
Tales of the Vampires

Serolf Academy, a prestigious institution reserved for the intellectually gifted and affluent, concealed a hidden truth. Unbeknownst to all, this academy served as a school for vampires. The fate of the female human transfer student hangs in the balance after accidentally uncovering the academy's secret. Will she endure the challenges of living in this concealed world, or will she become a key player in aiding the vampires to resolve conflicts with other supernatural beings?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Strengthening Security

The mansion lay eerily silent, mirroring the heavy atmosphere engulfing its residents following Genevieve's death.

Suddenly, a thunderous BAM shattered the stillness, causing everyone to startle as Heberlin's fist crashed down upon the table with primal fury.

"Those bastards who killed Gen! I will never forgive them! I'll tear them apart!" Heberlin's voice trembled with rage, his eyes blazing red, and his fangs bared like a predator.

"A chimera is responsible, but I can't figure out who...someone is blocking me from knowing the truth," Aria said.

"Damn chimera! How did they manage to get into the academy?" Xylon exclaimed, his disbelief mingled with anger.

Silence hung heavy in the air. No one answered. No one knew.

"I'll tighten security at the Academy. No one will get in or out without my permission," Kan vowed, his determination cutting through the tension.

Aria remained silent, her heart burdened with worry for both herself and Cedrick. With Kan's proposed tightening of security, the possibility of her meeting Cedrick dwindled, leaving their future together uncertain amidst the perilous circumstances.


Kan followed through on his promise, tightening security and fortifying the Academy with additional barriers. With the signal within the Academy also gone, Jade found it difficult to contact her family, adding to her frustration.

As she lay on her bed, Jade scowled. "No signals, no internet... how boring!" she remarked.

She also rarely saw the Season siblings, as they were always absent.

Jade turned when she heard a knock on the window. She almost screamed when she saw Xylon hanging outside like a bat.

Jade quickly opened the window. "You're crazy! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.

Xylon grinned, his eyes playful. "Really? Does your heart skip a beat when you see me?" he teased.

"Shut up!" Jade shot back, though a hint of a smile played on her lips.

Xylon laughed and entered Jade's room. "Where's your roommate?" he asked.

"She's not here, as usual," Jade replied.

Seating himself on the bed, Xylon suggested, "Why not stay at the mansion? It's creepy being alone here."

"I'm fine," Jade said, moving closer to him.

Xylon's gaze lingered on her lips.

"Shit," he cursed in his mind, feeling the urge to kiss her.

Swallowing hard, Jade noticed him, causing her to bite her lip, which only fueled his desire further.

Jade was taken aback when crimson rose petals began to rain around them. "Wow... it's raining petals!" she exclaimed in amazement.

Unbeknownst to her, it was Xylon's illusion, but she smiled nonetheless, captivated by the enchanting sight.

When Jade glanced back at Xylon, her breath caught in her throat. Slowly, he leaned in, and she found herself unable to move as his lips met hers. Closing her eyes, she surrendered to the moment. Xylon's gentle nibble on her lower lip caused her lips to slightly part. Jade responded to the kiss, holding onto his neck.

Their kiss deepened, igniting a passionate exchange. Both were breathless when they pulled away.

Blushing, Jade covered her face with pillow, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration.

Xylon chuckled at her. "Pft. Come on, remove that pillow," he said, removing the pillow from her face.

Jade lowered her head shyly. She heard Xylon's laughter, which only made her blush deepen. "You look adorable when you blush," he teased, his eyes alight with affection.

"Stop it," Jade protested weakly, playfully swatting him with the pillow.

Xylon's laughter filled the room. He grabbed another pillow, and they started a pillow fight.



"Kan, please, let me out," Aria pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.

"I'm sorry, Lady Aria, but we're tightening security," Kan responded, his tone firm.

Tears welled up in Aria's eyes, cascading down her cheeks like silent rivers of anguish.

"B-But Cedrick is waiting," she choked out, her voice breaking with emotion.

Kan heaved a heavy sigh, his eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and resolve.

"You knew it was wrong to fall in love with a human," he said.

Aria remained silent, her tears flowing unabated, her heart torn between duty and desire. Suddenly, Xenon appeared and saw his best friend crying. With a gentle understanding, Xenon approached Aria and enveloped her in a comforting embrace.

Meanwhile, Cedrick stared out of the apartment window, his gaze fixed on the horizon with a mixture of longing and melancholy.

"Are you waiting for Aria?" Stephen inquired, his voice filled with concern.

Cedrick nodded, his expression one of quiet sadness.

"It's been days since she last visited," Cedrick replied, his voice tinged with longing.

"Perhaps she's simply preoccupied with school," Stephen suggested, his attempt at reassurance falling short in the face of Cedrick's palpable distress.

Cedrick let out a resigned sigh, his gaze drifting to the distant silhouette of the Serolf Academy, where his heart yearned for the presence of the one he loved.



Yvess made his way to the chapel once more to visit Lilith.

"I've heard about what befell your friend. A bat brought me the news," Lilith said.

Yvess's expression darkened. "A chimera took Genevieve's life. Yet, the perpetrator remains elusive," he lamented, his tone heavy with frustration.

A flicker of suspicion crossed Lilith's features as she spoke. "I have a gut feeling that the council is involved," she revealed, her gaze intense and unwavering.

Yvess froze, his mind racing with implications. "Th-The council?" he asked.

Lilith nodded.

As silence enveloped them, Yvess suddenly pondered. What could the council be planning? Crayven's demise had been shrouded in mystery, and now Genevieve had fallen victim to their schemes. The question loomed heavily in his mind: Why are they doing this?



Jade was walking down the hallway when she suddenly slipped.

"Waahhh!" she screamed.

In an instant, Phoenix was there, catching her before she could hit the ground. She found herself holding onto his neck as they locked eyes. Jade instinctively moved away when she realized how close their faces were.

Regaining her composure, she straightened herself up. "Thank you," she said.

Phoenix's smile was warm, but there was a flicker of concern in his eyes. "Be more careful next time," he advised gently.

Inviting her to join him for a meal at the cafeteria, they found themselves engrossed in conversation.

"You're quite close to Xylon, aren't you?" Phoenix inquired casually.

Jade couldn't help but choke a bit at the mention of Xylon's name, she remembered the kiss again.

"Ah, well, he's just a bit of a nuisance, always pestering me," she replied, attempting to brush off the subject.

Phoenix's gaze was thoughtful. "It seems like he's taken a liking to you," he observed.

Jade's didn't respond, her emotions a tangled mess as she grappled with her feelings.

Suddenly, Phoenix reached out and gently took her hand.

"Jade, do you like him too?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Caught off guard, Jade faltered, her mind racing as she wrestled with her inner turmoil.

Does she truly have feelings for Xylon? She finds solace and happiness in his presence, feeling a sense of security she's never experienced before. She enjoys his teasing. Does that mean she likes him too?

As Phoenix tightened his grip on her hand, Jade withdrew hers, her heart torn between conflicting emotions.

"I-I have to go... I still have class," she stammered, her excuse feeble as she hastily retreated.

Left standing alone, Phoenix watched her go, his heart heavy with unspoken longing.

"I don't want to see you walking away from me one day... I couldn't bear it, Jade," he whispered softly to himself, the weight of his unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air.

I'm back! Sorry for not updating these past few days due to my busy work. Thank you Candle. Your message motivated me and gave me reason to return on writing.

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