
Taming A Billionaire

[Completed] "When am I getting a new mom? " Maya choked and sputtered on her drink getting herself into a coughing fit while I was quite startled but showed no other reaction other than that. I was expecting it anyway  Maya got herself after some moments "You! " She bellowed "That's no way to tal-"  I dismissed Maya with a wave of my hand fixing my attention on my dear daughter  . "Why? " I asked exuding an authoritative aura with an arrogant smile tugging at a corner of my lips  Isabelle smiled back at me, a fierce determination to win this battle evident on her face "I need a motherly figure " "And? " "Girls just want their mom sometimes " "And? " "Need someone to talk boys stuff with" "You can always discuss it with me" I blurted out without even realizing it and the reply I got was an awkward cough from Maya and a death stare from my daughter. "Well, we can always compromise on that " I tried minimizing the damage done. Why does it all go south when it comes to boy's stuff? Isabelle stood up abruptly and banged her hand hard against the table almost knocking some dishes over in the process "Just admit it!What makes you think you can be able to handle me in my rebellious teenage years? " I  wanted to reply when I heard Maya murmur beneath her breath "As if you aren't rebellious enough now? " I smirked,she was definitely the perfect match for Isabella and I had the perfect plan in mind.  "So let's say I agree, who do you want for a mother? "I said throwing the ball in her court and hoping she'll make the right choice "Tina? or.....? " Isabelle stared at me skeptically, obviously wondering if I was sincere or playing around. So I focused my intense and get down to business gaze on her and in a few moment, her lips twitch upward in a smirk , as if we were communicating telepathically, she said "I want her" Isabelle announced pointing at an absent minded female entertaining herself with a grilled chicken and quite oblivious to what  was going on. I smiled, Isabelle was surely my blood  "Fine by me "I agreed  knowing just how much Isabelle values promises " I have to keep my own part of the deal then " I excused myself before turning to discover the horror on Maya's face but that didn't stop me, instead I added more fuel to the fire "let's get married" ~~~~ Maya was never special especially not like her sister Kim who seem to have everything. Nik Spencer a world known professional player, a chronic heartbreaker and the only man immune to love. But fate seems to play a lot of twists as they both cross paths and she ends up being his daughter's Nanny. Will she end up as one of the many women on his bed ? Is Niklaus really immune to love? Well, read to find out. Second book in its installation- "Taken By The Mafia Lord," You can check out my other works: THE SHE-DEVIL AND HER ALPHAS When Death Does Us Apart Get Him Off Me Fate I Isekaid Into A Vampire World Cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits goes to the creator

Glimmy · Urban
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Chapter Twelve : Nik Spencer

Nik's POV

Tina was beginning to get annoying, she couldn't stop blabbering how she doesn't support the idea of Isabelle having a nanny called Maya .She was jealous of Maya and that was one of the qualities I disliked so much.

Jealousy? I hated it a lot cause Kay used that emotion a lot to manipulate me when she was around which is why I discarded anything and anyone that arouses such feeling in me.

But I couldn't just get rid of Tina yet ,our relationship wasn't just based on pleasure, She and I had a lot of projects our companies were working on together.

So I just tuned out her complains by going to sleep , she knew at once that meant end of discussion and knew better than to disturb me further.

When I woke the next day , all my body screamed for coffee .So I decided to go make it since I couldn't drink coffee made by others. A weird behaviour acquired after going through Kay's manipulation.

During our marriage, Kay wanted children but I didn't, considering we were so young then. Heck! I got married at the age of sixteen , weird but I always wanted to do something different and considering I've being inlove with kay since childhood, I wondered ' why wait?' So we jumped into the deep waters of marriage.

When persuading me didn't work, kay gave up or so I thought until she drugged my coffee and the next happened and before I knew what was going on, I was a father.I was pushed into fatherhood so quickly , and that became the beginning of the strain in our marriage.

Eversince then, I'm cautious about my coffee cause no one goes near its dwelling.

I was so immersed in thought that I didn't notice the presence of Maya , but I caught her secretly checking me out before rummaging the fridge and decided at once to tease her.

I slowly tiptoed out of my position and walked towards her , standing behind her knowing what was going to happen next. she ran into my chest and played ignorant but non of that stunned me as much as when my touch didn't affect her, which makes her relatively safe from me.

Why? you might ask but I'm no gentleman, once we start something even as small as a flirt, we start to finish.

Or maybe she was just faking she wasn't affected by me .Then she better fake to the end cause once she stops, I'll have my chance cause I don't give up on treasures that gives pleasure.

