
Taming The wild Billionaire

A nerd he was. Most of the time, People Told him he was a mistake. Even his own parents abandoned him after been assured that he was an ill luck. His name was Jack. With Literally no one by his side, Jack managed to cater for his life. He finished schooling and was in search of a job. About fifteen Interviews he went for, He got rejected in all. Jack had given up on life and considered committing suicide until an Opportunity suddenly came up. He overhead about a job offer in a Rich woman's House. This woman was exceptionally a devil. She was the most ferocious woman in the city. Her name was Miss Red. Jack decided to try his luck of he could get a place in Miss Red life despite knowing he will probably get rejected. Jack got a place in Miss Red house and this changed his life for good. All he has to do now is survive in the most ferocious woman's house!.

Daizy_Dee · Urban
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14 Chs

Episode 11

Jack was almost at the end of the hallway when he noticed a door was left opened. "Holy shit, is that her room!?" He asked himself. "There's only one way to find out.." He said and crept to the door.

Jack peeped in and saw some ladies Moving around in the room. "I think they're dressing her up. I better get outta here before I get caught! " He said to himself.

He suddenly felt a hand touch him. Jack heart started beating hard. He slowly stood up and turned around. "It's you. You scared the shit out of me!" Jack exclaimed.

"What are you doing here, are you peeking on the boss!?" Deane asked. "No, it's not what it looks like. I was only hearing noise and decided to check who were making them.." Jack opposed.

"Hmm, is that it?" Deane asked with a suspicious look. "of course!. What are you here anyways?" Jack asked with a suspicious look. "Don't stare at me like that, I'm here to see the boss!" Deane replied.

"Oh.." Jack said. "It's all settled now. You keep my secret and I keep yours!" Deane said. "But I never did anything wrong.." Jack said. "Oh, maybe i should go tell the boss A guard was creeping around her doorstep suspiciously! " Deane said and tried to walk in.

"No, don't! " Jack said and dragged him back. "Fine, I agree..." He added. "Great, you better get your ass outta here. That's Matt room over there.." Deane said pointing at a door facing the room.

"Shit, I gotta go!" Jack said and crawled away. "is someone at the door?" A voice came from inside. "It's Deane mam. May I come in and have a word with you?" Deane asked.

"sure, come in" Miss Red replied...

"What do you think she would do if I had got caught?" Jack asked. "Fire you, or worse.." Chris replied. "Damn, I can't believe I did something so stupid!" Jack said.

"you have to wait for your turn to go guard her door. It takes time to circulate till it probably gets to your turn.." Chris said. "Oh, you guys stay at her doorstep?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, a guard stay at her doorstep Every night. It's gonna be your turn one day.." Chris said. "Oh, didn't know that..." Jack replied. "You not knowing literally so many things is kinda sus. Did Deane give you a contract?" Chris asked.

"Actually, no.." Jack replied. "I knew it!" Chris said. "Keep it down..The day I went to his office to apply for the job, I caught him fapping!" Jack said. "Oh, so he gave you the job after you threatened to tell the boss!?" Chris asked.

"Exactly! " Jack replied. "Maybe you're not so stupid after all! " Chris said. "Yeah..wait, what! " Jack exclaimed. Chris giggled.

"I think I would go ask for the Contract tomorrow, I need to go through it..." Jack said. "that won't be necessary, you can have mine.." Chris said and reached for a file in his stuffs.

He handed the papers to Jack. "Holy shit, you read the whole thing!? " Jack asked. "Didn't miss a single page!" Chris replied. "Damn, this would take me Months to read!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, if you start reading it now. You can finish it in less than a week. That's if you read fast.." Chris said. "I should be able to finish it in a week. I read fast, I think..." Jack said...

The door suddenly opened and Deane walked in. "Where's Jack?" He asked. Jack gulped and reluctantly alighted from his bed. "The Boss wants to see you..." Deane said. Jack heart was Beginning to pound again.

"Did he tell the boss about it!?" He thought as he followed Deane out. He shut the door and was about heading down the hall way when Deane stopped him. "The Boss's room is that way, right?" Jack asked.

"i just used that in getting you out without been suspicious. Follow me.. " Deane said and walked away. "Where are we going to now?" Jack asked. "The last time someone asked me to follow him. I ended up almost getting killed!" Jack said.

"We're going to my office. just shut up will you!?" Deane asked furiously. They exited the mansion and walked to Deane's office. They got in and Deane urged him to take his seat.

"So, why are we here?" Jack asked. "I just need your signatures.. " Deane replied. "Emm, my signatures?" Jack asked. "You haven't signed your contract silly. The boss asked of it while we were discussing today. She mentioned you were acting weird.." Deane said.

"okay.." Jack said. "She also said you passed out four times today. Is that true!?" Deane asked. "It was only two times God dammit!" Jack said furiously.

"It was true. You really fainted! " Deane said and laughed. "not again!" Jack said angrily. Deane brought out some papers and handed them to Jack. He also gave him a pen. "Sign the required fields and make sure you don't pass out while doing that!" Deane said and giggled.

Jack grabbed the pen from him and signed the papers Angrily. He spent over ten minutes signing the File. He was finally done. Jack stood up and handed the papers to Deane. "Alright, go to your room now and faint!" Deane said.

Jack stormed away angrily. He went to his room and slammed the door. Jack turned around to see all his roommates gazing at him weirdly. "What happened Jack?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, what happened at the boss's room?" Chris asked. "Nothing. We just talked about how I passed out. She was worried it might be an health issue, you know..." Jack said.

"Did she say you'll go see a doctor tomorrow? " Billy asked. "No, I told Her that won't be Necessary as I am completely okay now!" Jack said smiling awkwardly.

"Alright, good night.." Billy said and rested back on his bed. "Yeah, Good night.." Jack said and climbed up his bed too. Chris climbed up Jack's bed. "That wasn't what happened, right!?" He asked. "Yeah!" Jack replied.