

"You got it all wrong redhead" Drake said in a deep husky voice, taking slow steps towards Raven until she was pinned between him and the wall. He leaned closer to her and placed his large palms on the wall, on both sides of her head, trapping her in his close proximity. His hazel eyes burned with smouldering intensity and his lips were just a few inches away from her ears. His hot breathe made her shiver as he whispered, "I don't do love. I devour women" Raven looked up at him defiantly, green eyes flashing with rebellion. "Go on then",she said boldly. "Devour me" ... Raven Donovan has always been a rebel and an independent woman. Smart and sassy, bitingly sarcastic and classy, breathtakingly beautiful with a body men craved for, she has all her life planned out and would not stop until she reaches the highest peak of success. She is swept off her feet when she meets the talk of the town. Alpha Drake Jordan. ... Raven shuddered and a pleased sigh escaped her lips as Drake's expert hands skimmed over her exposed skin, arousing hidden pleasures she never knew existed. She gasped softly when his hard palms gripped her hips and yanked her firmly against his sinful body. "Why do you resist me Raven?",Drake whispered against the shell of her ear, causing a riot of goosebumps to appear on her skin. Raven gulped slowly and moistened her lips. "You are sin... sin I shouldn't commit...",she rasped out and bit back a moan when she felt Drake gently nip her earlobe. "Why...?",Drake whispered again and dipped his hot lips into the sweet spot in her neck. "I... I should hate you",Raven said slowly and her heart thudded as Drake's lips moved closer to hers. "But I just can't resist you" ... Ruthless and cold-hearted, Drake believes in only three things. Dominance. Power. Wealth. He has no time for anything else, and absolutely no time for women. To him, love is weakness. When he meets Raven, a flame of desire and attraction is ignited within him and for the first time, he is totally intrigued. Her rebellious attitude and boldness rears up his interest and releases strange feelings he never thought he was capable of having. Drake will stop at nothing to dominate Raven until she melts in his arms. Raven who has lived a perfect life all along is thrown into a sea of the supernatural, discovering things she never knew existed. Drake isn't what she thinks he is; he's a creature of the night. A werewolf who is able to take the form of a terrifying beast. Even with this knowledge, she can't resist the irresistible charm of the arrogant alpha and soon, a hot sizzling passion springs forth between them and Raven is determined to tame the cold-hearted beast. Suddenly things are changing. Raven is killed and brought back to life not as a human, but as a supernatural creature. Dark secrets about Drake are unveiled and when someone framed him for the murder of a sacred creature, Raven knows she's the only one that can save him. Because in the midst of the darkness surrounding him, she is his light. Warning:This book contains mature content and is rated 18. Leave a review of what you think and encourage me by voting. Xoxo BellaCupid.

BellaCupid · Fantasy
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17 Chs

He's here

Raven's eyes widened in shock.

It was him.

The man from the parking lot the previous day.

She snatched the phone out of Stacey's hand and brought it closer to have a better look. It was definitely him. There was no mistaking it. She stared at the picture, her eyes going over every single detail of it.

He was dressed in a tux, perfectly tailored to his body. Just as he had been the other day. His hair was a riot of waves, looking tousled by the wind. He had on a pair of dark sunshades, and his lips was lifted in a flirty smile, giving him that playboy look. The picture had been captured as he stepped down from a sleek looking Rolls Royce phantom.

Raven looked harder at the picture. She took in the dark tux, the immaculate inner white, the smooth black suede shoes, the sleek car.

It all made perfect sense to her now. The picture had been taken just yesterday. She was sure he had probably been heading back home when she saw him at the parking lot.

"Stacy? Was this new director present at the company yesterday?",she asked.

"He was. He came in here with a horde of paparazzi behind him, all cramming by the entrance to get a picture of him and ask him a few questions",Stacy explained.

So he had been here, Raven thought. That must have been when she was out on a loan drive, verifying the client that applied for a million dollar loan. And also the reason why she saw him in the parking lot the other evening.

"See? You're falling for him already",Stacy said and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Not ever happening",Raven said and returned the phone to her. There was no way she could ever fall for someone as cold-hearted and arrogant as Drake Jordan. Someone who made women sign contracts just to be with him.

"Brian said he will be here again today",Stacy cut into her thoughts as she flipped through the document she carried with her and picked a pen from Raven's desk. She began to go through it. "I'm just so excited. Master Jordan is every girl's dream. You're so lucky Ray. You get to work with him".

Raven who was just about to drink from a bottle of water froze. Her eyes widened for the second time. She hadn't thought of that. She was the assistant director of RV Loan firm, and this meant....

She would be working with him!

Oh no!

"You okay?",Stacy asked, noticing Raven's strange expression.

Suddenly loosing her thirst, she dropped the bottle of water on her desk. "This day just got way worse than yesterday",she said.

