

TAMED BY THE MAFIA BOSS ( BL ) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ A Businessman late to giving a Ruthless Mafia Boss, Codename :: Saint, A Million Dollars, He has no other choice but to give up his life to him to avoid an Excruciating Death. Now under the Mafia's Control, It seems that Saint has became more Aggressive, Possessive, and Dominant towards the Submissive Male. I wonder how the White haired boy would Handle being with Sicko for a Very, Long, Time. Get ready Reader, You have something coming.. And it won't be so Saint-ish. ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ( NEW, UPDATED EVERY MONDAY )

CallMe_Aaron · LGBT+
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3 Chs

3│ Chapter III: He Is My Belonging




"What's your name, Mister?" She asked. "Uhh.." I hesitated and scratched the back of my head, "I'm not so comfortable telling." I tell her, giving her a small smile.

"That's okay!" She exclaimed with excitement. She then went to the doorway and stopped before leaving, "You can call me Angel, That's my Code name!" She said before she left out, closing the door behind her.

Code Names... I think I've heard something about that.

I looked down at the tray of food and sighed. A breakfast I never had for a long time.

Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, Sausages, and a Coffee.

I just sat the tray to the side. I didn't feel like eating, Or doing anything actually.

Not after the 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 that happened earlier at my office. Dear God,

Soon, The door was opened and a man with a suit came in. Though, not any man. It was the Mafia Boss.

He loosened his tie and huffed, "Eat." He commanded. I just looked over to the food and frowned, "I'm not hungry.." I tell him.

"I didn't ask if you're hungry or not." He walked over to the food and grabbed the tray, sitting beside me.

He picked up the knife from the plate and a fork, stabbing into the pancake and splitting it. He stabbed the fork into the pancake slice and held it up to my mouth.

I hesitated and looked away, "N- No thank you.." I turned my head.

I heard him hum before he unleashed the chain around my collar and pulled me over to him.

"That's not much of a nice way to treat the person who decided to keep you instead of murder you, Now is it?" He spoke to me before pushing me away.

I just frowned as a sweat trickled down my forehead, I opened my mouth and he grinned putting the pancake slice in my mouth.

I hesitantly chewed it, and I had to say. . . Whoever cooked these pancakes are amazing.


After eating, The tray was finally empty and he threw the tray outside of the room, leaving the servants to come pick it up. He stood up and turned to leave.

"H- Hey!" I called out, Curious on who changed my clothing.

He just ignored me, leaving out.

I crawled off the bed, only to fall from a strong sting in my legs.

I almost forgot how one of the masked people stabbed me in my spine. I'm so lucky I can even move my legs, because I should be completely paralyzed by now.

A Maid came inside and raised an eyebrow, "Sir, Are you okay?" She asked, helping me up and sitting me down.

"I'm fine enough." I say, pulling away from her and trying to stand on my wobbly legs.

She frowned in concern before bowing "If you need anything, Please just say." She tells me. "I'm fine, I can manage on my-" I then felt a weakening in my legs and I collapse onto the floor, "Own.." I huff in annoyance.

Soon, A Ping was heard from the Maid's Apple-watch she had and she turned it on. "Ah!" She says as she quickly enters the closet and comes out with a Black Shirt & Baggy Pants.

"What are you doing.?" I ask, giving her a Salty look.

"Nothing Important to you." She tells me, trying to sound as less rude as possible. She gives me the shirt and helps me get my legs through my pants as I finish putting it on.

I put on the black T-Shirt and sigh, Crossing my arms.

She then grabs the Tray outside the hallway and gives it to a Servant passing by, Thanking them as they leave to the kitchen as she also left.

I try an attempt on standing again, to have slight further access.

I sigh in relief as I made my way to the bathroom that was located in the room also, I turned and looked in the mirror and sighed at the way I looked.

There was a bandage on my cheek where the Mafia Member punched me while my forearm was wrapped up aswell. I huffed and ran some water on my hands, splashing my face with it.

I grabbed a towel and dried my face off with it before viewing the collar around my neck. It was Silver with the word 𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡 ( Saint ) in black. I didn't think much about it and I just left out the bathroom and left out of the room itself.

I looked around and saw people with mask on the side of their face. Soon, Everyone turned and looked at me.

Some of the masked people just scoffed at me and turned.

"What?" I said, truthfully in fear.

"Who are you?" A Security guard asked, Storming over towards me.

My eyes widened as I turned and started running down the hallway, Tumbling slightly as I do from the weakness of my legs.

As I ran, I pushed open the first door that was in my way, which was the huge doors at the end of the long hallway.

I noticed The Mafia Boss and 4 other Males, seated at a long table.

He stood up and I just looked at him, "What are you doing?" He hissed out.

I turned to see the guard walking up to me with a gun in his hands and I turn back to him, "Running." I say before slamming the doors shut.

I heard guns clicking, "Halt, Bastards." He told the people before he walked over to me slowly.

He just bent over slightly to meet my height and whispered to me, "That's a punishment for leaving without permission." He spoke sternly before he pushed me out the way and opened the door to see his security guard. "S-Saint?! I'm so sorry to disturb but there's a trespasser--"

"Save it."

Saint? What a weird name, I guess that's a code name also..

"Didn't you see the collar, You blind bastard?" Saint spoke harshly as he gripped the guards wrist and twisted it with ease as the Guard screamed out in pain, "He belongs to me, so if you harm him, I harm 𝙮𝙤𝙪." Even I shivered in fear at his cruel words, and they aren't even being said to me.

He then completely breaks the guards arm and the room gets filled his his screams of agony. My eyes just widen as Saint pushes him out of the room, turning to me.

I flinch slightly as he turns and grin.

"I guess you're staying with me today."

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