

WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS VIOLENCE INCLUDING IMPLIED VIOLENCE. PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. MOST CHAPTERS WILL BE MARKED TO INDICATE RACY OR TRIGGERING BEHAVIORS. Rhea Talons, the pack misfit, finds herself at the center of trouble despite trying her hardest to disappear. She is not a ‘typical wolf’ and after being diagnosed by doctors as having high functioning autism, she becomes an outlier. Still, Rhea does everything in her power to strengthen her father’s pack, but that too has a negative impact, and even damages the loving relationship she once shared with her older sisters. All those things are compounded by the torment Rhea faces at the hands of the future alpha of her pack’s closest ally. To make matters worse, there is a good chance that he will be fated to one of her sisters, meaning she will never be able to escape his torment, and he may even turn her family against her. Follow Rhea and her family as they navigate through drama and betrayal. Will the girl continue to fold until she breaks, or will the tides change in her favor?

Shenyechi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

XIII. The Relief

Raven's POV

I know I should be more broken up, but after the initial shock, a sense of relief settles inside of me. Colt has made a lot of changes recently, but he's slept with too many girls, and I know most of them. The last week has been a nonstop flood of anonymous 'enjoy my taste' texts.

Because I wanted to please my mother, and, of course, my mate, I am still a virgin, but I always felt that Colt did not deserve that. Since it is now clear that Dolton is my fated mate, I have a good three years to spend with someone I truly want.

When I get a minute alone, I text my human boyfriend, Tucker. He is a nice guy; handsome, and not an ass the way you would expect considering his looks and his family's wealth. Tuck has been patiently waiting for me to be 'ready' since high school, and tonight he will get his reward.

I find my mother and I tell her that I need to clear my mind. She scoops me into a hug, flashing nothing but sympathy on her face and I feel bad about pretending to be hurt.

Robin and Luke have returned, and although it's obvious they haven't had sex, the blush on my sister's face is telling me that it's the only thing on her mind and I am jealous. She cannot be the only one getting some, and as soon as my mother gives me the okay, I hop in her car and head toward Tucker's family business, a hotel.

Tucker is already there, and he has already made the arrangements for us. He spread rose petals on the bed, and my heart is touched by his thoughtfulness, although it is unnecessary.

"You didn't have to do that," I say, and he looks at me with adoration in his eyes. "This is a special moment for you, and flowers are the least I can do." My body trembles and I swear I would've thought Tuck was a wolf because he closed the distance between us before I could let out my breath.

---Mature Content 18+---

Tucker is a gentleman, so when he lays me down on the bed, he takes his time. He removes each article of clothing I am wearing with a compliment, and by the time I am fully naked in front of him, he has my heart yearning for him.

He kisses me down to my navel before allowing his tongue to dance on the most sensitive area of my body. There is nothing new with this sensation, he has done this to me before, but somehow it feels different.

I know Tucker isn't my mate, I would have felt a pull toward him, but he is very much like a mate to me. He is my friend, and my lover, someone who knows the real me and doesn't judge me for it. I hiss as he inserts a finger into me. That is something he has never done, and I look down at him in confusion.

"It will make things easier," he mumbles, barely giving me a chance to respond before he inserts a second finger. He moves them in and out slowly, while planting kisses on my core. I have already had an orgasm, but Tucker seems to want to go for the record tonight.

By the time he is finished, I am panting heavily. I watch him enter the washroom and when he comes back his manhood is sheathed. His body hovers above mine for just a second before he starts entering me at an agonizingly slow pace. The sensation is weird; it hurts, but I don't want him to stop. After Tucker enters me fully, he doesn't move as he showers my face with kisses.

"I love you," I whimper out, and I mean it.

Robin's POV

Luke is a freak. Before we left his cabin, he applied liberal amounts of scent blocker. I told him that I wouldn't need that much, but he just smirked at me, and I have since associated that smirk with trouble.

For the last hour, he has been mind-linking me all the things he is going to do to me tonight, and I swear my knees are slowly becoming gelatin.

We have been walking around receiving congratulations and every chance Luke gets, he plants a kiss on my marking spot, while reminding me how good I taste. It is becoming hard to concentrate with him mind f*cking me, but he doesn't seem fazed at all.