"Why? What's wrong?",Stacy asked. "Is it because of the new director?"

"You bet it is!",Raven snapped and pushed her chair back. She stood up, smoothed out the front of her blazer and walked towards the window, looking at the view of the city. Stacy dropped the documents she was going through and came over to stand beside her.

"What's wrong Ray?", she asked. "You don't seem very happy"

Raven sighed. She didn't expect Stacy to understand. She just felt so annoyed for no reason. There was Wilson, whom she was so angry at. And now Drake Jordan. His name released a flurry of butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't help but remember how close his body had been to hers that evening. She closed her eyes briefly, recalling how his breathe had tickled her ears, making her shiver involuntarily. How warm and hard his palms had felt on the sides of her head when he had her pinned against the wall. How his voice caressed her ears as he whispered to her...

'I don't do love....I devour women...'

With an annoyed huff, she turned away from the window. Meeting him had changed a lot of things. She could feel herself changing. She never thought of men this way. She never even had time for them. But this one seemed to stick to her mind like glue. To the extent of having dreams about him the previous night. He was danger. Pure danger and she knew it. Yet like a moth drawn to flames, she was drawn to him. And if she wasn't careful, she would be consumed by the flames.

"What's the point of changing the directors?",she suddenly bust out.

Stacy drew back in surprise, shocked at Raven's sudden outburst.

"We were doing fine with Master O'Connell",Raven continued. "Why did they have to remove him and bring someone else?".

"Ray, Master O'Connell wasn't removed",Stacy said slowly. "He was just relocated to manage one of the other branches".

"Well, they could have moved this new one to the other branch",Raven said, getting agitated.

"What's wrong Raven? Why are you so worked up about it?",Stacy asked in concern. Raven never behaved like this. She was always so poised and controlled. Something definitely unsettled her and it was connected to the new director.

Raven sighed again. She didn't like the emotions she was suddenly feeling. All her life, she had worked her butt off to get to where she was. And she was ready to continue until she got to the peak of success. There had been no distractions all these years and then suddenly, Drake Jordan comes along. He intrigued and captivated her in so many ways and this was what scared her. This alien feelings that she had never felt. It made her feel helpless and she wasn't used to feeling that way. She was a strong independent woman. Drake Jordan was a pool of flame that was slowing drowning her.

"I just.... I don't know what's wrong with me",she said faintly.

Stacy placed an arm over her shoulder and tried to comfort her.

"Everything is going to be fine Ray",she said softly. "You're so good at your job. Everyone knows that. And I know you're going to do better working beside the new director. Don't be nervous, okay? You're gonna do great".

Raven smiled softly at her. "So you don't think I'm an ice princess the way the others think?",she asked, and then laughed at Stacy's shocked expression.

"You know about that?",Stacy asked.

"Of course I do. I just pretend not to notice",Raven said. Her smile disappeared and she looked away. "I know what everyone thinks of me. Rude. Proud. Sarcastic. Frosty".

"Hence the name ice princess",Stacy said with a grin and Raven chuckled. She sobered up again.

"The thing is, I don't mean to be this way",she said. "It's just me. Growing up and fending for myself made me this way. I had to be strong to pull through, else I wouldn't be where I am today".

"You're perfect the way you are Raven", Stacy said.

She placed both hands on Raven's shoulders and turned her so they were facing each other.

"Forget about what they all say down there. Being you is what gives you your respect, the respect you deserve. So what if they call you the ice princess? It just shows how serious you are when it comes to your job. They fear you, and they respect you. And they know not to mess with you else they'll get mowed down".

Raven laughed genuinely. Trust Stacy to always find a way to make her feel better.

"Be yourself Raven. And don't change that for anyone",Stacy finished. Raven pulled her close and hugged her tight.

"Thank you Stacy",she said. "You're the only one that really understands me".

"That's what friends are for",Stacy said and pulled back. "So, now that that's settled, you can sponsor my lunch for today".

"Oh sure I will",Raven laughed and walked back to her desk. She had a lot of work to do rather than sitting and moping about her feelings for the strange man.

Suddenly the door burst open and Brian raced in.

"He's here! He's really here",he said breathlessly, his eyes wide with awe and anticipation. He rushed out just as quickly as he came in.

"Wait! Who's here?",Raven shouted after him and turned to Stacy.

"I don't know. Let's go find out". Stacy said and they both rushed out of the office.

The company was a flurry of movement as everyone hurried about, straightening ties, arranging blazers and fixing hair. Chairs were straightened and tables were cleared and arranged neatly. It was a rush of movement.

"What's got everyone so worked up?",Raven asked just as Stacy tapped her shoulder and pointed out the window. There was an array of cars approaching and a long convoy following behind it.

Raven didn't need to be told who it was.

It was the new Director.

Master Drake Jordan had arrived.

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