
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 8. Bloody Fight

Chapter 8. Ash pressed the red-eyed bird more until he felt wind behind his neck; he dropped to the floor and dodged to the side. The female had come and was gearing to puncture his head with it''s freakishly long beak.

Ash was going to lose the bulking pill's effect eventually, and he would face the side effects too. Ash deliberated for a moment before he decided to use a beast attracting pellet.

There was the smell of burnt corpses and blood. It was no surprise that there were probably other beasts in the area watching.

The F+ Raven had this small piece of the jungle as their territory. Using this pill would attract a lot of the beasts in hiding and some who were in the surrounding territory, it was dangerous but chaotic enough to present hope where there was none. He may be able to kill both of the birds in front of him and that's a heavy may, but he still noticed the smaller ravens watching the both of them.

Their cold eyes looking at him as if he were dead already. Although they were younglings, they were born from f+ rank parents, they could still end both of them in a weakened state.

The two raven sat on the branches waiting for the moment to act. Ash threw a small pill on the ground, crushing it. Soon enough a sweet scent pervaded the area, combined with the blood of the killed ravens, beasts were bound to come. Ash yelled," Kaz, if you have something to help you escape, use it now."

He was still fighting the f rank but he was so bloody and sweaty, you could tell he would drop any minute. Kaz pulled out a small bomb covered in small paper talismans and backed away before throwing it at the last of the f rank, successfully killing them. Ash threw a healing pill to Kaz, and Kaz threw him an escape talisman in return. The two shared a smile, Ash beckoning Kaz to go first as he was still able to hold off for a while. Kaz crushed his talisman and was transported away quickly. 'I hope he is not transported somewhere dangerous.'

Ash was still fighting the two beasts; he was about to crush his talisman when his hand was cut badly. The talisman dropped to the floor as he retreated. He looked up to notice the smaller bird with red eyes had attacked. He groaned; he was supposed to escape but it seemed that things just got even more difficult.

"I was too hasty and should've waited for a better moment to crush my talisman. Pops would blow a vein if he saw that blunder."

Ash looked around noticing there was only the two f+ birds and their children. Ash looked at the rearing mama raven and the hurt and limping father raven. The red eyed child was still hovering in mid-air ready to team up with the mother raven to finish off their prey.

Unfortunately, something else was destined to interrupt their battle. A shifting of the nearby bushes and shaking of the tree let both battling parties know there were beasts coming. First came a group of snakes, then some kobolds, after was a porcupine like beast, and finally a massive bear. Ash was getting more nervous as the beasts came, he expected a clean get away by now.

He looked at the talisman lying not too far from the group of three. Only the bird with white eyes still sat perched on a branch high up, watching intently. After the beasts started to show and they smelled both the pill and the corpses of the ravens, all hell broke loose. The ravens were beset by the kobolds, the snakes fought the porcupine, while the bear focused it's blood thirsty stare towards Ash.