

"Deal then," Daniel said stretching his hand for a shake.

"Don't you dare!!!" she said refusing to shake him.

"well, when do I start?"

"Like I care!," suit yourself she said heading to the door.

"As expected from a spoilt brat," he said frowning.

Sandra looked at him with a disgust look, "well, I expected nothing from a gold digger."

"We are both gold diggers."Daniel said smiling. Sandra looked away wondering why she was talking to him. "They were both diggers but at least hers is better."

"Did I just call myself a gold digger?" shit!!!, she cursed.

"I shouldn't be talking to a lowlife," she blurted out in anger.

"well, you did when you needed my help, didn't you?."

"I have nothing to say to you!!"

"If you don't then why are you replying me spoilt brat," he teased.

"I can't believe I employed you!."

"Well you had to because you had no choice" he smiled looking at her.

"I think I like teasing her" he said smiling at himself.

"What are you smiling at?!!"

"Well, it's nothing for you to know" "Boss" I think that's what I should be calling you if am right.

"I don't care what you call me, just remember I am the boss here and I only used you."

"Well, I think I'm the one that ended up using you, don't you think so?."

"I think we ended up using ourselves he said teasing her the more."

"I can't believe am even talking to this bi**h." well, seeing her in dismay gives me joy.

"I'm sure I will enjoy my stay here?" he asked.

"You should prepare for hell!" she replied him angrily.

"well, I don't think I can stay in a company that my peace will be threatened he said walking away."

"I'm backing out" he said heading towards the door.

"but we made a deal?"

"well the boss sucks" so I have to back out he teased.

Her face changed as fear could be seen written all over her face.

"I can't let him back out, I need to do something."

"Hey!!, I take back what I said!!!"

"I can believe I said that Sandra hit her head."

"You just said something but I didn't hear what it was he replied teasing her the more."

"I guess I have to do anything to keep him here, it's actually for my own benefit and not is." she said consoling herself."

"I'm leaving he said placing his hand on the door."

"I said I take back what I said!!"

Smiling, he waved his hands at her "Till I resume then was all she could hear as he shut the door."

"I can't believe I have to go through all these but it's just for a little period of time before I fire him." she smiled at herself.

"First, I need to celebrate this then I will plan how to get rid of that bas***d.

On getting home, Daniel was welcomed by his little sister with a great smile.

I know you got the job she said noticing the look on his face when he came in.

yeah, I did. can't believe she is gonna be my boss but I think I have to live with that.

what's wrong? Gift gave him a question look, she wasn't sure he had a good day, knowing fully well that it is wasn't easy, she concluded that he was tired.

"You need to rest." she said while arranging the dinning table, looking so tired herself. if only their parents didn't have to travel then maybe they will be here with them today.

"Hey!" what's wrong? he said noticing her teary eyes. aren't you happy that I got a job?

It's not that, am just tired, I think I need to rest.

holding her hands, he hugged her and said "everything will be alright, you don't have to hide your tears, just let it out because I'm here to pet you."

"You don't have to pet me.... I'm matured enough brother!!, she yelled feeling more alive by his words."

I did not forget my promise .

I don't need the money, you need it more than I do. she knew fully well that he just started and she shouldn't stress him right now.

you need to take a bath, I will go and prepare what we will eat but after that you will tell me everything that happened and you must not exclude anything from it. she wasn't sure he will tell her but she knew quite alright that he would.

I need to go to the market right away, there are somethings I need to buy.

How did you get money?

Well, Mr Kenneth came here and he gave me some notes. he has really been trying for us, I didn't expect him to show up today.

That's remind me, he said I should greet you was what Daniel heard from her last as she shut the door.