
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 45. To experience slaughter

Ash was able to move again after an hour. Taking a couple more, he and his partner first inspected the creature that was now dead. Ash performed a status check on the mosquito.

Name: Blood Soldier Mosquito

Attributes: Blood, Poison

Level: 5

Status: Deceased

Sex: Male

Innate talent: Immobilizing Poison- a poison that will not only paralyze but also damage the nerves of the victim.

Stats: {Str: 3.2 Sta: 2.4 Agi: 3.6 Vit: 2.9 Int: 2.9 Spi: 2.1}

Techniques: [blood shot] [poisonous glob] [spear stab] [carnage state]

'Damn this thing is on par with us and we're barely getting to where we are now after freaking forever. This thing is merely a soldier.... that means there are generals and a king and queen.'

Ash didn't like is current position, that was just a pawn, and the real menace would devour them whole. Grim was messed up, while he was poisoned.

'F, I want to fight these bastards, but retreat is the smartest thing. Hmmmmm.'

Ash looked at the insect and then the body and finally at his partner, who despite being injured. Did a little dance to celebrate his win.

A small smile formed on Ash before he quickly dissected the insect before leaving the area immediately.


Name: Ash

Level. 4

Age: 11

Occupations: Tamer/ Apprentice hunter/Apprentice herbalist

Status: Healthy

Innate skills: Nurture- Beasts grow stronger under your care. Increased link benefits.

Advanced Comprehension: Learn skills and techniques faster with a beast than by yourself.

Cultivation technique: Qi-Breath- well balanced and focused on strong breath.

Skills: [crescent slash- familiar] [flash point-familiar] [Berserk- intro] [blood flash- intro] [bone shell-intro] [qi-radar- intro] [Death ball- N/A]

{Str: 3.1 Sta: 2.7 Agi: 2.8 Vit: 2.3 Int: 5.0 Spi: 5.1}

Beast: Grim (f rank)

Attributes: Death/Blood

Sex: Male

Status Healthy

Innate skill: Battle Fanatic- Fighting becomes unconsciously easier.

Skills: [blood let- accomplished] [claw swipe-accomplished] [piercing ray- accomplished] [Necrotic shard- familiar] [Berserk- intro]

{Str: 2.5 Sta: 2.4 Agi: 3.4 Vit: 2.3 Int: 3.3 Spi: 5.2}


In a deeper area of the jungle*

It looked no less than a massacre, organs and blood on the floor. Screams from people who had lost limbs and poison corroding them.

"Master Kraven what are your next orders?" A group of blood sect disciples asked as Kraven stared at the battle site in front of him. A cruel smile was on his pale but otherwise perfect face.

'She's waiting..... I know you are FUCKER. But just you wait, I have surprise for you.'

In front of him was the massacre and further ahead were three mosquitos the size of calves. They were General Blood Mosquitos.

"Continue to draw their attention. Nobody withdraws without my permission, the ones to do so will be chopped into pieces by me personally."

Some of the disciples looked at each other in fear, knowing that there was a high chance of death. They had fought four days to reach this part of the jungle.

The soldier mosquitos were used to whittle down the numbers while the generals had caused devastation, master Kraven was busy all the while laying down a massive formation.

Noticing their fear and hesitation he smiled and spoke once more.

"Fear not...those who survive will not only become wealthy, but they will all be given access to either the fourth level of the blood tome or a chance to enter the founder's hall."

Everyone perked up at the announcement, vigor returning to the tamers. The various snakes, kobolds, bats, spiders, and wolves were then commanded to charge. Some tamers stayed behind, some ran forward as well but all were emitting the intent to battle.

Kraven kept his smile as he watched on. There were originally five generals but he personally killed two of them. Excitement wafted from his cold red eyes.

'The ritual will be complete and when it is.....'

The fight lasted for awhile before a buzz so loud it felt like a clap of thunder started to emit from the towering but decerped Cedar Mong Tree. The queen had appeared.

The generals were swarmed in a crowd of tamed and tamers. Injuries appearing everywhere, but the moment the queen appeared. Their eyes turned into crimson suns and they bulged as though about to explode.

Kraven in one swift movement brought out three darts and threw them at blinding speed into the thorax of each general.

They deflated as though entering into a deep slumber. The crowd of tamers were surprised until a blast fired from the queen. Several people were shredded into mincemeat at the blast.

The queen fully emerged from the tree in her majesty. Twenty long, plump legs with three hooked claws at the end of each one; the thorax looked covered in armor with hairy spikes lined on it.

The proboscis looked like a sharp long spear ready to pierce the sky. What looked worse were the compound eyes of a glowing red, the abdomen was swollen with orange flashes inside. Her majesty was pink in color with a triangular head and short vibrating antennas.

