
Talk About Life in a Parallel World

Hi, Ken Togashi here. You're going to be reading this and wonder [What type of story is this?] Well, if I had to say...I don't really know too, sorry. I mean, I didn't asked to be sent to a parallel world you know? I only got forced into it by a shitty goddess who doesn't really care if I live or die (atleast that's what I presume) Anyways, if I had to guess... Its a story of me leaving my life behind to start a new one in this parallel world, a story of me being in ridiculous situations, of me learning this world and the colorful people that live in it, of me experiencing love for the first time, and of me...learning how to let go, to let go of the past and accept that time moves without regards to anyone. Shit, didn't mean to get emotional there. Welp, I hope you understand a bit more now, I'll talk again after everything is over.

crinobi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 6: So that's one problem fixed.

If you go to a parallel world, land in jail before you even step foot inside a city, and meet a stunningly beautiful girl unlike anyone you have met in your life, would you call it fate?

If it is fate then I sure as hell would be complaining to the almighty god who's probably laughing at the funny situation he made for me.

Now where was I?

Oh right, I was standing in the middle of a room where criminals get to experience the good cop bad cop treatment while the potential main heroine of my life stood right in front of its doorway.

Standing there, I see her big beautiful eyes stare right at me.

Its color reminding me of the bright blue sky in which I fell from.

I can't help but be completely entranced by her gaze.



1, 2, 3, 4.



5, 6, 7, 8.



9, 10, 11, 12.



236, 237, 238, 239-- wait what the hell is even happening!?

We were staring at each for 4 whole minutes, not breaking eye contact or moving a single muscle.

She noticed what we have been doing as well, I hear her force a cough out as we both break our sudden staring contest.

    "ᚺᚨᛞ ᚨ ᚷᛟᛞ ᛚᛟᚲᚲᛖ?"

    "I don't know what the hell you're saying but my best guess is 'Are you satisfied?'"

I was half-expecting her to get offended with my reply but she looked at me with a perplexed look on her face.

Ah, what I mean by that is how you would look at someone dumber than you.

    "ᚹᚻᚫᛏ ᛚᚫᚾᚷᚫᚷᛖ ᚫᚱᛖ ᚹᚫᛏᚻ ᛖᚱᛖ ᚹᚻᚫᛏ ᛋᚢᚳᚾ ᚱᚫᛘᛚᛁᚾᚷ ᛒᚩᚱᛖ?"

I still don't understand what she's saying but judging from the tone of her voice, it sounded like a question (probably).

Instead of replying, this time I only shook my head. Compared to talking, body language is something that needs less work to understand.

It didn't take a second for her to understand my gesture.

She covered her face followed by a deep sigh, looking like someone that's done with everything.

Can't blame her, we can barely communicate after all.


With the both of us standing in this room half motionless for the past 5 minutes now. I honestly didn't know what to expect next.

I don't even know what she is doing even here in the first place, to look at me?

She was still quietly standing beside the doorway, almost like she was waiting for something.

To my surprise, I hear a Ka-chunk followed by the sight of the door opening.

Reacting to the sound, the blonde stepped to the side to make way for the person entering the room.

It was a woman who looked right around her mid 20's. A cool beauty is what I would best describe her. She had long red hair tied up into a ponytail and a pair of bottom-rimmed specs covered her scarlet red eyes, she also wore clothes that reminded me of that one strict teacher in highschool or a very serious secretary you'd see in movies.

    "ᚢᛚᚨᛏᛖ ᛚᚨᛏᛖ!" 

I hear the blonde react to her appearance and just from her tone alone, she wasn't particularly happy.

My guess?

Probably because she's late.

The secretary-looking lady apologetically lowers her head as the blonde talks to her about... something (how the fuck am I supposed to guess)

     "Uh, am I just supposed to stand here forever?"

I jostled my cuffs around to get their attention to which the two replied with a glare.

    [Yeah right, guessed as much.]

I stopped myself from doing anything else further, with this lack of communication between all of us, any wrong gesture I make might spell for my early trip to the pearly gates.

