
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 33. Kaz

Kaz was doing alright for himself, he had found the perfect bond with ease strangely enough. He had just fought the local boss of the area and was taking a breather. The beasts he had fought were Flame nosed mole rats; a blind beast with fire spewing from it's spine, mouth, and eyes.

The skin seemed translucent with it's muscles and organs faintly apparent. Kaz laid on the now dead leader of the mole rats, the Three headed Flame-nosed mole rat queen, he was covered in wounds but satisfied.

Even with some resistance granted by his fire affinity and great defense from his vitality, he had still sustained a nasty burn covering his left side. His bull Mako sat down lazily swinging his tail while transmitting his want for more metal and meat. Kaz scrunched up his face as the bull was bleeding him dry, Mako was nice most of the time but his evil streak showed when not fed.

He would mess with Kaz's dreams at night or blast his butt with searing hot fire. Kaz shivered a bit when he remembered how Mako manipulated his sexy dream of sleeping with a thick milf when suddenly that milf became a man and kept trying to lick his toes.

Kaz had no idea how the recently born calf could come up with something so wicked, but he made sure to keep Mako fed no matter what.

He checked his status to see the progress he'd made so far. He was currently making his way out of the subterranean area he had been.

Name: Kaz

Level: 1


Age: 11

Status: healthy

Occupation: apprentice warrior, apprentice blacksmith

{Str: 3 Vit: 3.5 Sta: 2.5 Agi: 2 Int: 3 Spi: 2}

Innate talents: Husky- Constitution becomes reinforced. ????

Sloth- Sleep increases improvement drastically. ????

Affinities/Concepts: Fire, Metal, Illusion

Beasts: Smoke-Tailed Bronze Ox

Affinities/Concepts: Fire, Metal, Illusion

{Str: 5 Vit: 4.2 Sta: 3.9 Agi: 2 Int: 1.5 Spi: 2.4}

The boy couldn't help but laugh as he saw the strides he was making. Even more so at the fact he found a beast with three matching elements to his. All of his stat points were at two originally, but the constant training had sped up his improvement. He couldn't help but think back to when he had first appeared in the subterranean space.

Kaz had been transported to an underground location after fighting off the murder of crows. The chubby boy laid on the hot floor, his brown hair and white skin red from both heat and blood. As blood pooled beneath his body, a strange phenomenon took place close by. A monster was being born, yet in a truly unconventional way.

An ox was emerging from a dim glow of light within a particular section of the wall that not only held a disorientating level of heat, but also a strange metallic gleam. It's eyes were hollow and it seemed rather dull. The little calf smelled something delicious from Kaz, and weakly moved towards his mace. It was a monster born from a gathering of energy and metal rather than flesh.

The calf ate Kaz's mace with gusto. It was originally a dark grey color while it ate Kaz's mace, a shift towards bronze slowly took place after standing in Kaz's pooling blood. Unknowingly, the calf had absorbed the blood of Kaz. As the absorption took place, the calf gained a euphoric feeling that made it feel attached to Kaz. A growing flicker in the calf's fiery tail continued throughout the process.

The lustful ball of lard had been lying on the floor, becoming less and less cognizant. He thought he was seeing things as a strange looking calf was crapped out of a wall. What was even shittier was the fact that this imaginary creature had eaten the mace his father made for him before coming to this realm. Kaz thought, "Does that thief even know how much it cost to make that damn mace?!"

In his anger and desperation, Kaz formed a bridge of consciousness with the young ox. Kaz really didn't have much faith in being able to tame this beast because he had no technique to help him in this process. He was weak in the spirit and only excelled at physical things. Honestly, he just wanted to talk crap to the thief that took his precious mace. He had to beg his old man for years after seeing a similar mace that a tamer held. He took a few beatings for his incessant begging but finally succeeded before the realm opened.

That mace was made of a difficult type of metal to obtain. It was called volcanic iron, an upper tier 1 metal. Metal and herbs both had a tier system from one to nine. Furthermore, each tier was broken down into low, mid, upper, and peak level. His father struggled to get him the materials to make him that mace, especially since times in the village were rough.

Both then appeared before one another in an uninjured state within the bridge of conscientiousness. When Kaz saw the calf and the silly look in it's eyes he lost it. " You shitty thief, I kissed ass for so long to get that weapon and you ate it? What the hell! If I'm dying, your beefy butt is coming too!"

Kaz lunged at the calf and as he tackled it, he passed right through. The calf stood a couple of feet away from Kaz. It let out a jovial moo as Kaz tried to tackle the beast again. This went on for awhile before the Kaz became tired. The calf was enthralled by the human that not only fed it, but played with it as well. It sent out a willingness to be his tamed beast. Kaz froze for a minute but decided he was at the end of his rope so why not, taming your first bond had immense physical benefits and this would most likely let him survive.

When the bond established, light covered the two and a line connected them. The line was actually of decent thickness given how the two had met. The bodies of the calf and Kaz formed one cocoon as one healed and while the other grew stronger. As a couple of days passed, Kaz had awakened healed with his newfound partner.

Kaz studied the now bronze calf that had orange eyes and black marking across it's bronze body. It's tail still held a flame that was looking illusory, as if it wasn't really there. It kinda surprised Kaz because of how easily established the link was.

His companion seemed unique as the markings on it's body weren't there when he had seen the beast in the bridge of consciousness. They almost seemed like some sort of blessing or an indication of bloodline. However, Kaz shook his head, he was fortunate but not that fortunate. Ignoring those thoughts, Kaz got up while trying to figure out how much time has passed.

The dumb calf looked happily at Kaz, while Kaz looked at the calf with exasperation. Through the link, his companion was asking for food already and lots of it.