
Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Fang Yun has become a snake and got a system, the system requires him to brush up to 10 million reputation values, or face eternal death. So Fang Yun began to crazily upgrade! A beautiful outdoor streamer in the mountains, facing the camera and the live friends sending gifts but was caught by a one-meter-long python. 3,000 meters above the sea surface, Lake Logar is suspected of the appearance of water monsters, causing a large number of tourists to explore. On the calm sea, a luxurious cruise ship is slowly moving forward. Visitors stood on the deck as the sea breeze blow. Suddenly, someone found that under the water behind their cruise ship, a black shadow hundred of meters long is following closely. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This is not my story. I so not claim it as such and will thus not be turning on any sort of restrictions or locked chapters. I have tried to find the original author and translator, however I am unsure if I’ve found the right one. If they are wrong please do write it and I will change it. I have not found the original story and every site have different amounts of chapters so I will link the site on novel updates where you can find what I hope are the original author and translators. Please do enjoy as this only meant to spread the story on to this platform. Original author: 香蕉气吁吁 Translator: Banana Panting Site where I found the book and pertaining information: https://www.mtlnovel.com/all-realms-start-with-python/

lil_poop_pug · Eastern
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99 Chs

Chapter 63: There is Really a Python


  Chen Xiaoyu screamed in horror, turning around. She hurriedly escaped to the shore, as if behind her, there is truly a horrifying beast chasing her.

  The cameraman beside her was very calm at the moment, still firmly pointing the camera at Xiaoyu.


  At the same time, Feng Zhan on the shore slapped of thighs, his face was full of satisfaction.

"Xiaoyu, your acting is extremely good!"

  After he said this, he walked to Xiaoyu, intending to give her a hug.

  The other crew members were also smiling at this moment.

  They also felt that Xiaoyu's previous acting was perfect. This is a good start, after finishing all the scenes in this area. They will immediately leave this shitty place.

  The cameraman behind Chen Xiaoyu put the camera on the floor, sighing in relief.

  This camera is really heavy. It's very laborious to rely just on one man to shoot all the scenes in this area, fortunately, this scene was perfect on the first try, sparing him a lot of work.

  "Hah, mister Feng, fast, we must leave…"

  Feng Zhan walked over and grabbed Chen Xiaoyu who was still running. He was preparing to praise her when she suddenly said with her voice shaking.

  "There are snakes here!"

  "Ha ha ha!"

  After hearing Chen Xiaoyu's words, Feng Zhan couldn't help but laugh.

"Xiaoyu, this scene was finished, you can relax."

  He gently patted Chen Xiaoyu's back and tried to calm her.

  "Xiaoyu is taking her role very seriously, she is so immersed in her script."

The man in the cap next to Feng Zhan jokingly said.

  Hearing that, Feng Zhan replied with a smile.

"This is a trait that all good actors should have, only by being immersed in the plot can they express their emotions so clearly."

  "These days, most of the actors don't want to work hard, don't want to immerse themselves in the plot. Although their performance looks impeccable on the surface, it doesn't look genuine, there is not much feeling in it. Only actors like Xiaoyu have a bright future in front of them."

  After saying this, he looked appreciatively at Chen Xiaoyu.

  "No, director!"

  Chen Xiaoyu was crying. she held Feng Zhan hand and said in a panic.

"There are snakes here! There are big pythons!"


  Feng Zhan and the rest looked at each other.

  snake? What snake?

  Just as they were confused, suddenly –


  The sound of something crawling on the ground sounded, everyone's face stiffened, their breathing stagnated and the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

  They slowly turned around, looking at the source of the sound.

  After seeing what caused that sound.


  Feng Zhan gulped. He felt that his feet became like jelly.

  Not far away, a huge python drilled from the bushes and was crawling along the shoreline.

  This giant python is at least 10 meters long and is crazy thick, much thicker than an adult man thigh.

  For such a huge python, even an adult man is nothing but a snack.

  "Feng, Feng."