    [Oh yeah I got isekai without tragically dying, I can't make a joke about dying twice huh.]

As I was preoccupied with thinking about worthless information, I didn't notice that another person entered the room and was already talking with the two.

The first thing that caught my eye was a comedically huge staff that was as tall as me (I'm like 5'7), from the way the staff spiralled at the end reminded me of a mage's staff.

As my eyes drifted away from the top of the staff, I slowly traced my sight down to the person holding it.

To my surprise, I find myself looking at yet another girl that was for some reason still wearing her pajamas.

She seemed to be just around the height of my chest and had bright pink hair that flowed down from her nightcap, pointing all over as if she hasn't fixed her bedhead yet.

She had a small voice but it sounded weirdly monotone, lacking a high tone that you would expect from her.

Using her huge staff as a pole, she shifts her whole weight unto it as a loud yawn escaped through her sleepy mouth.

The blonde wasn't particularly fond of seeing her slacking around so she gave a light flick in the middle of her forehead.

That's pretty cute....


So what now, 4p sex?

Like come on, I wake up in a fucking prison, get handcuffed, get dragged into a room that looks like an interrogation room and then 3 different girls come in here for no reason!?

I can sort off accept that the red-haired one would be the one interrogating me because she looks the most serious among the three of them but a loli in pajamas?

    "Just let the next canon even happen alrea--HWOAAH!?"

I suddenly found myself being forced down to the chair by some unknown force, it felt like gravity itself intensified only on me.


I tried lifting even my arms but I can't even move a single muscle.


Unless this whole damn prison is being spun around by a G-machine, that was the only conclusion I can think of.

As I struggled to move my arms around, the sound of footsteps approached me.

Not being able to turn my head around, I struggled in place to watch as the two of them passed by me.

The redhead sat down on the chair in front of me while ojou-sama looking blonde took the chair beside her.

    "T-took you guys long enough!"


Just saying something took effort because of how the world itself felt like it was caving in on me.

    "ᚾᛟᚹ ᚦᛖᚾ."

I hear a formal yet cold voice in front of me.


    "ᛞᛟ ᚣᛟᚢ ᚹᚺᛁ ᚣᛟᚢ'ᚱᛖ ᚺᛖᚨᚱ ᚠᛟᚱ?"

    "How many times do I have to tell you guys that I don't get anything you---Hwoaa!?"

As I try to retort back at her, the feeling of getting pushed down intensified. I lacked the strength to even raise my head.


    "ᚠᛁᚷᚢᚱᛖᛞ ᚨᛋ ᛗᚨᚢᛏᚺ..."


As I wondered if she even said anything, the pajama loli from earlier was suddenly standing right next to me.

For some reason, the top part of her staff was glowing.

    [Ah, don't tell me all of this build-up is leading up to my execution?]

That was the conclusion that I made after seeing her hold it up like she was about to smack me with it.

    "Wait wait wait wait! I know you guys are wary of me but it's too early to kill me off right now!!"

My heart raced faster as I try to brute force myself off of this chair but each time I struggled, the gravity effect bullshit became stronger and stronger.

Before I got to say anything, I hear a small grunt as she smacks me in the head with the staff.


It felt the way it did as you can imagine it, a giant wooden staff bonking you in the head but...

    "Well that was anticlimactic."

I didn't die (thankfully) and it only left me with a headache that would last a couple hours or so but other than that...

    "What was the point o----AAAAAC!!"

Cutting myself off was the sound of my screaming.

A piercing-like feeling struck the insides of my head as if someone took a knife and struck it deep inside my head.


I kept screaming, instinctively tried grabbing myself but the gravity effect prevented me from doing so. My legs tried their best to trash around from the pain but it stayed in place, also as if it was tied to the legs of the chair.

I can't count the seconds of how long it lasted but it stopped when I stopped screaming.


The constant pain was gone but it left a nauseating feeling within me.

Sweat streaked down my face as I try my best to not hurl right in front of these girls.

    "The commoner looks like a monkey that has been beaten to the ground right now. Did it work?