Also, if she could resist my charm that means Eden's wouldn't work on her either. Eden and I have a complicated relationship and are fighting a battle that started before time began so I don't recruit comrades that will be influenced or coerced by him which he's surpricingly good at.

I noticed her cheek lift up in disapproval after I sent one of my powerful smiles to the maid who had called us down for dinner.

Well, she shouldn't look at me that way because its wasn't my fault that she's blushing like crazy, the maid I mean, neither was it my fault that I was bestowed with great features.

"How can you do that?"she asked

"Do what?"I asked in pretence. I knew exactly what she was talking about but I didn't want to give her the pleasure.

"Be in a relationship and date other species of girls?"

"Nice choice of words" I criticized but she didn't give a darmn about it so I leaned forward and looked her straight in the eye saying

"I don't know what you're talking, you're the one who said it all but anyway let's go prepare for war"

"War?" she frowned probably confused

"Haven't you figured it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"Breakfast is just a camouflage, Maya .The true meaning is....."

"War" she answered

"That's my girl" The words slipped from my mouth before I could take it back .I wanted to regret saying that but when I saw the smile on her face my heart warmed at once.

I froze.

What was going on? My emotions never react this way, why was I happy that she's happy? No, something was definitely wrong. So I went back to my cold , organized, keeping - my emotions under control guy I was.

"See you at breakfast " I said and saw her open her mouth to say something but I turned away and felt her face drop but I didn't care.I had to leave before I started making promises and doing things that will make her happy.

I hurried to my room and as expected, Tina was all dressed up.She stood with her arms folded across her chest  and a blank face which signified 'I'm in for an argument'. I sighed siliently, boy I wasn't ready for this.

"Where were you?"She asked , her voice devoid of any emotion

"Do I have to answer?" I retorted

"Fine, don't answer.I'll find out myself" She said and with five good strides covered the distance between us and pressed her lips against mine.

I smiled against her lips knowing what  she was searching for.So I took control and devoured her lips as she gave out a moan sagging against me.

When we broke contact we were breathing heavily gasping for air. I ran my thumb across her lips and felt her shiver.I might not be good in the love and caring department but I was the best in the lust and pleasure department

"Coffee" She murmured

"Yeah" I said "only coffee" Though I wouldn't mind Maya being the coffee considering the way I couldn't get her out of my head.Those plumb lips, lean waist and shapely butt.

Gosh, Nik get a grip.

I groaned inwardly as I felt a tight feeling in my groin.How was it possible that I'm lusting after my daughter's nanny in front of my girlfriend. 

My mind's truly perverted.

"You shouldn't be jealous, it doesn't look good on you"I said to Tina leaving her stunned as I left to get dressed for breakfast.

Tina and I walked hand in hand to the dinning table and were relatively the last people to arrive.

"Welcome everyone"The oldman said as my eyes scanned everyone on the table.Isabella was around, sitting in between the oldman and Emily and Maya beside Eden plus she looked really good in that little black dress of hers which showed a lot of her cleavage. My eyes lingering a little longer than usual on that particular cleavage.

I froze when our eyes met and saw her glare at me which means she caught me staring at her you know what I'm talking about.I smirked, atleast she knows that I'm not shy about hitting on her, that's just who Nik Spencer is.

​​​​​​Nik Spenser, who's hitting on his daughter's nanny in front of his girlfriend.

Nik Spencer , a man who loves girls playing hard to get and makes it a project to make them fall for him.

Nik Spencer, who doesn't care about marital commitment but Pleasure.

That's just who Nik Spencer is.

Maids came in with our foods and soon enough a banquet was set in front of us . Everyone eat in silence minding their manners until Isabelle decided to do justice to that.

"Grandpa"she began

"Yes"The oldman answered gulping his food swiftly

"Can I get another island?"

"What for? You ready have three already what do you need another one for?"he asked and I heard a cough as Maya choked on her food from shock while Eden scoffed in annoyance.

"Well, considering I'm about to go live with Mr Nik, I need a new island to go exploring with my nanny incase he ruins my mood"

I wasn't offended by my own child calling me formally , at least it was better than before when she referred to me as 'hey'

"Fine , I'll get you one but on a condition "He said and I saw a mischevious glint in his eyes and knew he was up​​​​​​​ to no good

"What?" Isabelle asked leaning towards him curiously 

"You go to the same school with Annabelle"

And that was it , I snapped.