
TANGLED AFFAIR: Love In A Midst of Crime

Rithvik Suryavanshi, a prince of Udaipur and a notorious underworld mafia, runs a successful business empire that no one knows is built on illegal activities. His fiery personality and charming demeanor make him a favorite among the ladies, but his enemies fear him the most. Rithvik will stop at nothing to protect his loved ones and deal with anyone who threatens them. With his dangerous yet cool persona and piercing black eyes, Rithvik is a force to be reckoned with in the criminal underworld. Kishika Thakur is a middle-class girl with a heart of gold. She's beloved by her parents and dreams of taking her father's business to the top. Despite her intelligence and bubbly, cute demeanor, Kishika is not focused on finding a romantic partner. Instead, her priorities lie with her family and the success of their business. With her sweet and kind personality, Kishika is a beloved member of her community, and her passion for her family and business makes her an inspiring young woman. Kishika Thakur's life takes a sudden turn when her parents arrange for her to marry a man she doesn't know. Unbeknownst to Kishika, her soon-to-be husband is none other than Rithvik Suryavanshi, a prince and notorious mafia leader. Despite the shock of her new life, Kishika decides to embrace her new role as a wife and becomes determined to make the marriage work. However, when one of Rithvik's enemies enters their lives, everything changes. Kishika finds herself thrust into the dangerous world of the mafia, where loyalty and survival are the only things that matter. As Kishika navigates this new and treacherous world, she must also navigate her relationship with Rithvik, whose charming and dangerous personality leaves her torn between her love for him and her own safety.

Roohhaanyat · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs



Rithvik's parents arrived at Kishika's home in the evening. Kishika's father, Raj, was sitting in the living room sipping on his tea when he heard the doorbell ring. He got up to answer the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Rithvik's parents standing there.

"Hey, old friend! It's been too long!" Vikramaditya exclaimed as they hugged each other.

Raj smiled warmly. "Yes, it has. I'm so glad you could make it."

Rithvik's mother greeted Raj and his wife with a warm hug and they all sat down to catch up on old times.

They all sat down to enjoy some tea and snacks.

Meanwhile, Kishika, Akriti, and Riya enjoyed a peaceful evening walk in the park. They talked and laughed, enjoying the cool breeze and the scenic beauty around them.

Kishika couldn't help but think about Rithvik, wondering if he was still busy with work or if he had managed to make it to the mall. He actually asked her if she still was in mall or not but that time they canceled the plan to go to mall but she did said to Rithvik that they left from mall because she didn't want him to feel bad. She doesn't want him to think that just because of him she didn't go to mall. She missed him and wished he was there with them. Akriti noticed her sister's pensive look and asked, "What's on your mind, Kishika Di?"

Kishika smiled wistfully. "I was just thinking about Rithvik. I wish he could have come with us to the park."

Riya grinned mischievously. "Well, we could always call him and ask him to join us."

Kishika shook her head, blushing slightly. "No, it's okay. He's probably busy with work anyway."

Akriti nudged her sister playfully. "Come on, Di. You know Rithvik would drop everything to be with you. Do you remember Riya, when we got to know about her marriage with Rithvik, how we tried to tease her and at that time what she said?"

Riya smirked and start to mimic like Kishika "Oh, come on girls I know our marriage has been fixed but we are just friends and we still want to each other." Once she finished her acting, Kishika playfully hit them on their heads but anyhow the smile spread across her lips which makes her face beautiful and mood lighten up.

They continued their walk, enjoying each other's company and the beautiful evening.

Meanwhile at Kishika house where they all settled down with cups of tea. Raj couldn't help but ask, "So, what brings you both here all of a sudden?"

Vikramaditya smiled and replied, "Well, we thought it's about time we discuss the engagement between our children, Rithvik and Kishika."

Raj's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered and grinned. "That's wonderful news! We couldn't be happier with this proposal. Kishika has mentioned that they are happy with the alliance, and it's clear they are getting along well. We are more than happy to engage them."

Rajeshwari added, "We are so glad to hear that. We believe they are a perfect match for each other, and we hope they will be happy together."

Vikramaditya added, "We'll make sure the engagement ceremony is grand and memorable for both families. After the marriage we will marry them both. We'll discuss the details with you all soon."

As Kishika and her sisters were walking back to the house, they noticed that there were more cars parked outside than usual. As they got closer, they realized that Rithvik's parents were there, along with her own parents. Kishika's heart skipped a beat. What was going on?

