this meeting was important and that she couldn't afford to miss it.

As she waited outside the conference room, she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. She felt a little nervous and wondered if she was prepared enough for the meeting. She also couldn't shake off the thought of the ring that she found earlier. It seemed like a strange coincidence that she had found it right after witnessing a mafia attack.

Despite feeling a little overwhelmed, Kishika tried to stay positive and focused. She reminded herself that she was capable and had worked hard to get to where she was. She took another deep breath and walked into the conference room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Kishika reached the hotel, she checked her watch and realized that she was running a little late. She hurriedly walked towards the reception, trying to maintain her composure despite feeling a bit dizzy and tired.

Her mom's words echoed in her mind as she made her way towards the conference room. She knew that she wasn't feeling well and that her mom was only trying to look out for her. But she also knew that this meeting was important and that she couldn't afford to miss it.

As she waited outside the conference room, she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. She felt a little nervous and wondered if she was prepared enough for the meeting. She also couldn't shake off the thought of the ring that she found earlier. It seemed like a strange coincidence that she had found it right after witnessing a mafia attack.

Despite feeling a little overwhelmed, Kishika tried to stay positive and focused. She reminded herself that she was capable and had worked hard to get to where she was. She took another deep breath and walked into the conference room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The conference room in the hotel was spacious and elegant. It had a large mahogany table that could seat about 15 people, and the walls were adorned with paintings and framed photographs.

As Kishika walked in, she saw that there were already a few people sitting at the table, waiting for her presentation. They were mostly middle-aged men in suits, with serious expressions on their faces. She recognized a few of them as investors and potential clients for her company.

In total, there were about 10 people seated in the conference room, all waiting expectantly for Kishika to begin her presentation. They looked like successful businesspeople, with confident and focused expressions on their faces.

Kishika took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. She knew that this was a great opportunity for her company and that she had to make a good impression. She began her presentation with confidence, trying to keep the attention of the audience and engage them with her ideas.

Despite feeling a little nervous, Kishika's professionalism and knowledge shone through, and she was able to answer all their questions with ease. By the end of the presentation, the audience seemed impressed and satisfied, and Kishika felt relieved and proud of herself.

Investor 1: "So, what makes your company different from other competitors in the market?"

Kishika: "Our company prides itself on providing personalized solutions to each of our clients. We believe that every business has unique needs, and we work closely with our clients to tailor our services to meet those needs. This sets us apart from competitors who take a more one-size-fits-all approach."

Investor 2: "Interesting. Can you give us an example of how you've helped a client in the past?"

Kishika: "Certainly. We recently worked with a startup in the healthcare industry that was struggling with their online marketing strategy. We were able to develop a targeted digital marketing campaign that helped them reach their target audience and increase their online visibility. As a result, they were able to increase their sales by 20% within just a few months."

Investor 3: "That's impressive. But what about scalability? How do you plan on expanding your company in the future?"

Kishika: "We have a strong foundation in place and a dedicated team that's focused on continuous improvement. We're also exploring partnerships and collaborations with other companies in our industry to expand our reach and expertise. Additionally, we're investing in research and development to stay ahead of the curve and offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients."

Investor 4: "Very interesting. Thank you for your presentation, Kishika. We'll definitely be considering your company for our future needs."

After finalizing the deal with the investors, Kishika decided to take a break and have something to eat. She made her way towards a table that was set up near the swimming pool. As she was walking, her heel caught on the edge of the pool and she stumbled, her balance tipping dangerously towards the water. In a split second, a pair of strong hands reached out and steadied her, preventing her from falling into the pool. She shut her eyes tightly.

As Kishika opened her eyes, she saw a pair of beautiful hazel eyes staring back at her. She couldn't help but stare back, as she was captivated by the warmth and kindness she saw in them. She noticed how his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at her.

He had a strong jawline and perfectly shaped lips, which made Kishika's heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but notice how well-groomed he was, from his neat haircut to his well-tailored suit. He exuded an air of confidence and sophistication that she found incredibly attractive.

As he continued to look at her with concern, Kishika felt a strange sense of familiarity, as though she had known him for a long time. They both stood there in silence, lost in each other's gaze, until Kishika finally found her voice.

"Thank you so much for saving me," she said, her voice slightly shaky. "I could have fallen into the pool if it wasn't for you."

Rithvik smiled warmly at her. "No problem, I'm just glad you're okay. Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need any help?"

Kishika shook her head, still unable to tear her gaze away from his. "No, I'm fine. Thank you again."

They both stood there for a few more seconds, neither of them wanting to break the moment. Eventually, Rithvik cleared his throat and took a step back.

"I should probably get going now. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Kishika nodded, still staring at him with a wistful look in her eyes. As Rithvik turned around and walked away, Kishika couldn't help but wonder who he was and why he felt so familiar to her.

After the incident near the swimming pool, Kishika sat down on her seat and ordered something to eat. While waiting for her food, she couldn't help but wonder who the man was that had saved her from falling into the pool. She felt a strong urge to see him again, to know who he was and to thank him properly for saving her.

Despite her confusion and the nagging feeling in her gut, she couldn't deny the fact that she was intrigued by him. She wondered if she would ever see him again, or if he was just a passing stranger in her life. As she was lost in her thoughts, her food arrived, but she barely touched it, as her mind was preoccupied with the mysterious stranger. She was looking the guy again when she noticed that he is approaching her and with him there was a guy who is also coming.

As Rithvik and Arun approached her, Kishika's heart began to race with anticipation and confusion. She couldn't help but stare at Rithvik, his eyes seemingly holding a mysterious, alluring quality that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Her mind raced with questions as to why he was coming back towards her.

Rithvik approached Kishika and greeted her with a smile. "Hey, I hope you're feeling better now. I brought this medical kit just in case you need it." Kishika was a bit surprised by his gesture, but she appreciated his concern. "Thank you so much, but I'm feeling much better now. I don't think I need it," she replied with a smile.

Arun couldn't help but tease Rithvik a little. "So, Rithvik, is this the reason you disappeared for a while?" he asked with a grin. Rithvik blushed a little, but he quickly regained his composure. "No, man, it's nothing like that. I just wanted to make sure she's okay," he said with a smile.

Kishika couldn't help but notice how Rithvik's eyes sparkled when he smiled. She found herself staring at him again, wondering why she felt so drawn to him. She quickly shook her head, realizing that it was silly to be attracted to someone she barely knew. But still, she couldn't help but steal a few more glances at him.

Arun grinned mischievously as he introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Arun and this here is my friend Rithvik. He's a bit of a superhero, always ready to save the day."

Kishika blushed at the compliment and smiled at Rithvik, "Thank you so much for saving me earlier. I'm Kishika."

Rithvik smiled back and replied, "It was nothing, just glad I could be there to help. How's your leg feeling now?"

Kishika looked down at her leg, which was still a bit sore but much better than before, "It's much better, thank you. I was just about to order some lunch, would you both like to join me?"

Arun's mischievous grin turned into a smile as he exclaimed, "Absolutely! We'd love to join you."

Rithvik nodded in agreement, "Thank you for the invitation. That's very kind of you."

Kishika smiled, feeling grateful for the company. She couldn't help but feel drawn to Rithvik, and she was looking forward to getting to know him better.