
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 6. Demon?

Ash climbed down shortly after Kaz. He noticed that Kaz was looking in a particular area of the cave in fear. Kaz quickly motioned for Ash to turn off the lamp, to which he hurriedly complied.

Kaz pulled Ash to where he was looking. Without light it took him a minute to understand what he was looking at. Once he did, it sent a shiver through his body. There were 50 small beings standing at a strange grave. The only indication it was a grave was the hulking skull that sat in front of the pit.

Ash and Kaz were about 4 meters from their rope, they inched back until they felt whispering would bring no attention to them.

"You smell that?"-Kaz

"Yeah, kinda reeks of sewage and musk. Maybe its- " -Ash

The two boys whispered in a horrified tone, "Goblins." The boys were shaken not just because of the number of creatures but by the strange things they were doing.

Ash and Kaz watched in silence as they stood gathered in front of the grave. The goblins all held hands, yet they stood in a silence that even the dead couldn't hold.

Goblins were small, ugly, and greedy bastards that were annoying to deal with. Goblins were actually a fairly smart monster, but they were viewed poorly by most tamers. They had a nearly uncontrollable destructive nature that was only surpassed by their lustfulness. Neither boy could understand how belligerent, energetic creatures stood silently without so much as twitching a muscle.

The boys couldn't see because of the distance, but the skull in front the massive pit, had strange writing flowing across it. It's size was frightening, looking to be a whooping 14ft in size.

Usually there would be a chieftain but neither of them could detect one. Ash stood ready but was having doubts. 'What exactly could they be doing?' A sense of urgency was rising in him but curiosity got the better of the boys.

The goblins proceeded to further stun the boys by doing something unheard of, unthinkable even. Something the two boys couldn't prepare themselves for, they sang.

An eerie song escaped from their lips and as the song continued on the skull started to glow. An aura covered all of their bodies and energy converged around their small bodies. Both boys started to sweat as they felt the aura coalescing. Something appeared from the energy gathering around them, a goblin appeared. Unlike the small, ugly, green ones; this goblin had purple skin and a massive frame. It had four arms and tattoos all over.

Once the song hit it's crescendo, the creature roared, and like a command, the goblins acted. They quickly slit their throats and moved forward, falling into the pit one after another. Once all of the goblins were in the pit, the skull seemed to gain life as the purple goblin seemed to inhabit it, dark purple flames burning in the skull's eyes. The pit erupted in purple flames, while strange whispers echoed through the surroundings.

"I think I've seen enough, let's go." Ash said. They backed away but not before the skull turned its head in their direction. It smiled a knowing grin, and with that the boys ran like their life depended on it. The skull quickly started to break once the last of the vitality from the goblins was absorbed. From the grave a cocoon now laid crystalized but flowing with purple energy that bounced around violently.

The two boys ran quickly as they seemed to have discovered something that should have remained secret, they had to form their first bond. They would then have more power to protect themselves. Inside the cocoon however, something lurked that would shake the entire realm.