As they entered the house, Kishika eyes get wide by seeing Rithvik's parents here. Raj informed them about Kishika and Rithvik's engagement and Kishika face fell. She had never expected this to happen so soon. "Uh, I'm not sure how to react to this," she said hesitantly.

Rithvik's mother walked up to her and wrapped her in a warm embrace. "We're all very excited, my dear. Don't worry, everything will be alright. We can't wait to welcome you into our family."

Kishika felt a rush of emotions - surprise, confusion, but also a sense of warmth from the love and acceptance of Rithvik's parents. She smiled, feeling grateful for their kindness.

After the happy news, Raj's wife brings out some homemade sweets to celebrate the occasion. Kishika's soon-to-be mother-in-law, Rithvik's mom, thanks her and says, "These are so delicious. You are such a great cook. I can't wait for Kishika to join our family and taste all your amazing dishes."

Kishika smiles and nods, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging from Rithvik's family. She takes a bite of the sweet and closes her eyes in appreciation.

After enjoying the sweets, Kishika's parents and Rithvik's parents had a brief chat about the engagement ceremony and wedding preparations. They talked about the date, the guest list, and the venue for the ceremony. Kishika listened intently, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about the whole thing.

As the evening came to an end, Kishika's parents thanked Rithvik's parents for coming and the two families bid farewell to each other.

Kishika couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. She went for a walk in the park with her sisters to clear her head and think about everything that had just happened.

Meanwhile, Rithvik had no idea about any of this. He was still at home, working on some important paperwork for his business. It would be a few more hours before he found out about his parents' visit to Kishika's house.

As Rithvik was finishing up his work, his phone rang. It was his mother. "Hi, Mom. What's up?" Rithvik asked. His mom was still in the car and she couldn't wait to share this news with her son so she dialed his number.

"Rithvik, we just got back from Kishika's house. We talked to her parents about your engagement," his mother replied.

"Engagement? What are you talking about, Mom?" Rithvik asked, confused.

His mother explained everything that had transpired at Kishika's house that evening. Rithvik was stunned. He couldn't believe that his parents had gone ahead and made plans for his engagement without even consulting him first.

"But Mom, I don't know if I'm ready for all of this. I mean, Kishika and I just started seeing each other," Rithvik said, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"I understand how you feel, Rithvik. But we think Kishika is a great match for you. And besides, it's not like you have to get married tomorrow. We can take our time with the preparations," his mother reassured him.

Rithvik sighed. "Okay, Mom. I'll think about it. But right now, I just need some time to process everything."

"Of course, beta. Take your time. We'll talk more about it when you're ready," his mother said before ending the call.

Rithvik sat there, stunned. He couldn't believe what his mother had just told him. He had never imagined that his parents would arrange his engagement without even informing him first. His mind was racing with thoughts and emotions.

Rithvik took a deep breath and picked up his phone, feeling both excited and nervous at the same time. He dialed Kishika's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hey, Rithvik," Kishika answered, sounding surprised to hear from him.

"Hey, Kishika. Listen, I just heard from my mom about what happened at your place today. I know it was all sudden and unexpected, but I just wanted to say that I'm ready for this engagement, and I want to marry you," Rithvik said, his voice trembling slightly. He is not sure about future but he knows that he can't loose Kishika. Kishika is the only girl who made his heart like this. What he said to Kishika was right. He did want to marry her but his main fear is something else. Before something bad happen with her, he wants to marry her and protect her all his life. She is naive, innocent and don't know about this cruel world.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Kishika spoke up. "Really? You mean it?" she asked, her voice soft and hesitant.

Rithvik nodded even though Kishika couldn't see him. "Yes, I mean it. I've been thinking about us a lot lately, and I feel like we have something special. I want to take this relationship to the next level."

Kishika's shyness was palpable in her voice as she replied, "I feel the same way, Rithvik. I'm just a little overwhelmed by everything that's happening so quickly."

"I understand, Kishika. We can take things slow if you want. I just wanted you to know how I feel," Rithvik said, his voice reassuring.

Kishika sighed softly. "Thank you, Rithvik. That means a lot to me. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon."

Rithvik smiled, feeling relieved and happy. "Me too, Kishika. Take care."