Now that Luke has been revealed as my mate, people have suddenly changed their tune about him, but my mate is smart. He isn't fooled by the fake praises, and while he is pretending to be flattered, he is linking me with very graphic details about the night that awaits us, and I have officially become a living waterfall.

I couldn't wait, but my mood was ruined by a she-wolf who was being very touchy with my mate. I did not expect him to be honest and mind-link me that the woman was an old fling, but he did.

I felt a slight pang in my heart and my wolf whimpered with his confession, but it was better to hear it from him than to have her rub it in my face later.

I started looking for an excuse to walk away, because I really wanted to kill the woman, especially since she was not hiding her arousal; hell, she wasn't even trying to hold it back. At her age, she should know how, it isn't easy, but all she-wolves learn some sort of self-control, lest you accidentally attract a rogue.

Rogues may have started off as average, or even good people, but being without a pack can turn a wolf feral and corrupt the human mind. Those who are fortunate enough to fall in line with a rogue pack keep their ability to shift, but those who do not, almost always go full wolf and need to be put down.

The b*tch is lucky I am not Raven, because she would have had her face clawed in a dark corner somewhere. Everyone thinks my sister is the nice one, and while she is 'girlier;' Raven is a savage.

She doesn't train much, which is why I can still beat her, but if she ever put her mind to it, she may be able to take me; maybe.

The woman touches my mate's shoulder again and I can't take it.

"Well, since you two seem to have some catching up to do, I will take my leave." Luke doesn't try to stop me, but I notice that he doesn't stick around the touchy woman either.

I find a familiar face in the crowd and I make my way over to him. Everyone believes that Jayden and I have been sleeping together, but the truth is that he is not interested in women.

His secret is safe with me, especially because I know the backward werewolf council requires all homosexual wolves to register for 'treatment,' which is really forced markings.

"I know that face," Jayden says. "You are trying to start some sh*t."

"Oh Jayden, you know me so well," I say loudly as I rest my hand on his bicep. Jayden is gay not weak, he is a good fighter, and a very well-built man. He is only able to keep up his charade because he claims to be waiting for 'the one.'

"B*tch are you crazy?" he asks with an eyebrow raised in alarm. His expression makes me actually laugh, and him calling me out of my name is pretty justified right now. I hear Luke growl, and Jayden freezes. He cannot beat Luke, in fact, only Lark can. "You better name your first baby after me." I rub my hand down his arm, and I feel myself being tugged away roughly.

"I know you are angry, but you are playing with fire Robin." Luke is talking into the crook of my neck, and Jayden uses the opportunity to vanish.

"I know Jayden is hot, but fire?" That does it for Luke.

My mate lifts me over his shoulder and parades me toward the Packhouse. I cover my face in mortification, especially when I catch the strong scent of my parents.

"Alpha, Luna; Robin and I will be going to bed now." I wanted to die from the embarrassment, but my mother just giggled while asking my father to calm down, and when I thought it couldn't get worse, I'm hit with the scent of my brother and Emma.

"Bro, I know she is your mate, but do you have to carry her like that?" I hear my father grunt in agreement, and I think Luke is going to put me down, but he stands his ground.

"My mate likes to play games. She thinks it's funny to flirt with other men in front of me." My mother gasps, and I hear my father sigh in defeat.

"Just make sure we don't hear you, okay son?" I suck in a gulp of air and choke, turning to look at my father as if I don't even know him anymore. "Don't give me that look Robin. Your mother tried the same thing with me when we were first mated, and that's how we got Lark." My mouth hangs open in shock. Here I am thrust over a man's shoulder and my father is making pregnancy jokes.

"Alpha's, Luna's; Robin and I are leaving now." I cover my face again. I can hear guests and pack members chuckling and giggling at my expense. Everyone knows what is going to happen.

"Don't worry mate, we won't be making any little Jayden's tonight."

"You heard?"

"Of course I heard, that is why he is still alive, and like I said no Jayden's, but maybe a little Luka?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


This is a little bit of a slow-moving story, but it will pick up pace.

It’s set somewhere The United States and features a healthy selection of diverse characters to either love or hate.

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