
Taming The CEO's Assassin Wife

Ariel Mackenzie is a tough and resilient woman who has always put her son, Jason, first, she could even go up the sky and pluck the moon for him. But when the assassin organization she works for demands the head of Jason's father, Vincent, Ariel is faced with a difficult decision, should she risk her future relationship her child, or save it by not completing the mission, which has dire consequences. Going back to her hometown did not only open up old wounds but it created new ones, secrets that were meant to be kept in the dark were brought to light, betrayals were made and and some relationships were broken.

M_dee · Urban
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200 Chs



After what seemed like decades, the ambulance finally arrived and the boy was wheeled into the van on a stretcher.

"Sir, are you the relative of the little child?" The nurse who came with the ambulance stopped me and asked such an unnecessary question.

"Does that really matter right now? I swear, if that young boy lose his life, I'm going to end your career. All of you." I threatened coldly glancing at each and everyone of the personnel in the van, exuding my oppressive aura.

They all gulped in fear focusing their attention on Jason doing the basic things they could do till we reached the hospital.

When we finally got to the hospital, the boy was wheeled into the operating theatre, which the light indicating an ongoing surgery immediately lit up.

I paced about the hallway wondering how to contact the kid's parents, who would leave their child to roam about such a busy area.