
Talk About Life in a Parallel World

Hi, Ken Togashi here. You're going to be reading this and wonder [What type of story is this?] Well, if I had to say...I don't really know too, sorry. I mean, I didn't asked to be sent to a parallel world you know? I only got forced into it by a shitty goddess who doesn't really care if I live or die (atleast that's what I presume) Anyways, if I had to guess... Its a story of me leaving my life behind to start a new one in this parallel world, a story of me being in ridiculous situations, of me learning this world and the colorful people that live in it, of me experiencing love for the first time, and of me...learning how to let go, to let go of the past and accept that time moves without regards to anyone. Shit, didn't mean to get emotional there. Welp, I hope you understand a bit more now, I'll talk again after everything is over.

crinobi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: I'LL DO IT OK?

Either die because you meet someone you're not supposed to meet or stay here forever and be with the cats until you grow old.

Gods do not play fair at all.

Ken: "There isn't much of a choice to pick huh? Why me in the first place…"

My heartrate started going faster. The idea of being forced into another world didn't sit well with me.

Sifina: "Why you…"

She thought about it for a second, I could hear her go [Hmmmm] as the cats around started gathering up. Almost as if they wanted to hear what she wanted to say as well.

Sifina: "It's because you're the only one that my servant has found. I told her to bring anyone she finds here and so she brought you!"

Sifina pointed at me as she puffed up her chest. Staring down at me with her heterochromia eyes.

It's nice knowing that being at the wrong place at the wrong time led me here. I guess my rng is that bad, not just in gacha but in real life too.


Thinking about it for a second, I wondered what it meant to leave this world behind.

I clenched the necklace hanging on my neck, reminding me of how I lived my life in these 17 years of my existence.

[Absolutely nothing.]

Yeah, there wasn't anything special about me. I don't have a tragic past, I wasn't born rich or poor, my looks were average, and my grades in school weren't that bad either.

Honestly, I won't lose anything if I accept Sifina's request.

I'll be someone much bigger than who I am right now, someone who can change the world and become a part of its history.

Why should I refuse her?

Ken: "Hah, is that even a question I should ask myself?"

Sifina: "Huh?"

Sifina tilted her head as she looked at me. Her multi-colored irises stared down at me as she raised her eyebrows.

Ken: "What do I get from this?"

Sifina: "A, ah? Uhm…..We will decide that after you completed your quest! Yeah!"

Stuttering for a second, Sifina puts her arms above her waist. Confident that her answer would make me give in.

Ken: "Shit reward, gimme something better!"

Sifina: "Fueeh? No!"

She said with a loud voice.

Sifina: "How much you accomplish would be the basis for your reward. Don't you think it— What are you doing?"

Crap! Busted!

While she was busy explaining, Sifina didn't even notice that I was sneaking away from her.

Sifina: "Mo…naughty boys like you won't be rewarded you know?"

She then snapped her fingers, I wondered what that was supposed to do but it didn't take me long to understand it.

Ken: "What the!?"

My body froze. No matter how much I told my body to move, not a single finger twitched.

Ken: "What are yo—!?"

My body started moving again but something was different. I feel my arms and feet take a step back to where I was from. With each millisecond that passed, the whole world went slower…and slower…until everything played back in time. Like a person hitting the rewind button on a VHS, leaves that fell to the ground rise back into the air, reattaching to the branches that they fell from.

Ken: "HwoHowaa!"

Sifina: "Huff!"

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Sifina clap her hands.

Ken: "HWOAAAA!?"

Suddenly, the whole world sped up. I feel my organs squish back to my ribs as my body accelerated back to Sifina.

It didn't last long however. Opening my eyes, I found myself back at where I was before Sifina started talking about my rewards and shit.

Ken: "Hwa-What!?"

I pat my body around, nothing seemed wrong about it, however.

[But I was there just a moment ago!]

Looking behind me, I looked where I was a moment ago. There was no trace of my footsteps, it looked exactly the same before I got there.

Sifina: "I told you. You don't have a choice to pick, Ken Togashi."

Sifina smiled at me, reminding me of what my position is in this matter.

Ken: "….."

An uneasy feeling welled deep within my gut, my heart racing faster than I have ever felt in my life.

Sifina: "You don't have to look so worried you know?"

Sifina took a step forward as I take one backwards.

Sifina: "Guess I scared you too much."

Ken: "Yeah, I don't think too much would even cut here my holiness."

Laughing at my reply, Sifina took another step but this time I didn't back away.

Sifina: "No one else but you can do this…So please."

She grabbed both of my hands, I feel the warmth of her gentle fingers caressing my hand. Sifina looked at me with her eyes feverish and red, watering up as she stared at me eye to eye.

Ken: "I, I'm, ah, thi- FUCKING FINE I'LL DO IT OK?"

It's not fair for her to look at me like that, fuck you goddesses and your calming buff.