
Taming Venomous Beauties

As a handsome guy with fame and Lamborghinis, Kagern McHegan could lay his hands on any beauty around the world. Unfortunately, his little brother down there was too weak to grant him such a wish. What happens when he transmigrates into a body whose little brother is always strong and prepared? He's going to create a harem, right? Sadly, it's not like on earth where every girl admires him. It's a world haunted by darkness and hunger, cruelty and self-centeredness. A world where he is a disgrace to his family. Monsters, among which there are the Venomous Beauties, roam its corners. He is too weak to even play drums, let alone hunting those monsters to win hearts of girls. Thankfully, [The main mission: Kill all the Venomous Beauties. You will no longer be a disgrace to your family. No one will ever look down on you because you'll always be on top.] [Warning: It's not necessary to kill them. All you need from them are stolen shards. But don't hesitate to use your sword before it is too late. They're as fascinating as dragons. Admiring their beauty will cost you to burn to death in their flames.] When Kagern finished reading this, his lips curled into a knowing smile. Beauties would be of a great use to his little brother, right? He would also need a loyal army of naughty girls by his side. "How about I tame them?" he asked. ———————— Love&support! #DailyUpdates

ErioMillionz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs


Byron's eyes fluttered open.

'Oh! I'm late!'

He had said he would wake up early to prepare his expedition out of the Drumline Castle but it seemed he woke up too late instead. Who would not? He was too tired after taking the Goddess of Beauty's lessons serious. Like when he killed the three-eyed Infected Monster, Goddess of Beauty kept congratulating him, telling him he really was something beyond her expectations. He even received another Droplet of Desires and a schedule for the next lesson.

'Oh my!'

He took a moment to reminisce on his first. The Goddess of Beauty's high-pitched moans, her crazy moves and...

'I don't regret it! I really don't!'

A grin tore his face apart, his goddamned little brother waking up.


Now, his nether regions still sore and itching, he dragged his lanky body out of the bed and made it to the bathroom. Water was something scarce inside the Drumline castle. They had told him not to use more than one of the things he could call small buckets. However, as a person used to showering under an endless rain in modern bathrooms, he ended up using five of the six small buckets available... and he was not satisfied... not yet clean.

Not only water was scarce because of the Infection that followed the First God's War, but also food and so many other things Byron never thought were even a necessity when he was on earth.

It seemed like getting used to living a normal life was going to be another challenge.

Bathing, ongoing!

What they used as a soap looked cheap and primitive, making Byron wonder if his skin would be able to withstand it.

'Stop that nonsense, you fool! You're lucky they even have that. This is a primitive world remember?'

He could say this world was not as modernized as his previous one, but not primitive also. From what he saw of their architecture, the dudes were incredible. Even the quality of their clothes and... too many things he was yet to see.

When only one small bucket remained, Byron stepped closer to the mirror nearby. He wasn't going to use the only remaining small bucket if their was no foam on his body.

Unfortunately, once his reflection came into the mirror, all he saw was foam all over his body, almost as if he only used the five buckets to only wash his face.


With that, he had no choice but to use the remaining small bucket, too careful to not waste it.

Not long after, he was done, all small buckets used.

'They're going to be angry with me!'


He expected his expedition to take more than a week. That's why he felt no guilty in using all the small buckets? It's not like he wouldn't have used all of them in a week if he had to remain at the castle.

Now, the guy in the mirror was as pale as living several years in cave could do to one's body, his face gaunt and his silver hair a bit dark and not silky.

People might have used to differentiate both him and Kyron by using clothes, but now, looking at his lanky malnourished body, he could tell their was no need of using that method anymore. Kyron had a lean but an athletic lithe body, his chiselled face not a result of loneliness and depression, but of training and feeding. Even his skin was somewhat of a brown hue.

The difference was obvious.

'That's not going to last for long, little brother!'

With that, Byron put on his red robes, combed his silver hair and left the house.


Like Byron had said, this world was not a primitive category... if he knew the true meaning of the word primitive of course.

'I don't have a dictionary! What I remember is the real truth, right?'

As he approached the tallest of the pointy houses in the Drumline Castle... city, he couldn't help but use side eye each and every second. He pretended not to care, but the girls passing past him were of inhuman beauty. Maybe Gillian was only nicknamed Queen Beauty because of being that beautiful with her status as a maid.

This made Byron wonder how people in that small city were classified. He had encountered no one in blue or red attire. These were meant only for the Blue Family members, after all.

White seemed to be the attire colour of most of those he encountered. Since this colour belonged to maids and servants, those wearing it didn't give him a disdain glance like those wearing black and other colours. However, they also didn't show any respect.

'I really I'm a disgrace to this family.'

He knew these guys didn't hate him. It's only that he had nothing to make them love him. That's why all he needed was to give them that thing. A reason to love him.

'Wait and see, you fools!'

Byron had to many other questions like how people were classified in that Siheyuan city but knew he would learn with time... or consult his memories.

'It's not time for that!'

As soon as Byron made his way into the inner courtyard that led to the tallest and largest building inside that Siheyuan settlement, he felt something grabbing his wrist. No! Something female in nature.

Turning on his side, a pair of teary blue eyes stared into his, their owner's brunette hair telling him who she was.

"Oh! Gillian, what is it?"

Before Gillian could answer, Byron saw a silver haired boy behind her, pulling her other arm. Knox.

'I'm hating silver hair!'

This made him miss his black hair more. Because, here, the Patriach's and all his three boys were silver haired.

'This is not good! Not good at all.'

'It was better than having black hair while impotent, you fool!'


"Brother Byron, I wanted to ask if I can come with you. The outside world is dangerous even for me. But I know two is greater than..."

Knox didn't allow her to finish. He jerked her toward him, glances at Byron with killing intent as he said, "What have gotten into you, Gillian? Do you really want to go die with this baatard and leave your parents in their current situation. Don't you remember badly they want to belong to the Blue Family? That our marriage is the only way to satisfy that wish?"

'Damn! I'm hating this drama, too!'

What could he do about it? He had to be dramatic if need be. That's why he laughed while heartedly at Knox's words.

"Oh little brother, didn't you forget something? I belong to the Blue Family too. In fact, I'm the future consort of the Flaming Princess, remember?"


Byron stepped closer, freed Gillian from Knox's grip and dragged her with him.

"Let's go, darling!"

At that moment, Byron felt the temperature around the area rising in degrees, this prompting him to glance behind.

What he saw...

'Damn it!'

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