They said their goodbyes and hung up, both feeling a mix of emotions. Rithvik couldn't believe he had just confessed his feelings to Kishika, and Kishika was still processing the sudden turn of events. Nevertheless, they were both excited for what the future held.

The next few days were a blur of wedding preparations and family meetings. Families have to first decide everything because for Suryavanshi's; this marriage has to be the best because of their family background and as for Thakur's they have to prepare every single thing because It's their eldest daughter marriage. Middle class family has to take care of guest, sweets, decorations, gold, money etc etc. Indian marriages are not easy but once the marriage take place, it becomes beautiful and memorable.

Kishika and Rithvik were both busy with work, but they managed to find time to spend together and plan for their future.

As the engagement ceremony approached, Kishika couldn't help but feel nervous. She had never been the center of attention before, and the thought of so many people watching her made her feel anxious.

Rithvik noticed her nervousness and did his best to calm her down. "Hey, don't worry about a thing," he said, wrapping his arm around her. "You're going to be amazing, I know it."

Kishika smiled at him, feeling grateful for his support. "Thank you, Rithvik. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The engagement ceremony went off without a hitch, and Kishika looked stunning in her traditional attire. Rithvik couldn't take his eyes off her, and he felt his heart swell with love and admiration for her.

The engagement ceremony was held at a luxurious banquet hall in the heart of the city. The hall was decorated with flowers and colorful lights, and there was a stage set up for the couple to exchange rings. Kishika wore a beautiful Grey color lehenga with intricate embroidery, while Rithvik looked handsome in his navy blue Indo western dress.

The guest list was a mix of both Kishika's and Rithvik's relatives, friends, and business associates. The atmosphere was lively and joyful, with music playing in the background and guests mingling and chatting with each other.

Akriti, Riya, Arun, Rohan, and Sara were also present, and they were all teasing Kishika and Rithvik about their engagement. "Look at them, they are blushing like tomatoes," Akriti whispered to Riya, giggling. "I think we need to find a bucket to catch all the love flowing between these two," Rohan joked with Arun, who rolled his eyes.

Kishika and Rithvik took everything in stride and were happy to share this moment with their loved ones. They exchanged rings on the stage, and the hall erupted in cheers and applause. Rithvik pulled Kishika into a tight embrace, and she rested her head on his chest, feeling overwhelmed with love and happiness.

As they made their way back to their seats, Rithvik's parents approached them with a smile. "We are so happy to see you both together. You make a lovely couple," his mother said, hugging Kishika.

Kishika blushed and thanked her soon-to-be mother-in-law. "I am really happy to be a part of your family," she said, smiling at Rithvik's parents.

As the evening went on, the guests enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and danced to the lively beats of the music. Kishika and Rithvik stole glances at each other, feeling grateful and blessed to have found each other.

Akriti, Riya, Arun, Rohan, and Sara were also dancing together and having fun. "We need to plan an amazing bachelorette party for Kishika," Sara whispered to Akriti, who nodded in agreement. "And for Rithvik, we can plan a wild bachelor party," Rohan added, winking at Arun.

"Rohan Ji, make sure you don't get too wild and crazy at Rithvik's party otherwise Sara surely will give you divorce," Riya said teasingly, making everyone laugh.

Rohan rolled his eyes playfully. "I'll try to behave, but no promises," he replied with a smirk.

Kishika laugh at the mention of her bachelorette party. "I hope it won't be too wild," she said with a giggle.

"Don't worry, Kishika. We'll make sure you have a good time, but not too good," Akriti said, patting her sister's hand reassuringly.

As the night went on, everyone enjoyed the festivities and the delicious food.

At the end of the night, Rithvik took Kishika's hand and led her to a quiet corner of the venue. "You looked absolutely stunning tonight," he said, gazing into her eyes.

Kishika blushed and looked down shyly. "Thank you, Rithvik. You looked very handsome yourself," she replied softly.

Rithvik reached out and lifted her chin, bringing her gaze back to his. "Kishika, I want you to know that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he said, his voice full of sincerity and love.

Kishika's heart skipped a beat, "Rithvik, I'm so grateful to have you in my life," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

They shared a tender embrace, feeling the warmth and love between them. The engagement party might have been over, but their journey together was just beginning.

Rithvik took Kishika's hands in his and gazed into her eyes. "I promise to always be by your side, to support you through thick and thin, and to love you with all my heart," he said, his voice full of emotion.