    "The mimirenié spell is one that I haven't practiced that well yet...I only tried it on small animals to talk to them but in the end, the amount of mana being transferred to their brain caused them to explode right in front of me...huaaaah..."

I heard voices.

One that I didn't understand before but it was clear to me now.

For some reason my body felt light again, that feeling of being dragged down by gravity was gone.

I grabbed my head as I slowly raised it to look at them.

    "It hurts...so much..."

    "Look, I understand what he's saying now."

    "Oh, you're right!"

The staff loli and the ojou sama girl were talking with each other, looking quite satisfied with the feat they managed to achieve.

Seems like that pain I went through fixed the language barrier thing, hooray!

    "So with this, I presume that you understand us now?"

Asking me was the redhead who had her fingers laced around each other as she asks me.

    "All that build up for this conclusion hu---HIEEEEE!?"

I let out a loud shriek as a sudden jolt of lightning passed by my ear.

    "Who permitted you to say anything else peasant? You are only to say what is required for you to answer."

The lightning came from the blonde in front of me, her face tightening in irritation as she looks at me.

This bitch!

I thought she looked cute earlier but now that I can understand her, I could finally see her true colors.

One very annoying haughty noble.


    "Yes ma'am I understand you ma'am!"

Shit, I have to play by their rules in the meantime.

I hear a yawn from my side as staff loli relaxes herself on one of the chairs, just one wink away from drifting away to sleep.

    "Before we begin further discussions, let us introduce ourselves."

The redhead stood up from her chair.

    "My name is Lena Yaneor, a prosecutor of her majesty's kingdom of Randia."

    "Er aaa, I'm uhh...Togashi! My name is Ken Togashi. Nice to meet you... I guess"

    [Why does this feel like a weird job interview...]

    "Lilithia De La Bianciaroleth, remember that you commoner. Although I doubt you would live long enough to remember it."


Without standing up from her chair, Bianciaroleth unpleasantly introduced herself to me and said something that I really think I need to worry about.

    "Ah wait, what about her?"

I point at the half-asleep loli on the faraway chair.

    "She doesn't need to introduce herself to you."  Bianciaroleth said.

    "I want to atleast thank her for helping out our miscommunication you know, I was really afraid I can never talk to anyone here..."

    "Hmph, a simple showing of gratitude won't save you from anything else."


She's the type of person that's going to drive me out of my limits, really annoying!

Although I don't want to wake the other girl just to introduce herself to me, I'll let this one slide...

After telling me to sit down, we finally ready ourselves to start talking about...well whatever.

    "Hey commoner, place your hands on the table."

    "Uh, sure?"

I lifted my hands and rested it above the table.

Suddenly, she was poking it with her index finger.

    "Don't get strange ideas. I have the means to figure out if you are lying or not, if you say anything untruthfully then I'll make sure you won't want to do it again."


I just gave her a small nod and then listened to what Lena had to say.

Lena took a clipboard-looking thing out and started reading off of it.

    "Yesterday just past noon, miss Bianciaroleth was just riding on her wind dragon when she suddenly felt a large outburst of mana just above her."

Wait mana?

Last time I checked I don't remember being filled with magical energy or some shit.

As I wonder this, Lena continues reading on while Bianciaroleth had her eyes focused on me.

    "It is very unusual to find such a high amount of mana that high in the sky. That is w---"

    "Wait a second miss...Lena."

I cut her off. Something has been bugging me for a while now and I've finally figured it out.

    "What was my crime in the first place?"

Like I'm being interrogated and all but why?

    "When did I give you permission to speak you plebian!"


Electricity suddenly hit my body, making me twitch all over.

    "I won't do it anymore so please stop!"


It finally stopped, causing me to slump over the table.

I don't think I could handle anymore physical abuse, one more hit to the head or jolt of lightning and I'll definitely cover this table with what I last ate yesterday.

    "It's alright miss Bianciaroleth...he does have the right to know what his crimes are. I just did not think it was necessary."

    "A-and why is that Lena-san?"

I struggled to catch my breath as we both stare at each other.

    "You would be executed right after we extracted all the information we could get from you. A dead man doesn't need to know his wrong doings."