As she appeared in her entirety, Kraven withdrew a shaking pink and gold pill. He carefully held the glass container that held it. A rune lit up on the glass as he threw it into the air towards the middle of the battle ground.

The queen's antennas stopped moving and she moved with speed so fast the disciples couldn't tell she was above them until they felt the shadow of her covering them.

The queen broke the glass and proceeded to suck the pill into her proboscis. As soon as she did so runes all across the forest lit up as she fell into a deep sleep as well.

The various surviving disciples let cries of excitement out until another zzzzzzz noise was heard from the old tree. A mosquito similar to the generals came out but he was purple in color.

Some of the smarter ones started to catch on in the midst of the fear they felt. They fought the soldiers, the generals, the queen was down, but they never found a king.

The king looked exactly like the generals but the claws it had weren't that far off from looking like hands.

Kraven furrowed a brow but then chuckled a little and did the same thing as previously. As the king broke the glass containing the pill, he directly tried to absorb it.

Unfortunately, the king did not fall to sleep like the queen. As drowsiness set in the king directly entered a rage mode as yellow lining patterned his thorax, abdomen, head, and wings.

Kraven's eyes widened as he pushed off his feet and jumped back. Blades of poison rained from the sky slaughtering the survivors of Kraven's camp.

The king seethed but the sleepiness only seemed to deepen. It caught sight of Kraven as it turned it's head.

"Damn it!!" Kraven roared as he took out an orb that barely flashed before the proboscis stabbed through his shoulder tearing off the arm.

The shield that was deployed had a hole where he was now being skewed. Kraven shook a bit but ruthlessness swallowed all of his hesitation. He exhaled spitting out a square that encapsulated the king mosquito.

Kraven already had a rank two upper poison antidote pill ready in his mouth. Despite crushing the pill instantly a yellow had already covered all of his skin.

"Son of a bitch!!!!! I already took two peak tier poison resistance pills before the fight. WHAT MORE COULD I HAVE DONE?" Even the boy's white hair started to fall out.

The square shook and shook before it settled into absolute stillness. Kraven grit his teeth as the pain was incredible but he decisively activated the array. Stumbling forth, he reached where the queen was and set down an artifact that looked like a rose.

All of the blood and bodies in the surrounding except the queen were sucked in. Using a hand sign Kraven brought the cube next to him as he watched, while he put the queen's body in the cube as well. He watched as a bloody vortex was sucked into the lotus like artifact.

Kraven wanted to take out an item but the poison seemed to prevent any more movement. Coldness from the bottom of the ocean formed in his eyes as he used a forbidden technique that popped one of his eyeballs and emancipated half his body. He moved, once more taking out object after object and throwing that inside the cube that now started to glow.

Forming a hand symbol, The cube floated above the lotus artifact. Kraven proceeded to drop multiple beast attracting pills on the ground. He then waited for no more than a minute before the calls of multiple beast sounded.

'Not enough, damn it, I underestimated this fucking thing. If more is what you want, more is what you will receive.'

The artifact glowed but Kraven knew it was missing blood. Taking out a rather strange pilll that sounded like a newborn monkey and had fur. He threw the pill on the ground causing a certain sound attractive to animals to be emitted.

Solemness flashed in Kraven's eyes as he once more used a forbidden technique after he took out a piece of paper and inhaled it. He took out one more pill that seemed to be made out of flesh and had it float atop the cube.

Veins bulging, he disappeared. The calls not only got louder but also grew in how different they sounded. In less than a minute beasts of all shapes appeared.

A tide of beasts appeared and the leaders of said beasts arrived as well. It wasn't long before they all reached the cube where the fleshly pill caused them to lose all rationality.

After seeing enough beasts arrived, Kraven then activated the formation along with the lotus, causing all of the beasts to be swept into a vortex that crushed them into pure blood.

It didn't matter that the level of the beast was high or if they had special abilities. None of them escaped. In less than 30 seconds the entire area was devoid of beasts. The lotus shined brilliantly before it encapsulated the square and a shine burst forth.

Afterwards a shake hit the realm so hard everyone felt it. Kraven smiled even though his life force was weak.

The artifact disappeared along with the square leaving only a worm like creature. It was pink and unassuming, but Kraven knew better. This larvae was a mosquito with potential to reach the overlord realm. Cutting his thumb he placed it onto the beast and drew a multitude of complex symbols.

Thereafter a new link was established. Taking one last rare pill out, he swallowed it before taking his bond into a spirit pouch and using a teleport talisman.

It wasn't long before a familiar purple figure appeared yet far buffer than before. It's body moved lithe and with such ease that nature itself would be impressed with such an exhibit of talent.

The four armed creature sniffed around with a frown on it's face.

"Nother lost, the others won't escape."