Kishika felt her heart flutter at Rithvik's words. "I can't wait to start this journey with you, Rithvik," she said, leaning in to give him a soft kiss on his cheeks. As her lips touched his skin, he feels something electrical inside of his body which was rare. He stood there shocked because he didn't thought that His naive soon-to-be wife will kiss him directly. His heart was beating fast but he can't show this on his face. Otherwise what will everyone think specially his friend and sibling.

He knows that once Sara, Akriti, Riya, Rohan and Arun saw him blushing they will definetly going to tease him. And he is being the hard man so he has to make his face straight.

As they pulled away, Rithvik brushed a strand of hair behind Kishika's ear. "You look so beautiful tonight, Kishika," he said, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

Kishika blushed, feeling her cheeks turn pink. "Thank you, Rithvik. How many times you are going to said the same line?"

"I will never get tired of saying how beautiful you are looking tonight" Rithvik said this line and now it's her time to become a tomato. In her life, she never gets compliment like him. She surely received compliments from her friends and collegues but how Rithvik make her blush is the first time in her life and she is glad that a guy like a Rithvik is going to be her husband.

Kishika and Rithvik were lost in their romantic moment, they suddenly heard giggles and whispering behind them. Turning around, they saw them. Sara, Akriti, Riya, Rohan, and Arun standing there with big grins on their faces.

"Ahem, ahem, lovebirds. You two should get a room!" Rohan teased, winking at them.

Kishika and Rithvik couldn't help but blush, feeling a bit embarrassed at having been caught in the act. It's not like they are doing something

(Ahem, Ahem... You know what I mean)

But still they are romancing by hiding themselves from everyone.

"Looks like the two of you have been struck by Cupid's arrow!" Akriti chimed in, giggling.

"Aww, you guys are so cute! But remember, no public displays of affection until the wedding!" Riya added, pretending to be stern.

Kishika and Rithvik couldn't help but laugh at their friends' teasing. "Thanks, guys. We'll try to keep the PDA to a minimum," Rithvik joked.

"Just wait until it's your turn to get married. We'll be sure to return the favor!" Kishika added, playfully sticking her tongue out at them.

"Yeah, we're just a little jealous that we don't have such a cute love story like yours, Love in Arrange Marriage. How cute and Romantic" Riya chimed in and said it in a dramatic way.

"Speak for yourself, Riya. I've got my eyes on a certain someone," Arun teased, making everyone laugh. Everyone knows that it's difficult for Arun to get a girl according to him as his list is so long .

"Arun, don't tell us you've finally found someone to settle down with," Akriti teased, nudging him playfully.

Arun chuckled, shaking his head. "Not yet, but I'm keeping my options open," he replied, grinning mischievously.

Riya rolled her eyes. "Typical Arun," she said, laughing.

Akriti jumped in between their conversation "But Riya, how he will get the girl? I just heard about his longgggggg lissttttttt" Akriti said and Arun squinted his eyes to which Riya looking at her in excitement and one by one Sara, Akriti, Rohan and Rithvik started to tell about his longggg listttttt

"He wants Katrina Kaif like girl who looks beautiful" Sara said

"Sunny leone like big boobs to which he holds and play with it" Rohan said dreamingly as it looks like Rohan dream about the boobs and playing with it but his dream shattered as Sara hit his head.

"Stop dreaming you are married now" Sara said to which everyone just chuckle at her reaction.

"Yeah whatever" Rohan said and rolled his eyes

"He wants Priyanka Chopra type successful girl" Rithvik said

"Jahnvi Kapoor like Figure" Sara said

"Sanskari like Sara Ali Khan"

"Rich like Kareena Kapoor Khan"

By listening all this Riya said "Sorry Arun to hear that you have a wish to die single." By listening her everyone burst into laughter and Arun just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But one day I will find a girl. Afterall who will say No to this handsome?" Arun said pulling his collar in proud way as he himself said handsome.

Everyone first look at each other and said it together "Ewwww"

By listening them Arun stomp his feet on ground and huffed in anger while his group started to laugh out loud.

As the night wore on, the group continued to tease and joke around, enjoying each other's company. The engagement party was a huge success, and everyone went home with smiles on their faces, looking forward to the upcoming wedding.

So, how's the Chapter?

I hope you all liked it. Do you like the engagement party?

How's Rithvik and Kishika cute little romance?

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