
Talking to a killer

Disaster of a texting history in which murderer Matthew Shaw accidentally texts the wrong number about his evil deeds. Do they end up... surprisingly getting along? - updates on wednesdays

AnaCMB · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

One more day, Andrew


don't tell me that kind of stuff while I'm eating my cereal

I almost choked

You'll be choking on something else soon enough

Matthew it is NINE in the morning

You're right, I'm sorry. What cereal are you eating?

cocoa puffs, obviously

they are the superior cereal

They're quite sugary. Are you sure you're eating healthy?

u have nO right to talk to me about eating healthy

ur ass is probably 90% ramen noodle

Well, I have been told it is quite the pleasure to eat me out

I don't understand what ur end goal is here

make me pop a boner while eating my cocoa puffs?

stop trying to sully my favorite childhood cereal

Apologies, darling. I couldn't resist

Any plans for the day?

mm not really

dave and I were gonna go to the park

peter wanted to come too but I told him to suck a ding dong

yknow, I wore these short shorts the other day bc it was so hot, and peter gave me the MOST judgmental look

like smh I'm sorry are my silky thighs distracting u peter???

He sounds horrid. Have you considered murdering him?

I have, actually

but I promised seam I'd give him a chance so I have to hold on for another week or so

after that though… well, if he accidentally gets thrown off a cliff, it's hardly my fault, is it?

I love it when your blood-thirsty side comes out

ur rubbing off on me

Well, I'm rubbing something, that's for sure


christ someone woke up with a stiffy

here's an idea: u take care of ur little problem, and I eat my cereal in peace

It's hardly little

~go away~

~come back after u've jerked off~

Tch, so rude

Alright, be back in a bit

have fun

Okay, I'm back


that was… quick

Are you implying something?

no no, nothing at all

Shut up

I didn't say anything!

I heard your implications, and I don't like them. Did you finish your cereal?


the cocoa puffs have been consumed

can't talk for too long tho love, we're off to the park soon

Love? Are you doing pet names for me now? How sweet

don't get used to it :p

Do Cocoa Puffs make you more docile? I'll have to keep that in mind

maybe I just had pity for u busting a nut at record speed

I take it back, Cocoa Puffs turn you into a gremlin. I'm never letting you have them again

as if u could keep me away from my puffs

I have like ten boxes stored away in hidden locations

not even dave knows where all of them are

Speaking of Dave, why are you two going to the park together?

do I need a reason to hang out with dave? smh

we've been going to the park together since I was a kid

picking flowers

watching the squirrels

Feeding the pigeons?

fuck the pigeons

Excuse me?

I said what I said and I meant what I said

I fucking hate those nasty buggers

What did the pigeons ever do to you?

a better question would be what DIDN'T the pigeons do to me

they steal my sandwiches

attack my shoes

the squirrels, on the other hand, are always lovely

I've never liked squirrels

excuse me?

I said what I said and I meant what I said

They used to bully me

Back at the orphanage

yea well u probably deserved it



I thought u didn't even know about hashtags

My internet research skills are impeccable


if we ever lived in a woodland cottage together, we'd end up starting a war

At least I would have the snakes on my side

excuse me? I love snakes. the snakes would be on my side

I am *the* snake man, I don't know what you're talking about

I used to have a pet snake!

I used to play with the garden snakes

Back at the ***orphanage***

u always bring up the orphanage like u think that's gonna win u arguments

it won't, bc I am the ultimate snake lover

It's so cute how you think you're right

fuk u

if this is how our date goes, I'm gonna end up tripping u every five minutes

I'll wreck u Matthewmy u better prepare urself

;) I'll look forward to it

NOT like that

ugh I never wanna see u use an emoticon again


I hate u

I thought you couldn't talk for long? That you had to go to the park?

shut up, I'm already at the park

u were distracting so I was using the speech to text thingy while I walked

If you were using speech to text, why do you still have so many spelling errors?

those aren't errors those are having CHARACTER

… Are you saying you manually edit your texts to make them look worse?

not worse


btw, dave looks happy

What? Why on earth would Dave's happiness mean anything to me?

omg don't be mean

it's bc he says I look happy

talking to u

so he's happy too

I just thought I would mention it

Oh. Well, that's… nice to hear

he says that even if moony ends up eating ur heart, he'll make sure u have a very nice funeral

with pretty flowers. dave actually took a class for flower arrangement, yknow

I… appreciate the sentiment

Do you really think your godfather will eat my heart?

Does he know we're going on a date Mattheworrow?

don't worry, I mentioned it

And he was okay with it?

'okay' is a big word…

at first he wanted to come with me

but then I told him it wouldn't rlly be a date if my big furry werewolf godfather was tagging along

so he said ok

He said okay? Just like that?

well, ok as long as I recorded the whole thing and then gave the video to him for review


and I have to send text updates to him every hour

or else he'll put out a hit on you


but it'll be ok


just think of it as a cute little vlog thing

Ah, yes, me getting brutally murdered, how cute

well, we can't all be winners

in all seriousness though, u can call it off if u want…

I know u probably didn't want all this baggage when u started flirting with me

 I know I'm probably not

worth it

or whatever



Shut up

excuse me?!

I asked you out knowing what I was getting into

I don't care about the risks, Andrew

I like you. And you're worth it

oh Matthew

what did I do to deserve u?

I ask myself the same thing every day

That is, I ask myself what I did to deserve you

Not what you did to deserve me

That would be kind of rude

And would kind of ruin the moment

I might have ruined the moment, actually


that's ok

I like u anyways <3



I'll see u tmrw, Matthew

wear something cute

Obviously. I'm always cute

obviously <3