


"Big brother you need to be fast so as not to loose the job!!, Gift yelled giving him a look that could kill."

She knew that the job is sure but still be needed to be punctual.

"You don't have to give me that look, you know you are making me scared. Daniel said teasing her." He knew she was just looking out for him. She was really caring and the type of sister every big brother would want to have.

"I'm just scared that's all... she said looking away."

"Don't worry, I will get the job no matter what it may takes. Daniel said assuring her."

"What if you don't get the job? she asked feeling scared."

"I have never seen her this scared, the last time she wore this look was when our parents died." Daniel thought to himself. He knew she was really lonely even though she tries to behave like she isn't, she was scared deep inside her. she wanted the affection of a parent.

She was young when their parents died so he knew that she needed parental care more.

"Don't worry, I will make sure I get it!, Daniel said giving her hope." He was trying to change the environment.

"Even if I have to beat up or force the employer to agree on employing me, I will."

"You don't have to do that, she said hitting him." "I did not know you as a bully, so don't be one."

"You don't want your big brother to be rejected because of stain do you? Daniel asked." Knowing fully well that if this goes on, he would be stained.

"No, she said fixing his tie." I want you to go there and get that job." Go and show them what you got." she said still adjusting his tie.

You're looking good bro... she commented.

I'm sure the interviewer will give you the job right away, she said teasing him.

What makes you think so? he asked feeling curious. She always commented on his dressing but this one was different.

Well, your look says a lot. she smiled.

Done!, now it's time for you to go and catch the big fish.

Yeah, the big fish.... he said.

Good luck she said smiling.

I should leave now. He said and walked out of the house.