
Taming A Billionaire

[Completed] "When am I getting a new mom? " Maya choked and sputtered on her drink getting herself into a coughing fit while I was quite startled but showed no other reaction other than that. I was expecting it anyway  Maya got herself after some moments "You! " She bellowed "That's no way to tal-"  I dismissed Maya with a wave of my hand fixing my attention on my dear daughter  . "Why? " I asked exuding an authoritative aura with an arrogant smile tugging at a corner of my lips  Isabelle smiled back at me, a fierce determination to win this battle evident on her face "I need a motherly figure " "And? " "Girls just want their mom sometimes " "And? " "Need someone to talk boys stuff with" "You can always discuss it with me" I blurted out without even realizing it and the reply I got was an awkward cough from Maya and a death stare from my daughter. "Well, we can always compromise on that " I tried minimizing the damage done. Why does it all go south when it comes to boy's stuff? Isabelle stood up abruptly and banged her hand hard against the table almost knocking some dishes over in the process "Just admit it!What makes you think you can be able to handle me in my rebellious teenage years? " I  wanted to reply when I heard Maya murmur beneath her breath "As if you aren't rebellious enough now? " I smirked,she was definitely the perfect match for Isabella and I had the perfect plan in mind.  "So let's say I agree, who do you want for a mother? "I said throwing the ball in her court and hoping she'll make the right choice "Tina? or.....? " Isabelle stared at me skeptically, obviously wondering if I was sincere or playing around. So I focused my intense and get down to business gaze on her and in a few moment, her lips twitch upward in a smirk , as if we were communicating telepathically, she said "I want her" Isabelle announced pointing at an absent minded female entertaining herself with a grilled chicken and quite oblivious to what  was going on. I smiled, Isabelle was surely my blood  "Fine by me "I agreed  knowing just how much Isabelle values promises " I have to keep my own part of the deal then " I excused myself before turning to discover the horror on Maya's face but that didn't stop me, instead I added more fuel to the fire "let's get married" ~~~~ Maya was never special especially not like her sister Kim who seem to have everything. Nik Spencer a world known professional player, a chronic heartbreaker and the only man immune to love. But fate seems to play a lot of twists as they both cross paths and she ends up being his daughter's Nanny. Will she end up as one of the many women on his bed ? Is Niklaus really immune to love? Well, read to find out. Second book in its installation- "Taken By The Mafia Lord," You can check out my other works: THE SHE-DEVIL AND HER ALPHAS When Death Does Us Apart Get Him Off Me Fate I Isekaid Into A Vampire World Cover picture doesn't belong to me, all credits goes to the creator

Glimmy · Urban
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Chapter Fourteen : She's Mine

Nik's Pov

I was oddly calm throughout my ride home while Tina was squirming and fidgeting around on the car seat. Oh, I could tell why

My silence was from the discussion I had with the old man while Tina was probably still unsatisfied about Maya being Isabelle's nanny.

Well, to hell with her cause I had my own demons to fight .


I was done parking , preparing to leave when a knock sounded on my door and instincts told me it wasn't Tina whom surpricingly stepped out a few minutes ago to God knows where.

Moreover Tina doesn't knock, she just barges in since we share a room, neither was it Eden, his pride wouldn't even let him do that, to come pay me a visit? Nah.

So it was possibly a maid and hopefully one who wasn't coming to demand for a bang with me cause I've enough with that, Marie taught me a lot of lessons with that.

I opened the door cautiously , bracing myself for whatever was to come when a girl stepped in , her tight maid attire flaunting her figure, my mouth watered but I had to hold myself back when I remembered Marie.

I stared at the maid, she was oddly familiar. Ahh, the maid I flirted with earlier.Goodluck getting away from her, Nik.

"Mr Adam would love to see you in his study" She said and I saw her fiddling with the hem of her dress.

She was nervous and probably expecting something from me, I could tell from the sparkle in her eyes, from the way she stared at me hungirly but men her hopes are about to be shattered.

"Ok then, tell him I'll be down in a sec" I said and shut the door in her face cursing loudly, what was it with me? Why do I have such a hard time staying away from women? 

Because that's the only thing you can do, give and have pleasure with them instead since you can't love them.

I stared at my bed longingly, making a mental picture of Maya on my bed and doing things one wouldn't want to know right now

I got a grip of myself, getting Maya on my bed was literally going to be a journey of a thousand miles which begins with a step but I'm not willing to make that step cause , Maya's one of those girls who wants a healthy long lasting relationship which probably leads to marriage which I'm not a fan of. So, I'm just going to keep flirting and lusting after her.

Goodluck with that

Just as I promised, I was in the old man's study in no time.

Shelves filled to the brim with books stood at both sides of the spacious room while a large carpet decorated the floors. A cool classical music filled the whole room as I saw him sitting on his usual seat and going through a truckload of documents on his desk.

The scent of flowers filled my nostril and discovered small vases of flowers resting on top of the book shelves and another on his desk.

If there was one thing my father and I appreciated, its definitely the smell of nature.We liked the wild and I could remember the oldman taking me out constantly when I was young for adventures in the wild but that was a long time ago not now.

"You called me "

He looked up hardly noticing that someone came in until now

"Ahh yes" He acknowledged closing the thick document.

I took a seat anxious to hear what he has to offer.

​​​​​"The real reason I called you over is because of nobody else than my precious granddaughter"

Of course.

"I've being with Izzy for the past seven years and I'll surely say she's now a part of me though I wasn't much of a father to you but I was definitely a grandfather to my granddaughter, so I wouldn't like her to be uncomfortable"

Oh yeah, you surely wasn't much of a father to me. Thankfully, you know that.

"Forget what kay did to you"

As if it's easy

"Issabelle might be kay's daughter but she is also your daughter"

Yeah, father of a revenge queen

"Even if she takes more of your side than her mother's"

The sturbborn trait

"Fine, I've heard.I'll treat your granddaughter and my daughter as a queen as you've said and since I'm guessing thats all, I'll be taking my leave" I retorted after minutes of acute silence.

"One more thing" He said immediately I stood to leave 

"What?"I growled impatiently

"Stay away from Maya , I don't want your hands on her, let her focus on her duty "

Was I hearing right?

"Like hell I would"I murmured aloud

"We don't want Marie's case repeating all over again" The oldman dropped the bomb but the shock didn't last for long

I smirked "You mean the case where I slept with your young mistress who couldn't stop asking for more ?" I taunted and saw his jaw tighten, that case still affects him obviously

"Well, you're forgetting one thing here" I said noticing his knuckles turning white 

"Maya is not a mistress, she's my daughter's nanny neither does she work for you, she's mine"

End of flashback

"Could you stop fidgeting , its distracting and irritating" I said once I couldn't take it anymore 

"Fine, I'll just say it out" Tina retorted but I didn't need to guess what she was about to say

"I don't like her"

"Deal with it "I blurted out and saw Tina's expression change to a frown

"Another trouphy on your bed "she taunted

"No, another babe to satisfy me "

"A whore?"

"Give me a definition of a whore Christina and at the same time, tell me how your affair with Fernando is going?"

"You've being following me?"she asked shaken

"No, I get news daily but don't worry, you have my permission to whore around while I have yours . So, problem solved"

I heard her scoff but I also heard her say something that drained my blood right away

"Fine, keep saying that but I wonder how long she survives the paparrazi"


"Who is the richest nanny in the world?" Tina sang, taunting me on purpose and I didn't need to guess what was happening