  After seeing this huge python again, Chen Xiaoyu was immediately scared to death. She hugged Feng Zhan's body and stuck her breasts onto his arms, seemingly wanting some comfort.

  However, Feng Zhan at this time didn't pay any attention to that, he was also very shocked, his head was blank.

  The other crew members are basically the same, staring at the giant python in a thunderstruck manner.

  As the python crawled further and further, the eyes of the people on the edge of the marsh didn't leave it for even a second, afraid that the giant python suddenly goes berserk and attack them.

  Fortunately, the giant python didn't even glance at them, it just crawled along the shoreline, getting farther and farther.

  Seeing that the giant python is more than 100 meters away, the atmosphere on the shore of the marsh gradually relaxed.


  In the crowd, some people let out a sigh of relief, turning back, they looked at each other with a bitter smile.

  They came this deep into the forest to make a movie about giant pythons, and they actually met a true giant python.

  Only now did these people understand, Chen Xiaoyu wasn't acting at all. That was her real reaction.

  Everyone has once seen a python, zoos have plenty of them.

  But most of the pythons they saw weren't even 3 meters. 4 or 5-meter python are absolute rarities in the zoo. More importantly, they were all behind a protective glass cover.

  However, the python that they just saw was at least 10 meters long.

  What concept is this?

  The height of one floor is about three meters. If this python were to stand up straight, then he would be taller than 3 floors!

�� They have never seen such a huge python before! Not even in pictures!

  It's no wonder that everyone was so scared.


  Director Feng looked at the back of giant python, wiping a cold sweat on his forehead. He said to his crewmembers

"How could there be such a huge python in this place?"

  His eyes turned to the guide hidden in the crowd.

  The guide showed a confused look, indicating that he doesn't know.

  "This python is at least 10 meters long, probably the only one of its kind in the whole world."

  The cap man took a deep breath and said.

"I really don't know if we are lucky or unlucky."

  All the other people were powerlessly lying on the ground. That 'standoff' with the python before had drained all their strength.

  Everyone shook their heads when they heard the cap man words.

  A python this big is so rare that even if people want to meet with it, it's even harder than winning the lottery. If it was a biologist who met with it, he would probably get very excited.

  However, ordinary people like them absolutely don't want to meet with horrible behemoths like this in the wild.

  "Now that I think about it, the crocodiles in this swamp shouldn't have been eaten by this python?"

  Suddenly, someone in the crowd said.

  The atmosphere that had finally relaxed tensed again.

  When they reached this place, everyone did not find the crocodiles they expected and concluded that they have immigrated. But now, things may not be that simple.

  Thinking that the previous python may have devoured all the crocodiles in the swamp, caused everyone to feel a chill in their spine.

  If that giant python intended to eat them, then would they even survive?

  Especially Chen Xiaoyu, she is shaking in fear right now.

  Fortunately, that giant python was on the shore. If it was in the water…

  She couldn't help but imagine herself walking step by step into the marsh. Under the water, a giant python is staring at her greedily, but she is oblivious.

  Suddenly, the giant python attacked her, bitting her leg and dragging her underwater.

  Thinking of this, Chen Xiaoyu shook even harder.

  "Well, everyone, do not think about it anymore!"

  Feng Zhan clapped his hands.

"Pack everything, I think that we should change places!"

  Although the giant python has already left. No one is sure that it will come back, so they certainly can't continue staying here.

  After hearing that, the crew members were relieved.

  If Feng Zhan insists on continuing to film here, then they are really risking their lives.

  After packing up, the group was preparing to leave this place.

  "Xiao Long, what are you still watching the phone for, let's leave!"

  Feng Zhan urged the cap man to hurry up. At this time, he still has the mood to lay with his mobile phone. He really does have guts.

  Seeing that the cap man was still watching his phone, he shook his head and walked over. However, once he saw what the cap man was watching, he was stunned.

  He is currently watching a video on his mobile phone.

  It's the video of the giant python that previously walked along the shoreline.

  "Feng brother, I think we have the promotional clip for our movie."