
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Real Hate.

Xiotan was already in the kitchen half way of making her food, when one of the guards told her that the fourth prince Mo Yu HAO is here to see her

What! Why will he want to see her ?, she has no business with him, so what did he want to say to her, Cheng'er is not around so what is he doing here?. Arrgh this is frustrating.

" Okay, tell him to come in, wait, but why will he want to see me ?, Your Boss is not around" she asked giving the guard a confused look

" I told him, but he said he wants to greet the new bride cause he was not able to attend the wedding" the guard respectfully replied

'So, what's my own problem with that, it's none of my business if he was not able to attend the wedding' she hissed in her mind

" Okay fine, let him in, but search him before he enters, I can't risk my life, I don't trust any fucking person. If he won't allow you don't let him in. And if he asked why, tell him your boss has ordered you to search whosoever wants to come in" She ordered and the guard was mesmerized by her order, they've got a strict princess over here.

" Sure your Highness" the guard bowed as he turned his back and left. Even the maids were surprised by the words she said.

" What do you know about this fourth prince" she asked one of the maids that was beside her as she continues chopping her Onion

" I actually don't know much, but I know His Majesty and the fourth have never been in good terms." the maid replied

" Oh, I see, so you mean they hate each other? "

" Yeah, real hate"

" Now I understand what is going on, he is here to look for trouble, no problem, he will meet me there" And as she said those words the fourth prince came in with a weird smile on his face

" Hello princess, you've got some strict rules over here" he greeted with a smile as he walk in

" Welcome, those rules are meant for people who are not welcome here" She greeted smiling the same way.

In Li Cheng Company

Li Cheng could be seen sitting on a swivel chair watching all what's happening at his house through the laptop, while a pod was in his ear hearing all their conversation.

Even though, they don't spend time together, he always watches her all the time, he doesn't want anything to happen to her at least she is still the spice in his life, It always surprises him with all those acts of hers. And also he promised her mom that he will always look after her and nothing will happen to her, so he gat no choice but to do as he says, that's why he put in a tracker in all her clothes, jewelry, bags and so on, at least he can monitor her movement.

" Sir should I tell the gaurd to send him out" Da Ming asked

" No, no need, just sit and watch the fun that about to happen, I know the girl I married, she doesn't take shit" he replied with a smirk on his face.

Back at home

Walking in further, he went in the kitchen where she was preparing her meal and stood beside her

" So you are the lucky girl, You are not that bad, how is he on bed, is he...., or do you want me to....., you understand what I mean mm" He whispered in her ears and then blew breeze in her ear and that made her almost threw up, it actually disgust her so damn much

But she didn't say anything, she just continue her chopping, and this time she was chopping carrots.

" I see you are one tough girl, that's nice" he added trailing his hand on her arm

" Do you know something, I can actually satisfy you more than him, I know he is a punk, he doesn't treat girls well" he added this time placing him hand on her waist

" See, let me tell you something, if that useless hand of yours touch me again, I will make sure to chop, cook it and feed it to the dogs, just try me" she dared and that made the man laugh out

" Oh my god, you've got some guts, you dare talk to me like that"

" Do you know why I didn't talk, it's cause your mouth is smelling, do you even brush before coming here ?, yuck, I even saw a fly drop dead because of your mouth odour. Disgusting" and what she said almost made all the maid burst out in laughter.

" HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" he yelled holding Xiotan by the back of her hair and that made her mad

" Are you mad?, Do you have a death WISH" She yelled as she picked up the knife and gave him a tear on his face and it started bleeding immediately. And that made him let go of her.