
Our First Meeting

Good morning sir! a male voice could be heard entering the book keeper shop.

oh, it's you Daniel. Hope you slept well?

Yeah, I did. How is business going?

Well it's booming and it's all thanks to God. How is your sister Gift?

She is fine and it's all thanks to you Mr Kenneth because you stood by us since our parents got involved in that accident ten years ago.

Well it's nothing Daniel, you guys are always welcomed here. so feel free to come.

So Daniel have you gotten a job yet?

It's not as easy as I thought it would be. I have submitted my CV in various companies but none even called.... it's so annoying. Daniel said with a sad face.

You don't have to loose hope boy, just keep trying.

you know, trying repeatedly without getting any result is very frustrating.

yeah, you are right but you just have to keep trying. Mr said encouraging the poor young man.

Thanks so much sir, there is something I need to attend to he said and walked out of the shop.

Frhhhh!!!.. the car came to a halt.

If you want to die why not jump into a lagoon!!, the lady inside the car yelled with her face outside the window of the car.

Well, you should drive responsively and not like a child!!.. Daniel yelled at the driver.

Did he just call me a child? The young lady asked herself. "He dares to call me a child?" who does he think he is? she asked.

Just as he was about to walk away, the lady from the car came down.

you dare to call me a child!!!, she yelled as she got down from the car. she was really gonna pass down her aggression on him.

looking at her from head to toe, her appearance alone shows that she belongs to the wealthy class.

oh God, how did I find myself in this mess? Daniel cursed deeply in my heart.

I think it's high time you lowlife know your place!!.. she said dragging him back to reality.

what, did she just called me a low life? am I supposed to be called that by this rich loosed girl?

he asked himself.

I think it's high time I leave because I don't want problem. Daniel was thinking of leaving quietly, as He was about to walk away when he heard her voice say: "you dare walk out of me" who do you really think you are?

I think it's high time you keep quite young lady!!, He yelled back.

you have been shouting like a spoilt brat which you are and I think you don't have anything useful to do with your time.

Really? that's what you have to say?

she asked feeling fired up.

what else do this spoilt brat expect me to say, He said looking at her hopelessly.

I will make sure I deal with you today, she said pointing at him.

you rich folks just think you can snap your finger and get things done right? he said getting angry.

pah!!.. was what he heard next.

"Did this spoilt brat just hit me on my face? He asked himself.

that's for talking trash!!... she said bringing him back to reality.

"Did you just slap me!!? He yelled at her but it seems she wasn't done with him.

her hands came very fast towards his face but he was able to stop the slap.

you dear hold my hand!!... do you know who I am? she asked giving him a threatening look.

listen young lady!!, I don't care about who you are or who your parents her and I'm not those people that you will just treat like trash!!...

Oh, I see I will deal with you mercilessly but not now. she said while walking back to her car.

at last I'm free from all this mess.... he said only to hear the same lady drive towards him and say, "I will deal with you but I won't search for you because you will come to me"

To hell with you and your ego!!!!, he said blasting her.

"later then" she said driving off....