
tales of the wizard god

Years after a great disaster Aincrad will again need the help of the legendary Mage God, but where he will be after all these centuries, follow the story of his descendants in search of our protagonist in the midst of a new magical war

DaoisthX · Fantasy
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32 Chs


"Aincrad, a peaceful world where the races present there live in communion and harmony, this state however was changed with the arrival of the Ancient Demons, whose objective was the enslavement of all the dominant races

Facing such danger the already harmonious races came together even more, demonstrating the best of each species, however, even if everyone had tried their best or even more, it was not enough, the Demons self-proclaimed as conquerors were powerful, and were succeeding oppress Aincrad's powerful alliance.

A trail of absolute terror was played over all of Aincrad, three legions of demons led by the most trusted generals of Orobas, Jormungard the demonic serpent, Archiri the demon of lies and cheating and Abigor the demon of battle.

Among such despair, hope fell on the shoulders of a man, who in just one step suppressed what a myriad of races could not.

He was Aragorn Crowler, the Mage who was already at the Forerunner level, who in the midst of despair brought hope, seen by many on his journey as the only being with such a concentration of magical mana, to a level seen only in mystical beasts like dragons.

Aragorn bravely fighting alongside his wives the elf Arwen, lenore of the spirit race and the human twins Charlotte and Pandora, with the support of their races, slowly turned the tide against the invaders, and so came the final confrontation.

In the last battle, after the arrival of the demonic lord Orobas and with the loss of tens of thousands of men, many friends and companions of Aragorn, his body reached the necessary accumulation to enter a new stage, thus forcibly merging all of his 9 circles of magic he broke the boundaries that bound him, thus becoming the first Mage God, the pride of all races, the man who stopped the war, or so they said.

The war was won, the invaders expelled, plus the price, it had been too high.

Aragorn, in despair at the loss of his companions and one of his loved ones, Pandora, withdrew from everyone's eyes.

Thus, after 2,000 years of lasting peace, the heroes lost in the great battle were forgotten and the magician God Aragorn became a legend.

However, this period of peace is threatened because once again a current of demonic energy is emerging in isolated points of Aincrad ....

I hope you like it and I say that a great adventure is coming, I count on your evaluations

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