
Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

A SEQUEL of CONTRACTUALLY MARRIED *Arrianna Angela/Rian and Alexander Jonathan/Alex *Sophia Ysabelle/Sophia/Belle and Daniel/Dani ~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~ Sophia Ysabelle, 26 years old, accepted the life-changing deal of marrying the famous billionaire, Daniel Kelley, not for his money but for his name. They have different reasons for marrying each other. Daniel needs a woman to pretend as his wife to get the biggest investment for their company, that will lead them to the top-grossing company in the whole state of California. While Sophia needs someone 'powerful' on her back while still seeking justice for what happened to her in the past. But there is a big problem between the two of them, they couldn't stand alone in one place facing each other. Daniel is a cold and arrogant billionaire with a smile as precious as a diamond, and who already put her under his judgement from the very first time they met. And Sophia is a stubborn yet resilient woman who never backs down from anyone's judgement, not even from her future husband's rudeness. But in the end, will she tell him her real reason for marrying him? When he finds out the truth, will he continue to judge her? Will he be able to protect her from her dark past or he will just remain cold and arrogant husband towards her? "Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don't" *Rian* ~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~

JaycelleRodriguez · Urban
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123 Chs

Chapter nineteen: Serves you right

I sighed when I glanced at the closed door of his study room. I know he's inside but I have no plans on asking him why he didn't go to work today. 


A wide smile instantly crept on my lips when I saw Pussy in the living room. I walked towards her and lifted her in my arms. 

"Pussy, I'm going to swim do you want to join me in the pool?"

I asked her rubbing her head and she leaned on my touch. I climbed upstairs and brought her with me in inside my room. 

I put her on top of my bed but she jumped and followed me inside the walk-in closet. 

"Hmm... you missed me so much, huh?" I smiled while getting my one-piece gray swimsuit inside the drawer. I also took a towel and a new bathrobe. 

After almost fifteen minutes of preparing my things, I took Pussy again with me and we exited my room. I saw Nanay Emily and Tatay Berto sitting on the wooden bench at the garden before I could reach the pool area. I'm sure Tatay Berto was cracking again some jokes to her wife based on her laughs and the way she punches her husband's arm. 

Happiness and contentment we're both written on their face. Even though they didn't have children of their own, but that didn't measure the love and respect they have for each other, rather it only strengthened their relationship. 

They just proved the saying that "falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is."

They both found the right person, the perfect match, the best partner and love from each other. 

"They were so sweet, Pussy." I smiled as I brought her closer to my chest. "Love, love, love. Don't worry Pussy, you will always have me and we will always have each other, forever."


"Yes, I'll promise that."

And with one last glance, I sighed and decided to walk towards the pool and let them continue their sweet moments together. 

But what I didn't notice, there was someone who's also watching the two oldies from the terrace of his room. 

"Stay here, Pussy and don't jump in the water." I said while putting her down on the edge of the pool. I shook my head as I found it funny how I talked to my cat and warned her not to jump on the water, although I know she wouldn't do that. 

I opened my music gallery and chose to play my romantic playlist before I took off my robe and jump in the water. 

When I felt the exhaustion from almost an hour of swimming back and forth on both sides of the swimming pool, I decided to stop and floating my back on the water. I sighed as I suddenly felt relaxed and drowsy. I closed my eyes and I'm almost asleep on the water when I heard the cold voice from the edge of the pool, and I don't even have to open my eyes to know who it was. 

"Are you really going to sleep on the water?"

I mentally rolled my eyes before opening them just to see Daniel standing a few steps away from my things. Pussy is nowhere to be seen, maybe she came back inside the house. 

"I'm not stupid to sleep on in the water!" I replied in a duh tone. 

"Really?" He smirked at me putting his hands inside of his pockets. 

"What do you want?" I asked and averted my eyes away from him as I can feel his intense gaze all over my body. I chose to ignore it and pushed my feet on the water to move towards the other end of the pool. 

"We need to talk." His voice came serious and he walked at the edge to follow me.

"But we are now talking." I said not looking at him and continued to push my feet. 

"Sophia, I'm serious. We need to talk."

I sighed and I stopped moving. "Okay, let's talk. Start it and I'll listen."


I frowned as I looked straight at him. 

"Not while you're still on the water and wearing only a piece of cloth."

I raised my eyebrow, snickering on his words. 

"Whoa! So you mean to say I have to change my clothes before we could talk? Why? Is there anything that will change with the topic you want to discuss if I change clothes or not?"

"No, sweetheart." He replied smirking. "I admit I don't like you, but I am just a man, sweetheart."

I gulped when I heard the word 'man'. 

"A husband rather, with needs and desires and I don't have power over them when you're flaunting yourself in front of me, wearing only a piece of cloth like that and showing all your skin."

My breath hitched as my eyes widened when I saw the evidence of lusts and desires dancing in his eyes. 

"But we can also talk here if that's what you want. The problem is, I can't promise to be a Saint in front of you during our conversation."

"You're such a real jerk!" I snapped at him narrowing my eyes while climbing up at the edge of the pool. 

But he ignored me and continued being a jerk husband of the day. 

"Wow! I didn't know you have such a nice body and a perfect round ass, sweetheart."

I felt my face turning into crimson red with his comment. 

"What the fuck!" I yelled at him while putting my bathrobe. "Pervert!"

It really shocked me hearing those words from him. Truly, you can't judge a book by its cover because I thought he was just a cold and arrogant businessman, but what I didn't know, there was a pervert and nasty man hiding inside of him

"That I am, sweetheart." He proudly said wearing his vicious smirk. He put his hands back inside his pockets and started to walk towards me. 

And an idea came across my head as I waited for him to step even closer before I count from one to three inside my head... then bingo! 

"What the fuck, Sophia!"

I laughed hysterically when he cursed me after I pushed him in the middle of the swimming pool. 

-'Serves you right, my dear husband.'- I muttered to myself while clutching my stomach. 

"I'll wait for you inside, sweetheart. Bye." I was still laughing when picking up my things. 

Swaying my hips, I walked away from the pool and headed back inside the house. I left him still cursing on the water but I swear if looks could kill, I was already buried six feet under the ground. 

"You look so happy, Anak."

I just smiled when Tatay Berto greets me in the living room. I didn't miss how he and Nanay Emily shared a look, but I continued walking upstairs while humming the 'Happy song' of Pharrell Williams. 

"Huh... because I'm happy, clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Because I'm happy, clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Because I'm happy, clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Because I'm happy, clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do.."